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姓名 林天妍(Tien-yen Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球物理研究所
論文名稱 五千多年來台灣東北部的古氣候變遷: 宜蘭梅花湖湖積物岩芯MHL5-A之磁學證據
(Paleo-climatic Changes in NE Taiwan since 5 Ka :Magnetic Evidences from Lacustrine CoreMHL5-A of Mei-Hwa Lake, Ilan )
★ 台灣基隆外海近海床地質構造與噴氣現象的探討★ 南海北部地殼構造與深海沈積物波之研究
★ 西菲律賓海盆西部的海床構造分析★ 南海北坡高解析水深調查與淺層地質的構造分析
★ 南海北部之磁力異常特徵分析★ 利用底質剖面儀及EK60聲納資料研究台灣北部近海的可能活動構造
★ 台灣恆春半島南部海域海底地形及構造研究★ 南海東北部海洋地殼構造之研究
★ 台灣地區岩石圈之浮力與重力位能的探討★ 以地震層析法推求台灣北部地區的速度構造並探討流體的可能分佈
★ 聯合尤拉解迴旋與解析訊號法求取磁源參數之研究★ 南海最北部地磁與地形之研究
★ 班達海岩心MD012380之磁學研究: 80萬年來赤道暖池區之古環境變遷★ 台灣至呂宋島間馬尼拉海溝的震測研究: 從正常隱沒到初期碰撞抬昇的上部地殼構造
★ 利用接收函數法分析台灣深部地殼構造★ 板塊邊界地震引起之重力位能變化
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摘要(中) 本研究對鑽採自宜蘭梅花湖湖積物岩芯MHL5-A進行環境磁學分析,其目的在探討台灣東北部宜蘭地區古氣候和古環境變遷情形。並盼對東亞季風系統之消長有進一步之了解。此項研究工作為中央研究院地球科學研究所主題計畫「亞洲古環境變遷」工作之一部份,該計畫目的在對東亞地區晚更新世以來古氣候及環境變遷作系統性的研究。
岩芯年代模式之建立係根據所選擇之七個C-14定年點,結果指出28.63公尺長之岩芯涵蓋過去5200多年來之訊息。而磁學參數(包括ARM、S-ratio及ARM/SIRM等)量測分析所得之結果指出,過去5200多年來之氣候變遷可劃分為20個時期,而氣候變化型態可歸納為四大類,分別如下:(1)約5300 ~ 5000、4850 ~ 4500、4300 ~ 4100、3700 ~ 2950、2500 ~ 2300 1950 ~ 1850、1700 ~ 1400、1100 ~ 700、500 ~ 400 yr BP: S-ratio變化較小,大部分介於0.9 ~ 1,以低氧化性磁鐵礦為主,氣候可能較穩定,乾濕變化不大,整體來說較潮濕;(2)約5000 ~ 4950、3850 ~ 3700、2950 ~ 2500、1850 ~ 1700 yr BP: S-ratio可低至小於0.8,高氧化性赤鐵礦也較多,磁性礦物粒度較粗,氣候可能較乾燥,一旦暴雨發生,會帶來較粗顆粒的磁性礦物和較多的赤鐵礦;(3)約4950 ~ 4850、4500 ~ 4300、4100 ~ 3850、2300 ~ 1950、1400 ~ 1100、700 ~ 500 yr BP: S-ratio值在0.8 ~ 1之間變化快速,磁性礦物的豐度也變化較其他時期快速,顯示當時氣候可能很不穩定,乾濕變化較其他時期快速,但乾燥的程度沒上一種氣候嚴重,當時可能降雨頻繁,降雨結束氣候又逐漸乾燥;(4)到近期400年來,乾濕變化大,但比上一種氣候的變化慢,而且似乎有100 ~ 150年之週期變動,與早期不同的地方是,細顆粒磁鐵礦較多,以及當具殘磁的磁性礦物較多,磁鐵礦粒度卻較細,此情形發生四次,或許是鄰近羅東溪水氾濫帶來細顆粒磁鐵礦;反之,較粗,而且順磁性物質較多,可能是乾燥時周圍岩屑崩落帶來順磁性物質。總而言之,宜蘭地區於晚全新世的氣候環境變化劇烈。
摘要(英) The goal of this research is to investigate the characteristics of the paleo-climatic
and paleo-environmental changes in Ilan, NE Taiwan by applying environmental
magnetic analyses to a lacustrine core MHL5-A, drilled from Mei-Hwa lake in Ilan,
and expect further to understand the evolution of the East Asia monsoon system.
This study is a part of an integrated project, named as 「Asia Paleo-environmental
Changes」, held by Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica. The purpose of
this project is to systematically study the paleo-climatic and paleo-environmental
changes since late Pleistocene in East Asia.
Taiwan is located at the intersection of the East Asia. Winter monsoon generated
from Siberia high atmospheric pressure and the summer monsoon originated from
the Indian Ocean. Nonetheless, the heavy rainfalls were generally brought mainly
by the NE winter monsoon and the typhoons during summer and autumn, but not
the summer monsoon. This is due to the high Central Range stems the SW summer
monsoon and horn shape topography faces the NE winter monsoon in Ilan. By
measuring magnetic proxies, such as magnetic susceptibility (χ), natural remanent
magnetization (NRM), anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM), and
isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) etc., we hope to probe into the patterns
of the paleo-climatic and paleo-environmental changes in the study area, Ilan.
The age model of the core was established by 7 C-14 dating data. The results
lead to totally of about 5200 yrs covered by this 28.63 meters core. And the
climatic condition could be concluded into 4 types by the variation trends of the
used magnetic proxies, major by S-ratio, ARM/χ, ARM/SIRM, etc. Twenty
episodes then could be compartmentalized for the last 5200 yrs in Ilan. The
appearance and characteristics of these 4 climate patterns are summarized as follows: (1) During 5300~5000, 4850~4500, 4300~4100, 3700~2950, 2500~2300,
1950~1850, 1700~1400, 1100~700, and 500~400 yr BP: The values of S-ratio
varied small and almost ranged in 0.9~1. This signifies low-oxidized magnetite is
the major magnetic mineral contained in the sediments. The climate then could be
steady and wet. (2) During 5000~4950, 3850~ 3700, 2950~2500, and 1850~1700
yr BP: The values of S-ratio were almost lower than 0.9, even some were lower
than 0.8. Besides the grain size of magnetite is relatively coarser. This indicates
that high-oxidized hematite is the major magnetic mineral in the sediments. The
climate then could be dry. Surface soils may have highly weathered and oxidized
to form much more high-oxidized hematite. As the torrential rain happened,
hematite with coarser grain-sized magnetite could be transported from the
upstream into the lake. (3) During 4950~4850, 4500~4300, 4100~3850, 2300
~1950, 1400~1100, and 700~500 yr BP: The values of S-ratio changed frequently
between 0.8 and 1. The abundance of magnetic minerals also altered frequently.
The climate in these episodes could be very unstable and rainfall happened
frequently. (4) Till the last 400 yrs, the climate also changed frequently, but not so
fast as the climate condition in (3). And it seems had 100~150 years’ period
variation. Moreover, the most different thing from previous episodes is that
relatively much finer grain-sized magnetite were conducted into the lake and it has
happened four times. The delivered mechanism could be due to the floods of
nearby Lo-tung River, which induced much fine grain- sized magnetite overflow
into the lake. Between the occurrences of each flood, the climate might gradually
become dry. So there were less magnetic minerals inputted into the lake. But still
some paramagnetic minerals were eroded into the lake.
In conclusion, the paleo-climatic and paleo-environmental changes severely in
Ilan since the late middle Holocene.
關鍵字(中) ★ 古地磁
★ 梅花湖
★ 古氣候變遷
★ 宜蘭
關鍵字(英) ★ paleo-climatic changes
★ paleomagnetism
★ Ilan
論文目次 目 錄
中文摘要 ∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙• i
英文摘要 ∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙• iii
誌謝 ∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙• v
目錄 ∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙• vi
圖目 ∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙• viii
表目 ∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙• ix
一、 緒論∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙• 1
1.1 研究緣起••∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙• 1
1.2 研究地區及其背景••∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙ 3
1.2.1 宜蘭的氣候••∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙• 3
1.2.2 宜蘭的地質與構造••∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙ 5
1.2.3 梅花湖現況••∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙• 6
1.3 前人研究••∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙• 6
1.3.1 湖泊的磁學研究∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙ 6
1.3.2 其他古環境氣候的研究∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙• 8
二、 研究材料與分析方法•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙∙•∙• 14
2.1 研究材料••∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙∙•∙• 14
2.2 分析原理與方法••∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙• 15
2.2.1 磁感率••∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙ 15
2.2.2 自然殘磁••∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙ 17
2.2.3 逆磁滯殘磁∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙ 18
2.2.4 等溫殘磁••∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙• 19
2.3 環境磁學參數探討宜蘭地區古氣候及古環境變遷之
原則••∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙ 21
2.4 實驗步驟流程••∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙• 23
三、 磁學參數結果∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙• 28
3.1 磁感率••∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙ 28
3.2 等溫殘磁∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙ 29
3.2.1 SIRM、bIRM、HIRM•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙ 29
3.2.2 S-ratio•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙ 30
3.3 逆磁滯殘磁•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙• 31
3.4 ARM、SIRM、χlf之間的比值•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙• 31
四、 古氣候環境變遷•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙ 39
4.1 年代模式之建立•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙ 39
4.2 過去5200多年來氣候變化型態••∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙ 40
4.3 與其他氣候代用指標結果的比對•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙• 43
4.3.1 過去1200年來磁學記錄與有機物碳氮比的關係•∙• 43
4.3.2 與過去3000年來宜蘭孢粉分析的比對∙•∙•∙•∙•∙• 44
4.3.3 與台灣環境磁學紀錄的比較•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙• 46
4.3.4 與中國古氣候歷史紀錄的比對•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙• 46
4.4 特殊事件∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙ 48
五、 結論與未來展望•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙ 56
5.1 結論•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙ 56
5.2 未來展望•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙• 57
六、 參考文獻•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙•∙• 59
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指導教授 許樹坤、李德貴
(Shu-kun Hsu、Teh-quei Lee)
審核日期 2007-7-14
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