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姓名 劉樺蓉(Hua-Jung Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 價值本質之探索研究
(A Study of the Nature of Value)
★ 探討國內田徑競賽資訊系統-以103年全國大專田徑公開賽資訊系統為例★ 生物晶片之基因微陣列影像分析之研究
★ 台灣資訊家電產業IPv6技術地圖與發展策略之研究★ 台灣第三代行動通訊產業IPv6技術地圖與發展策略之研究
★ 影響消費者使用電子書閱讀器採納意願之研究★ 以資訊素養映對數位學習平台功能之研究
★ 台商群聚指標模式與資料分析之研究★ 未來輪輔助軟體發展之需求擷取研究
★ 以工作流程圖展現未來研究方法配適於前瞻研究流程之研究★ 以物件導向塑模未來研究方法配適於前瞻研究之系統架構
★ 應用TRIZ 探討核心因素 建構電子商務新畫布★ 企業策略資訊策略人力資源管理策略對組織績效的影響
★ 採用Color Petri Net方法偵測程式原始碼緩衝區溢位問題★ 簡單且彈性化的軟體代理人通訊協定之探討與實作
★ 利用分析層級程序法探討台灣中草藥製造業之關鍵成功因素★ 利用微陣列資料分析於基因調控網路之建構與預測
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摘要(中) 願景是「未來抱負與價值的認知與導引」,為一種可以描述的未來景象,可以引導組織前進,更是策略規劃的源頭。在凡事都無法掌握也無法確定的環境中,要如何做出正確且有效的策略並進行管理,是相當重要的。由策略學說十大學派中得知,價值觀為認知學派策略形成過程的核心基礎,由於認知體系不同,可能做了錯誤或選擇了個人所認知但非理性的價值而進行決策,因此唯有確定價值本質,去除非理性的認知,讓決策時,可以較理性的選擇出真正符合問題之策略。因此利用《唯識三十頌》之八識的層面,探索內心決策之過程,由探索內心,而尋回真實的無漏之價值判斷模式,以解決策略學說十大學派無法解決之黑箱問題。
摘要(英) Vision is “knowledge and practice based on future aspirations and values.” Through its power to describe future scenes and promote the advancement of organizations, vision becomes a source of strategic planning. In a world where nothing seems certain or permanent, it is important to know how to correctly and effectively strategize and make management decisions.
As the Ten Great Schools of Strategic Thought have observed, a system of values is the central basis upon which a given school of knowledge takes shape. However, differences between knowledge systems can lead to errors or basing decision-making on irrational values that people still hold on to. For this reason, we can only make rational decisions that truly address the problems at hand by determining the nature of values and eliminating irrational beliefs. To do this, we can adopt the eight levels of consciousness from Thirty Verses on Consciousness to explore the inner mental processes of decision-making. Through exploring and thereby knowing our inner hearts, it is possible to recover an infallible method for determining values and thus discover solutions for the unsolvable Black Box problems of the Ten Great Schools. The goals of this study include: advancing the methods of values-exploration, validating the feasibility of these methods, and exploring the nature of values.
This study applies a mixed research method to data gathered during an Elite Lecture course. Prior to the course commencement, the questionnaires survey was conducted on experimental subjects in order to collect qualitative data. After 18 weeks of classes, we conducted an importance and performance analysis to obtain a quantitative set of factors suggesting both positive achievements and things that could be improved. Using an identical model, we compared data collected over three years using dialectical and Markov analyses to discover points where results were maintained, improved, and remained unchanged, and a set of critical factors for the over-investment of data. The uniform set of factors that was obtained from this forms an inferential basis for the nature of values.
This study result relied on collecting data via questionnaires and importance and performance analysis. It established a value exploration model through positive, negative, integrated, and Markov chain concepts. Through the Elite Seminar program, it conducted the verification of value exploration model, identified consistent factors, and derived the natures of values in different cases. The exploring results in the natures of case values are stated as follows. In course cognition, the natures of value are learning paradigm, work inspiration, and experience. In course arrangement purpose, its nature of value is future elite cultivation, interdisciplinary knowledge, and career development. Also, in expectation, the natures of value are learning paradigm, work inspiration, and experience. Concerning the characteristics of speakers, the natures of value are living experience, characteristic in leadership, and living philosophy. In lecturing topics, the natures of value are career development, living philosophy, trend topics, and international and current affairs.
關鍵字(中) ★ 價值本質
★ 價值觀
★ 黑箱問題
★ 唯識三十頌
關鍵字(英) ★ nature of value
★ system of values
★ Black Box problems
★ Thirty Verses on Consciousness
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 X

第一章 緒論 1
1.1. 研究背景與動機 1
1.2. 研究目的 10
1.3. 研究流程與研究架構 11
1.4. 研究範圍 15

第二章 文獻回顧 17
2.1 策略十大學派 17
2.2 價值與價值觀 18
2.3 唯識三十頌 21
2.4 問卷調查法 26
2.5 重要性與滿意度分析 27
2.6 否定之否定定律 29
2.7 馬可夫鏈 30
2.8 資源基礎理論 33
2.9 研究流程與研究架構之彙整與演化過程 35

第三章 研究方法 40
3.1 研究架構:步驟與工具 40
3.2 研究方法與研究對象 44
3.3 資料蒐集方法 46
3.4 個案分析方法 48
3.4.1 質性資料分析方法 48
3.4.2 量化資料分析方法 49
3.5 確保資料品質 49

第四章 「菁英講座」之個案分析 52
4.1 「菁英講座」之個案資料分析 52
4.1.1 「菁英講座」之第一年個案資料 52
4.1.2 「菁英講座」之第二年個案資料 54
4.1.3 「菁英講座」之第三年個案資料 56
4.2 三年「菁英講座」之個案驗證 58
4.2.1. 「菁英講座」之基本資料分析 58
4.2.2. 第一次驗證比較 59 問卷調查法-正、反、合集合 59 重要性與滿意度分析-正、反、合集合 63
4.2.3. 第二次驗證比較 64 問卷調查法-正、反、合集合 64 重要性與滿意度分析之正、反、合集合 67
4.3 收斂判斷-價值本質 68
第五章 結論與建議 72
5.1 研究成果 72
5.2 管理意涵與學術意涵 74
5.3 研究限制 75
5.4 未來研究建議 76

參考文獻 79

附錄一:問卷調查法-第一年的問卷 85
附錄二:問卷調查法-第二年的問卷 87
附錄三:問卷調查法-第三年的問卷 89
附錄四:重要性與滿意度分析之問卷 92
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指導教授 薛義誠(Yih-Chearng Shiue) 審核日期 2014-5-8
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