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何克健(Ke-chien He)
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環境工程研究所在職專班 |
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摘要(中) |
研究結果顯示,102年煤碳使用量對排放量的影響較為顯著,與選擇性觸煤還原設備的加藥量(氨水)、污染物排放濃度無顯著相關,分析不實數據傳送期間,結果均無相關性。另透過檢測計算B、C廠SO2排放係數為18.22S及10.36S kg/Ton-煤;NOX排放係數為4.51及7.05 kg/Ton-煤。B、C廠防制設備去除效率以檢測結果計算,SO2分別為97.5 %及91.5 %,NOX為80.8 %及90.4 %。分析102年3廠執行相對準確度測試查核(RATA)當月的同期CEMS數據趨勢,並與98年的不實監測數據進行比較,發現3廠98年在執行RATA時段各測項CEMS的時間變化趨勢,與其他時段明顯不同。由上述結果顯示,可透過燃料使用量和相關污染物排放量相關性分析及RATA數據分析來判定即時監測數據有效性。 |
摘要(英) |
In order to manage large stationary emission sources of air pollutants, Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration requires the setup of “Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS)” for collecting air pollution fees and compiling emission inventory. The on-line emission characteristics can further facilitate the forensics of pollution liability when settling down pollution dispute. Therefore, the correctness of the continuous emission monitoring data is important.
This study selected three coal-fired cogeneration power plants with the installation of CEMS named A, B, and C for investigation. Data from coal consumption, operating parameters of air pollution control devices (APCD), and CEMS were collected from 2010 to 2013. Meanwhile, SO2 and NOX production and emissions were measured to estimate the removal efficiency of APCD and emission factors of SO2 and NOX per tonne. The objective of this study is to investigate the emission characteristics of SO2 and NOX from coal-fired cogeneration power plants and apply to inspect the correctness of CEMS data.
The results showed that the amount of coal consumption was more correlated with the emissions and not the concentrations of pollutants and dosages (ammonia) of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) devices for data in 2013. Therefore, coal consumption can be utilized to judge the correctness of monitoring data. Based on the results of manual sampling before and after APCD, the emission factor of SO2 is 18.22S kg/Ton-coal in plant B with S as the sulfur content of coal and 10.36S kg/Ton-coal in plant C. In contrast, the emission factors of NOX in plant B and C are 4.51 kg/Ton-coal and 7.05 kg/Ton-coal, respectively. And the removal efficiency of flue gas desulfurization device is 97.5 % in plant B and 91.5 % in plant C, while that of SCR is 80.8 % in plant B and 90.4 % in plant C. Additionally, the time variations of CEMS data of plants A, B, and C before illeagal findings in 2009 were different from that of 2013 by comparing Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA) data and time variations of CEMS data. It implies that the correlation between fuel consumption and pollutant emissions and RATA data can be used to determine the validity of continuous monitoring data. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 連續自動監測設施 ★ 燃煤汽電共生電廠 ★ 排放係數 ★ 防制設備去除效率 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Continuous emission monitoring system ★ coal-fired cogeneration power plants ★ emission factor ★ removal efficiency of air pollution control device |
論文目次 |
第一章、前言 1
1.1 研究緣起 1
1.2 研究目的 3
第二章、文獻回顧 4
2.1 固定污染源空氣污染物連續自動監測系統 4
2.1.1 連續自動監測系統類型 5
2.1.2 國內管制對象與管制內容 8
2.1.3 連續自動監測系統數據擷取與處理方式 14
2.1.4 連續自動監測設施查核結果 17
2.2 汽電共生系統 19
2.2.1 汽電共生系統種類 19
2.2.2 國內汽電共生系統設置狀況 21
2.3 燃煤汽電共生電廠硫氧化物與氮氧化物的排放特性與控制技術 22
2.3.1 空氣污染相關管制法規 22
2.3.2 硫氧化物的來源與影響 26
2.3.3 氮氧化物的來源與影響 29
2.4 排放係數 34
第三章、研究方法 36
3.1 研究架構與流程 36
3.2 研究對象篩選 37
3.3 數據擷取與統計分析 39
3.4 檢測方法及流程 42
3.5 排放量及係數的計算 45
3.5.1 排放量的計算方式 46
3.5.2 排放係數及排放量推估方式 48
第四章、結果與討論 50
4.1 研究對象歷年監測數據變化 50
4.2 製程操作狀況與排放量的相關性分析 68
4.2.1 二氧化硫 68
4.2.2 氮氧化物 73
4.3 執行RATA時監測數據同期比較結果 80
4.4 防制設備去除效率檢測結果 105
4.5 污染物排放係數推估 109
4.5.1 二氧化硫 109
4.5.2 氮氧化物 114
4.6 防制設備效率推算結果 119
第五章、結論與建議 123
5.1 結論 123
5.2 建議 126
第六章、參考文獻 128 |
參考文獻 |
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指導教授 |
李崇德(Chung-Te Lee)
審核日期 |
2014-7-24 |
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