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姓名 蔡宜純(Yi-Chun Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球物理研究所
論文名稱 1999 集集地震後之黏彈性鬆弛效應
(Impact of the Viscoelastic Relaxation Following the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake)
★ 台灣地區中大型地震震源參數分析★ 台灣北部地區之隱沒樣貌
★ 九二一集集地震之餘震(Mw≧6.0)震源破裂滑移分佈★ 利用雙差分地震定位演算法重新定位過去十年台灣中、大型地震之餘震
★ 九二一集集地震三維震源過程與震波傳遞分析★ 台灣弧陸碰撞構造之地殼及頂部地函的三維S波衰減模型
★ 集集地震之震前、同震及震後變形模式研究★ 台灣地震震源尺度分析:2003年規模>6.0地震分析
★ 使用震源機制逆推台灣地區應力分區狀況★ 台灣西南部GPS資造時間序列分析與地殼變形模式研究
★ 地震水井水力學之理論模式改良與發展及同震水位資料分析★ 台灣東北部外海地震之三維強地動模擬
★ 2003年台東成功地震之同震變形模式研究★ 利用臨時寬頻地震網觀測嘉義地區淺層地殼之非均向性
★ 中大規模地震斷層參數之同步求解★ 集集地震同震及震後應力演化與地震活動之相關性
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摘要(中) 本研究採用中央研究院、內政部以及中央氣象局在台灣地區所設置的GPS連續觀測站資料,以及中央研究院在集集地震後曾實施多次重複觀測的野外測站資料做時間序列分析。我們總共使用64個連續站的資料,時間從2001年1月1日至2005年底,而野外站的部分則是使用103個測站,時間由2000年12月至2005年11月。
為了解下部地殼及上部地函在集集地震後所產生的黏彈性變形,我們使用Sandia National Laboratory所發展的Cubit軟體來建立我們的網格,且利用有限元素法軟體(PYLith)建立模型,並使用適合的黏滯係數於各層,來估算由黏彈性變形所造成的地表變形,進一步與觀測結果比較。利用震後五年的資料,看黏彈性鬆弛效應
摘要(英) We use the GPS data collected from the 64 continuous stations in the Taiwan area, set up and operating by Academia Sinica, Ministry of Interior Affairs, and Central Weather Bureau, and the repeated surveys of 103 campaign sites conducted by Academia Sinica after the Chi-Chi earthquake. The data period is from January 1st, 2001 to the end of 2005. GPS data are processed with the Bernse software V.4.2. To obtain the velocity field of continuous GPS stations, the position time series are corrected for the coseismic offsets and the seasonal periodic motions. We also use the repeated GPS data observed from 1992 to 1999 and apply the linear interpolation to obtain the preseismic velocities for the new sites established after Chi-Chi earthquake. Then the preseismic velocity, is subtracted from the observed velocity for each station to obtain the surface displacement after the earthquake. The maximum horizontal and vertical postseismic displacements for the 5-year period from 2001 to 2005 are 17 cm and 12 cm, respectively.
To realize the impact of viscoelastic relaxation on the lower crust and the upper mantle caused by Chi-Chi earthquake, we use the Cubit software by Sandia National Laboratory to establish grids, and the models are constructed by using the finite-element code, PYLith. The appropriate viscosity is adopted for each layer to estimate the surface deformation caused by the viscoelastic relaxation, and further comparisons are made between the model results and the GPS observation. To verify the consistency of the finite-element model with the analytic solution, we start with a two-layer model with a horizontal viscoelastic layer under an elastic layer. In general, the differences between the model values and analytic solution are quite small, indicating the good reliability of finite element models. Afterward we apply a three-layer model to compare with the GPS observation, and we find that the tendency of model curve in the horizontal component is similar to the observations, however, the values are in much difference. Thus we consider to add a block of low viscosity underneath the Central Range following the results of Lin (2000).
We change the position, viscosity, and size for the block of low viscosity to examine the relation between the viscosity and the model curve. The results show that the variation of position has the most influence upon the model curve. As the block of low viscosity contacts the fault, the model curve expresses a very large amplitude. We find that model with the vertical low viscosity block located at 40-60km from the fault (Visc1), and another model with the horizontal low viscosity block located at 40-80km from the fault (Visc10) have the minimum RMS values. Moreover, comparing the model curves with GPS data, we find that models Visc1 and Visc10 are more or less consistent with the observation. Accordingly, we consider these two models are the best solutions in this research. We inferred that a low viscosity material may exist beneath the Central Range, and it does not contact with the Chelungpu fault. However, the best models are still not fitting the vertical data well. A more sophisticated three-dimensional model is needed in the future studies.
關鍵字(中) ★ 黏彈性鬆弛效應
★ 黏滯係數
關鍵字(英) ★ Viscoelastic Relaxation
★ viscosity
論文目次 中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅲ
誌謝 Ⅴ
目錄 Ⅵ
圖目錄 Ⅸ
表目錄 ⅩⅡ
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 研究內容 4
1.3.1 緒論 4
1.3.2 研究區域概述 5
1.3.3 GPS衛星測量原理及資料分析 5
1.3.4 集集地震後之黏彈性鬆弛效應模式研究 5
1.3.5 討論與結論 5
第二章 研究區域概述 7
2.1 研究區域位置 7
2.2 研究區域構造地質 7
2.2.1 研究區域地質概況 8
2.2.2 重要地質構造 8
2.2.3 彰化斷層 9
2.2.4 三義-車籠埔斷層 10
2.2.5 大茅埔-雙冬斷層 11
2.2.6 水長流斷層 11
第三章 GPS衛星測量原理及資料處理 18
3.1 衛星大地測量 18
3.2 全球衛星定位系統架構 19
3.3 GPS定位原理 21
3.3.1 虛擬距離觀測量 22
3.3.2 載波相位觀測量 23
3.3.3 差分法 24
3.4 GPS誤差來源及因應之道 25
3.4.1 軌道誤差 25
3.4.2 衛星及接收儀的時錶誤差 26
3.4.3 固定站座標誤差 27
3.4.4 對流層延遲誤差 27
3.4.5 電離層延遲誤差 28
3.4.6 週波脫落 29
3.4.7 整數週波未定值求解誤差 30
3.4.8 多路徑效應 30
3.4.9 天線相位中心偏移之影響 31
3.5 GPS資料處理 31
3.5.1 程式特色 32
3.5.2 資料處理流程 32
第四章 集集地震後之黏彈性鬆弛效應模式研究 40
4.1 資料來源 40
4.2 台灣中部速度場與震後位移 40
4.3 黏彈性變形 42
4.4 研究方法 43
4.4.1 有限元素法 44
4.4.2 網格的建立 47
4.4.3 PyLith 47
4.5 模型順推結果 47
4.5.1 層狀模型 47
4.5.2 低黏滯係數塊體模型 49
第五章 討論與結論 91
5.1 討論 91
5.2 結論 93
參考文獻 95
附錄 101
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指導教授 馬國鳳、余水倍
(Kuo-Fong Ma、Shui-Beih Yu)
審核日期 2006-7-20
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