摘要(英) |
ENSO is a very important climate phenomenon which plays an important role in interact atmosphere and sea. The research shows that wil happen every 2-7 years, temperature of eastern Pacific Ocean increase, the cumulus will convert more vigorously. Because of the different location of latent heat was released into the atmosphere, it affects the atmosphere circulation. When ENSO is stronger, Peru will happened flood, and there will caused drought in Australia and Indonesia.
The first step of my research, the best choice of ENSO index, is Nino3.4. According to the long-term Nino3.4 temperature history record from NOAA reanalysis data, a significant inter-annual variation of ENSO is clearly standout. Based upon the Nino3.4 sea surface temperature, relative El-Nin ̃o/La-Nin ̃a are separated into four regions by adopting the 0.8 standard deviation of SST variance.
Followed by the precipitation data of Central Weather Bureau of Taiwan, to understand the variation of atmospheric circulation and Velocity potential in ENSO events, and find out the relationship between Taiwan winter rainfall and ENSO. And I analysis the temperature of South China Sea, to find out will it affect the rainfall of Taiwan. And keep comparing with others place to know the oscillation of west Pacific Ocean by ENSO changes.
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