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姓名 郭宗華(Tsung-Hua Kuo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 太空科學研究所
(Retrievals of Temperature/Moisture Parameters from AMSUand Its Application in Typhoon Monitoring)
★ 應用SSM/I衛星資料於西太平洋颱風特性之分析★ 應用衛星資料於熱帶氣旋之環境場分析
★ 衛星資料反演海氣參數及其在梅雨期海上中尺度對流系統生成發展之應用★ 應用SSM/I衛星資料分析桃芝與納莉颱風之降雨及海氣參數的變化
★ 利用Spot 4衛星的Vegetation資料比較NDVI, ARVI, 及AFRI植被指數與氣溶膠厚度之關係★ 中華衛星一號海洋水色照相儀資料之大氣校正及其應用
★ 應用衛星資料分析颱風降雨與颱風強度變化之關係★ 衛星資料反演海氣參數在乾旱預警之研究
★ 應用SSM/I衛星資料於颱風中心定位及最大風速估算★ 應用衛星資料分析海氣參數與颱風強度變化之關係
★ 衛星資料在夏季午後對流潛勢環境之初步分析★ MODIS在生質燃燒監測之應用研究
★ 應用SSM/I衛星觀測資料估算颱風定量降水★ AMSU衛星資料反演大氣溫濕剖面及其在颱風強度估算上之應用
★ 利用HHT之EMD方法分析SSM/I資料估算之客觀指數與颱風強度年際變化關係★ MODIS和NOAA衛星資料反演之大氣溫濕度剖線在夏季午後對流前兆分析之應用
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摘要(中) 由1998年新一代的氣象衛星NOAA-15升空後,其所攜帶的新一代先進微波探測單元,AMSU,有比以往的剖線探測器更高的空間解析力及頻道解析力,因此,此新儀器資料能提供我們更強的颱風分析能力。本研究之目的即在於建立NOAA AMSU 資料的溫濕度剖線的反演方法,並利用其反演結果分析颱風參數。
在溫濕度剖線反演,本研究是使用IAPP程式套求得剖線,並與台灣地區6個探空站相較,其溫度剖線的RMSE約為2.5K。而在颱風分析方面,本研究利用靜力流體平衡及梯度風方程兩個假設導出颱風徑向方向最大風速做為颱風強度的指標。另外並建立temperature anomaly與最大風速間的迴歸關係。另外,本研究也建立路徑預測的迴歸方程。由於AMSU資料有比MSU資料更好的空間解析,因此其分析結果都較MSU資料結果來的佳。
摘要(英) The goal of this study is to use NOAA AMSU data to retrieve the atmospheric temperture/moisture profiles, and use the result for typhoon monitoring. AMSU can provide a better much spatial resolution in 48 km than its firstrunner, MSU. Hence, it provides a more powerful capacity in typhoon monitoring. In retrievals, this study used IAPP package to obtain the atmospheric profiles, and got a accuracy at 2.5 K or so. Meanwhile, this study used the retrieved temperature field to derive the typhoon maximum wind speed. Again, this study used the derived the parameters to construct the typhoon prediction model in predict the typhoon track/intensity variations.
關鍵字(中) ★ 颱風
★ 衛星
★ amsu
關鍵字(英) ★ amsu
★ satellite
★ typhoon
論文目次 Table of Contents
Abstract i
Table of Content ii
Figure Captions iii
I. Introduction 1
1.1 Historical Background 1
1.2 Motivations 4
1.3 Research Review 6
II. Theory and Methodology 11
2.1 Microwave Radiative Transfer Equation 11
2.2 Temperature/Moisture Profile Retrievals 12
2.3 Relationship between Temperature Anomalies and Maximum Wind Speed 14
III. Data and Pre-processing 17
3.1 AMSU Data 17
3.2 HIRS/3 Data 18
3.3 Data Pre-processing 19
3.3.1 Image navigation 21
3.3.2 Radiance calibration 24
3.3.3 Other Pre-processing 25
IV. Results and Discussions 27
4.1 Retrieved Temperature Fields 27
4.2 Maximum Wind Speeds 29
4.3 Typhoon Intensity and brightness temperature 30
V. Conclusions and Outlook 33
References 55
Table of Content
Table 2-1 Comparison of the oxygen and water vapor transmittance computed by our fast model and the fast model used Rosenkranz algorithm. 35
Table 3-1 Specifications of the AMSU Channels; F1 stands for 57290.334 MHz ). 36
Table 4-1. Statistical comparisons of typhoon intensity estimations using different
brightness temperature. 37
Fig. 1.1 Picture of Sputnik. 38
Fig. 1-2 Picture of NOAA. 38
Fig. 2-1 Flow Chart of construction of as fast transmittance model. 39
Fig. 3-1 FOV of MSU (dark circle) and AMSU (line circle). 40
Fig. 3-2 Transmittance of H2O and O2 for AMSU channels. 40
Fig. 3-3 AMSU channel frequency. 41
Fig. 3-4 AMSU weighting function. 42
Fig. 3-5 MSU weighting function. 43
Fig. 3-6 Navigation reference frames. 44
Fig. 3-7 Zenith angles definition. 44
Fig. 3-8 Azimuth angles definition. 45
Fig. 4.1 Track of typhoons analyzed in this study. 46
Fig 4-2. (a.) The relationship between typhoon intensities and longitude, (b) same as (a), but for longitude. 49
Fig. 4-3 The temperature/moisture field retrieved from AMSU data of 2003/09/01 05:55Z. 50
Fig. 4-4 The maximum wind speed derived from AMSU of Typhoon Soudelor, (a) 2003/06/17/06Z, (b)2003/06/18/06Z, unit in m/sec. 54
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指導教授 劉振榮(Gin-Rong Liu) 審核日期 2004-7-15
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