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姓名 紀羽軒(Yu-Hsuan Chi)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 網路學習科技研究所
論文名稱 探討多媒體註記與搜尋對於英文字彙學習成效之影響-以高職為例
★ 同步表演機器人之建構與成效評估★ 探討國小學童使用電子書多媒體註記系統結合註記分享機制對其學習行為與時間之影響
★ 先備知識對註記式多媒體電子書的影響研究:從個別環境到分享環境★ Facilitating EFL speaking and writing with peer-tutoring and storytelling strategies in authentic learning context
★ An investigation into CKEL-supported EFL learning with TPR to reveal the importance of pronunciation and interactive sentence making★ Investigation of Facilitating Physics Learning using Ubiquitous-Physics APP with Learning Map and Discussion Board in Authentic Contexts
★ 智慧互動SmartVpen在真實情境對於英文學習之影響★ 利用合作虛擬化的網絡設計輔助計算機網路學習
★ 探討擴展合作式多媒體認知理論和其對EFL聽力與口語能力之影響 - 結合動覺辨識和學習者設計內容之猜謎遊戲★ 在真實情境中利用智慧機制提升國小學生之外語口說及對話能力之評估
★ 探討在真實情境下教師回饋對學習認知與學習持續性之影響★ 註釋、對話代理和協作概念圖支持大學生議論文寫作和後設認知的培養
★ Developing and Validating the Questionnaire and Its Model for Sustainable and Scalable Authentic Contextual Learning Supported by Mobile Apps★ 探討個人化、情境化及社會化的智慧機制 輔助真實情境國小幾何學習與其對學習成效之影響
★ Investigation of smart mechanisms for authentic contextual learning with sensor and recognition technologies★ 探討智慧回饋如何影響學習時眼動和觸控 操作的表現-以 Covid-19 快篩模擬為例
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摘要(中) 在目前科技進步,資訊發達的時代,國際間已儼然是一個地球村,彼此間競爭日益激烈,若僅會本國語言,對於提升自我的競爭能力是不足夠的,故學習第二種外語言能力就成為培養競爭能力重要工具之一。然而台灣的高職教育體系,普遍存在學習者學習英文動機低落,學習狀況不佳,英文能力較差的狀況,老師在教學上越顯得無力。提升學習者英文能力,閱讀和單字量是兩個重要的關鍵,單字更是語言的基礎,對於語言學習而言是最重要的,但卻是最無趣且困難。有鑑於此,本研究發展一套具有搜尋、註記、自主性學習等功能之多媒體平台,建置「影片搜尋式學習法」、「搜尋老師與同儕所提供的註記內容學習法」兩個學習法,提供學習者自主性學習,可以在無同儕壓力之下,依照自己的英文能力,透過搜尋單字解釋之影片、老師與同儕註記內容、Google翻譯字典之連結等方式學習單字,能迅速、方便且有趣的搜尋到正確單字解釋並加以註記,也提升學習者的學習動機,及強化對於單字的記憶及理解。
摘要(英) With the advancement of technology and development of information, the world has become a global village. As competition intensifies, it is not enough for one to be able to speak only his mother tongue if he is to increase his competitiveness. Therefore, the ability to learn a foreign language has become an important tool for cultivating competitive ability. However, in the vocational high schools in Taiwan, the desire among the students to learn English remains pervasively low, which has led to poor learning results and lower English proficiency as teachers become very frustrated. To improve English learning effectiveness, reading and vocabulary power are the two keys. Especially the vocabulary forms the basis of a language and is the most important for language learning. However, vocabulary learning is boring and difficult in many cases. For this reason, this study develops a multimedia annotation search platform and creates the two learning methods of "video search" and "search annotated content provided by teachers and peers", providing learners with self-regulated learning possibilities. This system allows the learners to learn vocabulary through the movies, content annotated by the teacher and peers without peer pressure and base on their English level, and Google Translate and Dictionary links and mutual assessment of peer-annotated content, etc. They can learn words in a quick and easy and interesting way to find the correct vocabulary definition. As a result, the motivation to learn will be boosted and the memory and comprehension of vocabulary will be strengthened.
The subjects this study came from two first-grader classes of a national vocational high school with a total of 75 girls for a four-week experiment. Different learning methods were applied during the experiment period in order to observe the differences in the effectiveness of these methods on the learners and further explore the relevance between the learning behavior and learning outcomes of the experimental group.
The results showed that the experimental group was significantly better than the control group in English tests, and amount of annotated words after receiving the intervention of the two English learning methods after the test scores and the low achievers had more vocabulary annotation than the high achieving learners after the intervention and the more vocabulary annotation ensued more significant progress in the academic performance. However, the low-achieving learners still had lower grades than the high-achieving ones. Most of the subjects in the experimental group considered the multimedia annotation platform to be easy to use and fun; repeatable based on personal progress without worrying about keeping up with the peers’ learning progress; improving the learners’ concentration in the learning process; deepening the learners’ explanation and memory of words; enhancing the learners′ confidence and motivation. It is thus inferred that this search study system can effectively increase the vocabulary of the vocational high students and is helpful in uplifting the learning motivation and English proficiency of the learners.
關鍵字(中) ★ 外語學習
★ 搜尋
★ 自主性學習
★ 高職教育
關鍵字(英) ★ Foreign language learning
★ Search
★ Self-regulated learning
★ Vocational education
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的與待答問題 4
1.3 研究限制 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 網頁搜尋英文學習活動 6
2.1.1 網頁搜尋與學習 6
2.1.2 英文單字搜尋工具 8
2.2 網頁註記系統 10
2.2.1 註記系統 10
2.3 高職生英文能力 13
2.3.1 高職生英文學習 13
2.3.2 高職生的英文學習態度 15
2.4 自主性學習 17
2.5 學習動機 18
2.6 同儕互評 20
第三章 系統設計與實作 23
3.1 系統設計 23
3.2 「影片搜尋式學習法」之系統設計 24
3.2.1 教學影片設計 24
3.2.2 超連結Google翻譯字典,搜尋單字解釋之功能 25
3.2.3 不懂字義之單字進行文字註記之功能 26
3.2.4 觀看同儕的文字註記內容之功能 27
3.3 「搜尋老師與同儕所提供的註記內容學習法」之系統設計 28
3.3.1 搜尋老師與同儕註記內容之功能 28
3.3.2 超連結Google翻譯字典,搜尋單字解釋之功能 30
3.3.3 不懂字義之單字進行文字註記之功能 31
3.3.4 評價同儕註記內容之功能 31
3.3.5 觀看同儕的文字註記內容之功能 32
3.3.6 可反覆觀看教學影片之功能 33
第四章 研究方法 34
4.1 研究架構 34
4.2 研究流程 36
4.3 研究對象與時間 38
4.4 實驗設計 39
4.5 研究工具 41
4.5.1 多媒體註記與搜尋平台 42
4.5.2 前測1測驗量表 42
4.5.3 前測2測驗量表 42
4.5.4 後測1測驗量表 43
4.5.5 後測2測驗量表 43
4.5.6 開放性問卷 43
4.6 訪談 45
4.7 資料蒐集 45
4.8 資料處理 46
第五章 結果分析與結論 48
5.1 實驗組與控制組學習成效之分析 48
5.1.1 樣本基本資料描述 48
5.1.2 不同學習方式教學法之學習成效分析 48
5.2 實驗組與控制組學習行為之分析 50
5.2.1 學習者在「影片搜尋式學習法」與「傳統式影片教學法」之學習行為分析 51
5.2.2學習者在「搜尋老師與同儕所提供的註記內容學習法」與「傳統式影片教學法」之學習行為分析 52
5.3 學習者使用本系統學習成效分析 53
5.3.1 學習者在「影片搜尋式學習法」之學習行為與學習成效分析 54
5.3.2學習者在「搜尋老師與同儕所提供的註記內容學習法」之學習行為與學習成效分析 55
5.4 學習者使用本系統學習者之學習行為分析 57
5.4.1 學習者在「影片搜尋式學習法」之學習行為分析 57
5.4.2 學習者在「搜尋老師與同儕註記內容之學習法」之學習行為分析 61
5.5 學習者的學習行為對於成績進步量之預測能力分析 66
5.5.1 「影片搜尋式學習法」學習行為對於成績進步量之預測能力分析 66
5.5.2 「搜尋老師與同儕所提供的註記內容學習法」學習行為對於成績進步量之預測能力分析 67
5.5.3 「影片搜尋式學習法」學習行為對於後測1之預測能力分析 68
5.5.4 「搜尋老師與同儕所提供的註記內容學習法」學習行為對於後測2之預測能力分析 69
5.6 問卷分析 70
5.6.1 科技接受模型(TAM) 70
5.6.2 凱勒學習動機(ARCS) 78
5.7 意涵與建議 86
第六章 結果與建議 88
6.1 結論 88
6.2 未來工作與建議 92
第七章 參考文獻 94
附錄一 前測1試卷 104
附錄二 前測2試卷 107
附錄三 後測1試卷 110
附錄四 後測2試卷 114
附錄五 科技接受模型TAM問卷 119
附錄六 ARCS凱勒學習動機問卷 123
附錄七 開放性問卷 126
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