博碩士論文 946202015 詳細資訊

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姓名 王櫻儒(Ying-Ru Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球物理研究所
論文名稱 利用三維有限差分法模擬與分析台北盆地的場址放大效應
(3D Finite Difference Simulation-Based Site Response Analysis of Taipei Basin)
★ 九二一集集地震三維震源過程與震波傳遞分析★ 台灣東北部外海地震之三維強地動模擬
★ 台北盆地的場址效應放大效應-譜比法應用於強震資料與理論分析的探討★ 震波走時於台灣三維參考速度模型評估、地震定位及地利地區深部速度構造的研究
★ 台灣地區參考莫荷面傾角變化的探討★ 台灣西南部地殼變形與地震活動相關性研究
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★ 測井資料的分析於兩處海底甲烷冰蘊藏區: 北阿拉斯加埃爾伯特山和墨西哥灣綠色峽谷的實際應用★ 台灣西南海域下枋寮盆地甲烷水合物之AVO分析
★ 台灣西南下枋寮盆地天然氣水合物調查同中點集的AVA/AVO模擬、分析和逆推★ 台灣南部的體波與表面波波場逆推:應用於TAIGER T4b寬角度折射/反射資料
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★ 以部分波場逆推及模擬對沿TAIGER T6測線的台灣北部地區進行深部構造成像★ 台灣西南近海Formosa Ridge天然氣水合物和游離氣岩石物理參數估算
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摘要(中) 在最近幾次大地震中,如921或331地震,雖然震央位置不在台北盆地附近,但盆地內受不等程度的搖晃與建物破壞影響,有時卻比處在震央附近的地區還要來的大。這是由於地震波傳經盆地內部時,大部分的能量會因盆地形貌、地形與低速區而被侷限在盆地內,其中某些特徵頻率的震波會因產生共振而造成場址放大效應,進而危害建築物。本篇文章利用三維有限差分法模擬震波到達台北盆地時的傳遞情形,並且使用單站頻譜法,對中央氣象局提供的四獸山地震強地動資料以及合成震波圖進行處理,分析影響盆地及其周邊區域的盆地放大效應之因素。
摘要(英) Serious seismic disasters may highly relate to basin amplification effects caused by the shallow earthquake or by the passage of seismic waves with rather large strong ground motion generated from large earthquake occurred distance away. Although the epicenters of these damage earthquakes are far away from the basin, the intensity within the basin is even larger than the area near the epicenter. Such amplification of seismic energy within the basin region is well-known because most seismic waves can be trapped by the basin geometry, topography and the extremely low velocity layer sitting on top of Taipei basin. Among all the previous studies, we provide relatively new approach by using the 3D hybrid discontinuous-grid finite difference computational method developed in-house to simulate the seismic waves propagating within the Taipei basin. In addition, we also implement the method of horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio, which has been widely used by the engineering seismology, to analyze site amplification in and around Taipei basin. The main goal is to investigate the factors affecting seismic resonant frequencies (SRF) and spatial variation of amplification from 3D effects. The HVSR analysis is applied to both synthetic and Sishou Hills earthquake data collected from TSMIP of Central Weather Bureau, Taiwan.
From our 3D simulation studies, basin amplification and HVSR results are mainly affected by the basin shape, spatial variation of sedimentary layer thickness and the possession of low velocity feature carrying by the Songshan formation. Topography effect is not included in our 3D computation as strong motion records collected from Sishou Hills earthquake is mainly from stations located within Taipei basin where rather flat free-surface with elevation high of no more than ten to fifteen meter above sea surface. Full 3D waveform simulation approach automatically includes effects from 1D and 2D responses.
Over all speaking, the results from HVSR analysis of real data has lower SRF of 1.0Hz while the synthetic one poses a dominant feature of having higher SRF of 2.0Hz. Such difference is mainly attributed to the insufficient model specification on Q factors, more accurate and high resolution 3D reference velocity model of Taipei basin and lacking of highly correlated reflection, refraction and scattering signals from deeper layers in our 3D simulation. An added factor is that synthetic data is fairly narrow band in contrast to real one which has relatively wide frequency contents. Sum over all synthetic frequency responses improve the low frequency contents and more reasonably fits the real data records. Comparing HVSR analysis results from different frequency band, the resonance frequency around 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and/or 2.5 Hz do exist in all calculations. The 2.0Hz peak value may well corresponds to the southeast (SE) part of Taipei basin where Songsan formation becomes shallower. Such response mainly corresponds to the 40 m layer thickness exist in the SE of Taipei basin where relatively simplified 1D layer model produces main wave modes due to the resonance of waves existing within the region. Providing that source radiation may slightly affect the HVSR analysis, the investigation on fundamental resonant frequency is still feasible. Shallow earthquake produces more complicate waveform records compare with simulated records from deeper one.
The results from 3D seismic simulation and site response analysis show that further detailed investigation on basin edge, lateral variation of 3D shallow velocity in the Songsan Fm., accurate shape of basin basement, more detailed velocity distribution for the deeper layers and nonlinear waveform simulation scheme are the imperative research targets in the future.
關鍵字(中) ★ 場址效應
★ 有限差分法
★ 頻譜比
★ 台北盆地
關鍵字(英) ★ Taipei basin
★ finite difference
★ spectral ratio
★ site effect
論文目次 中文摘要 ---------------------------------------------------------- i
英文摘要 ---------------------------------------------------------- ii
目 錄 ---------------------------------------------------------- iv
圖 目 錄 ---------------------------------------------------------- vi
第一章、 緒論----------------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 研究動機與目的----------------------------------------- 1
1.2 台北盆地地質與地球物理背景介紹---------------------- 2
1.3 文獻回顧------------------------------------------------ 4
1.3.1 國內相關文獻回顧-------------------------------------- 4
1.3.2 國外相關文獻回顧-------------------------------------- 4
1.4 本文內容------------------------------------------------ 5
第二章、 研究原理及方法----------------------------------------- 9
2.1 場址效應研究之重要性---------------------------------- 9
2.2 場址效應分析方法-------------------------------------- 10
2.2.1 簡單一維模型之理論共振頻率-------------------------- 10
2.2.2 複雜構造之場址效應分析方法-------------------------- 10
2.3 數值模擬方法------------------------------------------- 12
2.4 三維數值模擬的模型參數設定-------------------------- 14
第三章、 三維數值模擬結果的呈現以及震波資料的處理與分析-- 21
3.1 模擬結果之腑視快照圖---------------------------------- 21
3.2 資料處理流程------------------------------------------- 22
3.3 震波紀錄的判釋----------------------------------------- 24
3.3.1 實際強地動震波紀錄分析------------------------------- 24
3.3.2 模擬震波紀錄分析-------------------------------------- 24
3.3.3 強地動震波紀錄與模擬震波紀錄之比較----------------- 25
3.3.4 不同控制主頻或震源位置之模擬震波紀錄-------------- 26
第四章、 強地動單站頻譜法(HVSR)結果的分析與討論----------- 38
4.1 實際四獸山地震與模擬地震之HVSR 分析-------------- 38
4.1.1 資料處理中濾波對HVSR 之影響------------------------ 38
4.1.2 資料處理中S 波擷取窗大小對HVSR 之影響------------ 39
4.1.3 實際與模擬資料之HVSR-------------------------------- 39
4.2 不同控制主頻對HVSR 影響的探討--------------------- 40
4.3 震源對HVSR 影響的探討------------------------------- 42
第五章、 討論與結論---------------------------------------------- 63
5.1 結果討論------------------------------------------------ 63
5.2 未來研究方向------------------------------------------- 64
參考文獻 ---------------------------------------------------------- 66
附錄 A 45 個四獸山地震測站之實際震波紀錄------------------ 68
附錄 B 45 個模擬震波紀錄,模擬之控制主頻為2.0Hz---------- 72
附錄 C 45 個模擬震波紀錄,模擬之控制主頻為1.5Hz---------- 76
附錄 D 45 個模擬震波紀錄,模擬之控制主頻為1.0Hz---------- 80
附錄 E 六種不同控制主頻資料相加之45 個模擬震波紀錄------ 84
附錄 F 45 個四獸山地震測站之HVSR-------------------------- 88
附錄 G 45 個模擬之HVSR,模擬之控制主頻為2.0Hz---------- 92
附錄 H 45 個模擬之HVSR,模擬之控制主頻為1.5Hz---------- 96
附錄 I 45 個模擬之HVSR,模擬之控制主頻為1.0Hz---------- 100
附錄 J 六種不同控制主頻資料相加之45 個模擬震波紀錄------ 104
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指導教授 陳浩維(How-Wei Chen) 審核日期 2007-7-20
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