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姓名 杜裕昌(Yu-Chang Du)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 脈音聽診儀及其模擬系統
(Pulse Sound Diagnostic Device and Its Simulation system)
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摘要(中) 脈診儀已有多家公司開發,其原理多以壓電感測之方法,因此所得到的數據為寸、關、尺脈之壓力脈象。但醫師的手感把脈,所感測得到的訊息不止是血管的垂直壓力變化而已。例如血液在血管中黏稠值、血管內血液的順暢與否,則可用手指來感測。一般用垂直式壓力計量測垂直方向壓力變化,則不能完全描述其內容。
摘要(英) Pulse diagnostic device has been developed by many companies, most of them use the idea of piezoelectric sensor. Thus, the datum are all about the average pressure of pulses at Cun, Guan, Chi local area. But, a doctor feels pulse by hand, the informations he learned are more than the variation of vertical local area average pressure in blood vessel: for example,the blood ropiness in blood vessel and the smoothness of blood flow can be sensed by the feeling of the fingers but it can not be fully described by the variation of vertical pressure.
In this article we have build up a pulse sound diagnostic device: in this device we use the capacity microphone to detect the sound wave of the blood pulse and analysis its wave patterns in the computer. Then, we get its spectrum after we do the wavelet and Fourier transform. Thus we can get more information than pressure sensor type devices, such as the blood’’s smoothness and its quantify datum.
We have also designed a simulation system with a fake hand of which the blood vessels had been simulated by robber tube. Use liquid-driven pump to control its flow and waveform can simulate different phases of blood pulses, we use different ropiness liquid to verify that the ropiness will change pulse wave patterns. This fake hand can be also used for education to teach students to feel the different pulse forms.
關鍵字(中) ★ 脈診 關鍵字(英) ★ Pulse Diagnostic
論文目次 摘要(中) i
摘要(英) ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖索引 vi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 脈象的近代研究 1
1.2 脈診儀 2
非接觸式量測脈診儀 3
非接觸式量測脈診儀 5
1.3 脈音聽診儀 7
第二章 脈診與脈診研究 10
2.1 脈診的起源 10
2.2 脈象的成因 11
第三章 循環系統的血壓、血流、及阻力的物理學 13
3.1 血液與脈搏 13
3.2 循環功能的基本理論 17
3.3 血壓、血流與阻力的關係 18
第四章 脈音聽診儀 22
4.1 實驗原理 22
4.2 實驗裝置及設備 23
4.3 實驗及量測步驟 27
4.4 實驗及量測結果 28
4.5 結論 38
第五章 脈音模擬系統 39
5.1 系統架構 39
5.2 實驗與量測步驟 42
5.3 實驗結果 44
第六章 結論與未來展望 46
參考資料 47
附錄 48
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指導教授 張榮森(R.S.Chang) 審核日期 2006-7-20
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