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姓名 周展毅(Chan-Yi Chou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 太空科學研究所
論文名稱 GPS信號遮蔽觀測於電離層斷層掃描之模擬研究
★ 運用模糊幾何理論對於Es層做自動分類及分析★ GPS/MET及中壢DPS電離層遮蔽觀測比較
★ 結合NNSS與GPS/MET衛星資料於電離層斷層掃描觀測及其比較★ 電離圖判讀與流星研究
★ 中壢動態式電離層觀測儀(dynasonde)訊號處理★ 利用動態式電離層觀測儀觀測不規則體小尺度變化
★ GPS/MET遮蔽觀測與IRI模式foF2和hmF2之比較★ ITS30-LITN觀測電離層不規則體閃爍現象
★ 中壢動態式電離層探測儀系統控制卡(CRAM Card)重建及測試★ 運用ITS系統對於低緯度電離層斷層掃瞄的 模擬與研究
★ GPS/MET遮蔽觀測foF2 numerical mapping與IRI 模式之比較分析★ 低緯度電離層不規則體之結構研究
★ 利用福衛三號掩星觀測資料研究電離層增層現象★ 運用臺灣自主電離層數值模式研究電離層赤道異常現象
★ 臺灣第二代動態式電離層探測儀之建置與資料處理★ 利用電離層斷層掃描網系統與臺灣自主電離層數值模式觀察臺灣地區地震發生前後電離層電子濃度的變化
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摘要(中) 於1995年4月至1997年2月間,UCAR利用全球定位/氣象(GPS/MET)系統量測全電子含量(TEC),獲得約230天遮蔽觀測事件及數萬筆地球大氣和電離層剖面資料。如今,氣象、電離層及氣候星系衛星觀測系統(COSMIC)實驗計畫,預計在二00五年中發射六顆低軌道衛星(LEO),藉由無線電遮蔽觀測技術,接收GPS衛星發射載波訊號。此衛星計畫預估每天可獲取超過3000筆遮蔽觀測事件,透過全電子含量和/或折射角量測資料,可推算電離層電子密度垂直分佈及其他大氣參數,如壓力、溫度及水氣分壓等。
在本論文中將運用電離層電腦斷層掃描影像重建技術(CIT),得到電離層電子密度之分佈,以作為研究大尺度電離層水平方向之結構。將利用MART演算法重建GPS/MET電離層掃描影像;並利用IRI電離層實驗模式模擬TEC,重建“真實”斷層掃描影像,作為與GPS/MET重建影像之驗證與比較。並研究中華衛星三號於西元2005年發射之前,利用STK衛星軌道模擬軟體,模擬衛星軌道位置以及運用IRI model進行華衛三號衛星電離層遮蔽觀測TEC之模擬,並以MART演算法作為重建其三維空間電離層斷層掃描影像之工具。該模擬將可實際用於華衛三號觀測資料,對於電離層氣象研究、電離層中電波通訊,以及地日關係有莫大助益。
本論文最後會概述已設立之ITS20無線電信標接收站,接收頻率為150與400MHz信號標(beacon signal)之OSCAR/NNSS等型衛星,以獲得相對TEC(relative total electron content)資料、電離層閃爍效應(scintillation)。並重新建立低緯電離層斷層掃描網(new Low-latitude Ionosphere Tomography Network, new-LITN),作為日後研究、觀測低緯度電離層之用。
摘要(英) During April 1995 to Feb.1997, the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) collected about 230 daily occultations and several tens of thousands of radio occultation profiles of the Earth’s atmosphere and ionosphere properties by making use of GPS/MET system to measure the total electron content (TEC) values. Nowadays the Constellation Observing system for Meteorology、Ionosphere and Climate (COSMIC) program has been organized six low-earth-orbit (LEO) satellites to receive the limb-viewing GPS signals by means of radio occultation(RO) technique and will launch the LEO satellites during the fall of 2005. The mission is expected having more than 3000 occultation observations per day and can retrieve vertical profiles of ionospheric electron density and other atmosphere parameters, e.g. pressure, temperature, and water vapor pressure, etc, through the measurements of total electron content (TEC) and/or bending angles.
The paper applied computerized ionospheric tomography (CIT) technique to reconstruct the images of the distribution of electron densities for studying large scale of horizontal ionosphere. The GPS/MET ionospheric tomography images have been derived by utilizing MART algorithm and then be verified by the “true” images that are reconstructed the simulated TEC values using the IRI model (International Reference Ionosphere model). Before the COSMIC satellites will be launched in 2005, we want to use the satellite kit tool (STK) to simulate the positions of satellites and make use of IRI model to simulate TECs of occultation observations and then derived by the MART algorithm to reconstruct the three dimension ionospheric images. The three-dimension electron density images and the simulations could be used in ROCSAT-3 data. That will be great help for us to research the ionospheric weather、radio communication、and Sun-Earth relation.
In the last, the paper will describe the ITS20 receiver station which will receive OSCAR/NNSS type satellites beacon signals at frequencies 150 and 400 MHz and gain the relative TEC 、ionospheric scintillation. National Central University will establish the new –LITN (new Low-latitude Ionospheric Tomography Network) including three stations with ITS20 receiver over Taiwan area for studying and observing ionosphere in the future.
關鍵字(中) ★ 電離層電腦斷層掃描技術
★ 無線電遮避觀測
關鍵字(英) ★ radio occultation
★ computerized ionospheric tomography(CIT)
論文目次 中文摘要…………………………………………………………………………II
第ㄧ章 序論……………………………………………………………………01
1-1 電離層電腦斷層掃描簡介…………………………………………………01
1-2 全球定位/氣象系統之研究回顧…………………………………………03
1-3 華衛三號科學任務之簡介…………………………………………………05
1-4 研究方法……………………………………………………………………08
1-5 論文內容……………………………………………………………………09
第二章 衛星軌道模擬理論……………………………………………………11
2-1 簡介…………………………………………………………………………11
2-2 座標系統……………………………………………………………………12
2-5 STK衛星軌道模擬軟體簡介…………………………………………………21
2-5-1 GPS/COSMIC衛星軌道模擬………………………………………………21
第三章 遮蔽觀測模擬研究……………………………………………………29
3-1國際電離層參考模式(IRI model)概述……………………………………29
3-2 IRI模式操作之簡介………………………………………………………32
3-3 模擬GPS/MET“真實”二維電離層電子密度影像…………………………32
3-4 模擬COSMIC“真實”三維電離層電子密度影像…………………………33
第四章 電離層斷層掃描影像重建理論……………………………………38
4-2 迭代演法……………………………………………………………………39
4-2-1 ART…………………………………………………………………………40
4-2-2 MART………………………………………………………………………40
4-2-3 SIRT………………………………………………………………………41
第五章 資料分析及掃描成像結果……………………………………………43
5-1 GPS/MET實際資料分析處理………………………………………………43
5-2 GPS/MET實際觀測資料斷層掃描影像………………………………………46
5-3 COSMIC模擬三維電離層影像………………………………………………47
第六章 未來研究方向與結論…………………………………………………60
6-1 ITS20衛星資料接收系統……………………………………………………60
6-1-1 接收衛星種類……………………………………………………………60
6-1-2 系統硬體設備……………………………………………………………62
6-1-3 控制軟體介紹……………………………………………………………64
6-2 結論…………………………………………………………………………72
A. GPS/MET電離層斷層掃描影像(13th prime time) …………………………A-0
B.利用IRI模擬之GPS/MET電離層斷層掃描影像(13th prime time) ………B-0
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指導教授 蔡龍治(L.C. Tsai) 審核日期 2004-7-19
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