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姓名 蕭淞云(Sun-Yun Hsiao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球系統科學國際研究生博士學位學程
論文名稱 水域中硝化作用與氧化亞氮的產生:亞熱帶深水水庫與長江口擴散舌研究案例
(The nitrification and N2O production in aquatic environment: case studies in a subtropical deep reservoir and Chang Jiang River plume)
★ 翡翠水庫之水文特性及水理水質之模式研究★ 翡翠水庫及其集水區之氫氧碳同位素 水文學研究
★ 以三維數值模式模擬淡水河河口及感潮段鹽度與懸浮沉積物★ 淡水河重金屬傳輸模式之發展
★ 淡水河流域鹼度、酸鹼值與主要離子 之時空變化★ 水體中顆粒與沈積物之有機碳、氮及其穩定同位素研究:南海及翠峰湖
★ 淡水河口水舌擺盪動力機制之研究★ 翡翠水庫之沉降顆粒及沉積物中 多環芳香族碳氫化合物(PAHs)之研究
★ 呂宋海峽內潮及其強化生地化通量之數值研究★ 南海時間序列測站(SEATS)碳循環之探討:一維物理-生地化耦合模式之應用
★ 淡水河口之顆粒性有機碳、氮同位素及溶解性無機氮同位素之研究★ 利用SPOT衛星影像探討蘭陽溪口淡水舌之時空變化
★ 潮汐作用對東海生地化循環及初級生產力之影響★ 淡水河流域溶解性有機碳通量之研究
★ 淡水河流域營養鹽濃度及溶氧之變化與一維數值模擬★ 利用衛星遙測資料探討南海與蘭陽溪河口生地化特性之時空變化
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摘要(中) 硝化作用是氮循環中一個重要的中間過程,它將氨氧化為亞硝酸或硝酸,並
產生氧化亞氮為副產物。它被認為是水域環境中溫室氣體氧化亞氮(N2O)的主要產生過程。氧化亞氮是第三大人為溫室氣體,自從上個世紀大量使用化學合成的肥料後,大氣中的氧化亞氮濃度便開始顯著升高。這些過量的氮留在土壤中或沖刷至水域環境中,便有可能經由硝化作用轉變為氧化亞氮。另一個在水域中自上個世紀以來因人類活動而增加的特徵便是懸浮顆粒物。本論文以穩定同位素示蹤劑法量測硝化作用速率,並探討懸浮顆粒於硝化作用及 N2O 生成的影響。在副熱帶與中營養化的翡翠水庫發現硝化作用速率與 N2O 皆主要分布於無光層,但銨在該處卻很少。沉降顆粒補集器(sediment trap)的結果顯示在冷季與颱風季時顆粒沉降通量較高,這些快速沉降顆粒物使是由於上游集水區的強降雨帶來並在水庫中型成混濁的中層流(interflow)現象。這些顆粒物上的有機物直接注入無光層可能作為畏光的硝化作用微生物的基質,促進了硝化作用速率以及 N2O 的累積。在長江口擴散舌區,同步量測的群聚呼吸率與硝化速率結果顯示在中等鹽度區域硝化作用需要的氧氣甚至比群聚呼吸率還高。而懸浮顆粒物上的鐵錳含量發現足以提供硝化作用所需的氧化劑,同時也發現其含量與硝化速率高度相關,顯示鐵錳氧化物可能代替氧氣作為硝化作用的氧化劑。此外,N2O 的產生速率也發現在最混濁的河口區高於其他區域。以上結果顯示水域中因強降雨或土壤侵蝕而增加的懸浮顆粒可以促進硝化作用並可能增加 N2O 的產生,進而加速全球暖化。
摘要(英) Nitrification is an important intermediate process in nitrogen cycle that oxidizes ammonia to nitrite and/or nitrate and produces N2O as byproduct. Currently, nitrification has been recognized as the major source of N2O, which is regarded as one of the main greenhouse gases. Since 19th century, excessive use of chemical synthesized nitrogenous fertilizer has elevated the total amount of nitrogen in
environments. The excess nitrogen remained in soil and leached into aquatic environments may be transformed to N2O through nitrification. In addition, the enhanced soil erosion can elevate the suspended particles in aquatic environments. In
this dissertation we determined the rate of nitrification (NR) in turbid environments by the stable isotope tracer method to investigate the role of suspended particles on nitrification and N2O production. In the subtropical mesotrophic Feitsui Reservoir, high NR and N2O were recorded in the aphotic zone where rare ammonium and high particle sinking flux occurred. These fast-sinking particles in the aphotic zone was dominantly brought from the turbid interflows induced by heavy precipitation during cold season and typhoon periods. The light-sensitive nitrifying microorganisms may utilize the
remineralized organics on those particles as substrate source for nitrification and also N2O production. In Chang Jiang River plume, simultaneous measurement of NR and community respiration rate (CR) revealed that the oxygen demand of nitrification was greater than that of community respiration. However, the amounts of reactive Fe/Mn oxide of suspended particles seemed enough to support oxidant demand of nitrification. Meanwhile, the reactive Fe/Mn was significantly positive correlated to NR, indicating that the reactive Fe/Mn may serve as an alternative electron acceptor in nitrification. Moreover, the production rate of N2O from ammonium in the turbid river mouth is significantly higher than that in other relatively clear regions. The results suggested that the elevated suspended particles in aquatic environment due to soil erosion may enhance nitrification and also N2O production. Consequently, the increasing N2O may
potentially accelerate the global warming.
關鍵字(中) ★ 硝化作用
★ 氧化亞氮
★ 穩定同位素示蹤劑
★ 懸浮顆粒
★ 沉降顆粒
★ 水庫
★ 河口擴散舌
★ 鐵錳氧化物
關鍵字(英) ★ nitrification
★ nitrous oxide
★ stable isotope tracer
★ suspended particles
★ sinking particles
★ reservoirs
★ river plume
★ Fe/Mn oxide
論文目次 Table of content
Chapter 1. Introduction ............................................................................................... 1
1. Nitrogen cycle ........................................................................................................ 1
2. Nitrification and nitrifying microorganism ............................................................ 1
2.1 Substrate availability ........................................................................................ 3
2.2 Light sensitivity ............................................................................................... 4
2.3 Dissolved oxygen ............................................................................................. 5
3. Importance of nitrification ..................................................................................... 7
3.1 N2O production ................................................................................................ 7
4. Measuring the rate of nitrification ......................................................................... 9
4.1 DIN inventory changes .................................................................................... 9
4.2 Dark assimilation of 14C-carbonate. ................................................................. 9
4.3 Stable isotopic tracer method ......................................................................... 10
5. Aim of this study .................................................................................................. 12
6. Reference: ............................................................................................................ 13
Chapter 2. Hydrological control of N2O emission in Feitsui Reservoir ................ 18
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 19
2. Material and method ............................................................................................ 20
2.1. Study site and sampling ................................................................................ 20
2.2. Hydrographic and weather data .................................................................... 21
2.3 Total suspended material (TSM) .................................................................... 21
2.4 N2O concentration .......................................................................................... 22
2.5 N2O saturation percentage and emission flux calculation ............................. 22
2.6 Nitrification rate(NR) and denitrification rate(DR) ....................................... 22
3. Result ................................................................................................................... 25
3.1 Temporal variation of Inflow flux .................................................................. 25
3.2 Temporal and vertical variation of environmental variables in water column
.............................................................................................................................. 25
3.2.1 Temperature ................................................................................................ 25
3.2.2 DO ............................................................................................................... 25
3.2.3 TSM ............................................................................................................ 26
3.2.4. N2O ............................................................................................................ 26
3.2.5. NR and DR ................................................................................................. 26
3.3 N2O emission flux .......................................................................................... 27
4. Discussion ............................................................................................................ 31
4.1 Comparison of N2O emission flux in lakes or reservoirs .............................. 31
4.2 Mixed layer depth influenced N2O distribution ............................................. 31
4.3 N2O production mechanism in Feitsui reservoir ............................................ 32
4.4 The weak bottom water ventilation enhanced N2O accumulation ................. 33
5. Conclusion and implication ................................................................................. 39
6. Reference: ............................................................................................................ 40
Chapter 3. The turbid interflow and nitrification in Feitsui Reservoir ................ 43
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 44
2. Material and method ............................................................................................ 45
2.1. Study site ....................................................................................................... 45
2.2. Hydrographic and weather data .................................................................... 45
2.3 Sampling ........................................................................................................ 47
2.4 Analytical method .......................................................................................... 47
2.5 Incubation experiment ................................................................................... 48
2.6. Statistic analysis ............................................................................................ 48
3. Result ................................................................................................................... 48
3.1. Temporal variation of physical, chemical and biological parameters ........... 48
3.1.1. Temperature, dissolved oxygen and inflow rate ........................................ 48
3.1.2. PAR and chl a ............................................................................................. 49
3.1.3 Dissolved inorganic nitrogen ...................................................................... 49
3.1.4 NR ............................................................................................................... 50
3.1.5 DOC ............................................................................................................ 50
3.1.6 POC and TSM ............................................................................................. 51
3.1.7 BP ................................................................................................................ 51
3.2 Sediment flux and its interplay with NR........................................................ 58
4. Discussion ............................................................................................................ 62
4.1 The magnitude of nitrification in Feitsui Reservoir ....................................... 62
4.2 Competition of primary production and nitrification in euphotic zone ......... 62
4.3 Lateral transported organic matter as important substrate for nitrification ... 63
5. Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 65
6. Reference ............................................................................................................. 66
Chapter 4. Nitrification and its oxygen consumption and N2O production along
the turbid Changjiang River plume ......................................................................... 68
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 70
2. Material and method ............................................................................................ 72
2.1 Sampling ........................................................................................................ 72
2.2 Hydrographical and chemical data ................................................................. 75
2.3 Incubation experiments .................................................................................. 76
2.4 Archaeal and β-proteobacterial functional gene abundance .......................... 77
2.5. Statistic analysis ............................................................................................ 77
3. Results .................................................................................................................. 78
3.1 Distribution of hydrographic and chemical parameters ................................. 78
3.1.1 Salinity and DO........................................................................................... 78
3.1.2 Dissolved inorganic and organic nitrogen .................................................. 78
3.1.3 Suspended particles ..................................................................................... 79
3.2 NR and its correlation among nitrogenous nutrient and TSM ....................... 79
3.3 Distribution of N2O and N2O production rate from nitrification(N2OPR) .... 82
3.4 Community respiration .................................................................................. 83
3.5 The nitrification rate and the amoA abundance ............................................. 83
4. Discussion ............................................................................................................ 90
4.1 The interplay of nitrogenous nutrient and TSM in nitrification ..................... 90
4.1.1 Ammonium ................................................................................................. 90
4.1.2 Dissolved organic nitrogen ......................................................................... 91
4.1.3 Suspended particle ...................................................................................... 92
4.1.4 Salinity ........................................................................................................ 93
4.2 Reactive Fe as oxidant supply for nitrification in the turbid river plume ...... 94
4.2.1 Community respiration and the oxygen demand of nitrification ................ 94
4.2.2 Fe/Mn oxide as oxidant for nitrification ..................................................... 96
4.3. The N2O yield in nitrification preferred to occur in turbid river mouth ..... 105
5. Conclusions ........................................................................................................ 106
6. References .......................................................................................................... 107
Chapter 5 Conclusion .............................................................................................. 114
1. N2O emission flux .............................................................................................. 114
2. Substrate source of nitrification ......................................................................... 115
3. Oxidant of nitrification ...................................................................................... 115
4. The suspended particles in aquatic environment ............................................... 116
5. Reference: .......................................................................................................... 119
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Chapter 2. Hydrological control of N2O emission in Feitsui Reservoir
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指導教授 高樹基、劉康克
(Shuh-Ji Kao、Kon-Kee Liu)
審核日期 2014-10-14
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