摘要(英) |
This thesis, A Dual-Band GPS/BT antenna for mobile phones is applied on the Planar Inverted-F antenna. The antenna makes the improvement. We change a GPS antenna on the Planar Inverted-F antenna. A Dual-Band GPS/BT antenna includes both GPS band bandwidth and Bluetooth band bandwidth.
First, we design a GPS antenna. A lot of parameters that about the GPS antenna are found by the verification of the electromagnetic simulation software (HFSS). Then ,we can find S11、Gain and Radiation Patten from various kinds of parameter characteristics of the antenna to know the design is good or not.
Finally, we design a Dual-Band GPS/BT antenna. We use multiple resonances frequency for GPS band bandwidth and Bluetooth band bandwidth. We can not only gain a GPS band bandwidth antenna, but also get Bluetooth band bandwidth antenna. We may achieve save the cost and the reduction antenna area goal.
參考文獻 |
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