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姓名 羅傑林(Roger Rene Ortega Figueroa)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 國際永續發展碩士在職專班
論文名稱 可行性研究應用的屠宰場在尼加拉瓜的廢物管理措施
(Feasibility Study on application of Waste Management practices in Slaughterhouses in Nicaragua.)
★ 聖克里斯多福康納利掩埋場整治效益之研究★ 郵輪觀光產業對於貝里斯社會及環境衝擊評估
★ 小型風力發電於瓜地馬拉VIZCAYA社區推展的可行性研究
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摘要(中) 中文摘要
尼加拉瓜雖然是一個農業國家,但在過去的幾年,礦業、 漁業和生態旅遊產業也不斷發展;令人鼓舞的是,綠色技術專案計畫也日漸增長。屠宰產業仍是尼加拉瓜的經濟很大一部分,但環境污染的壓力促使這行業加速綠色技術的需求。本研究首先評估屠宰場對於環境的影響,然後針對較重要的環境影響衝擊項目,探討可降低污染的最佳可用技術 (BAT) ,並採用成本效益分析法探討所提出的BAT方案的可行性。
根據本研究的分析與調查,屠宰場廢水對環境衝擊的最大污染源主要為牲畜的糞便和血水。尼加拉瓜全國的屠宰場每年可以產生 667.54噸的糞便和 444.64噸的血水,雖然糞便重量方面較多,然而血水對於環境衝擊的貢獻高於糞便污染,因為血水有較高的生化需氧量。本研究所提出的最佳可行技術是將糞便及血水成份經共消化程序轉化成生質燃料以供發電。由成本效益分析計算得能源均化成本(LCOE) 每度電為3.96元尼加拉瓜幣。.
摘要(英) Nicaragua is primarily an agricultural country, but mining, fisheries, and eco-tourism industries also have been expanding during the last few years. It is encouraging that the green technology projects today are growing at a fast rate. Slaughterhouses are still a big part of Nicaragua’s economy, but the pressure of environmental pollution has prompted the industry to accelerate demand for green technologies. The object of this study is first to estimate the impact on the environment that the slaughterhouse industry have in this nation, then determine a Best Available Technology (BAT) for slaughterhouses to reduce significant environmental impacts of the business activity. The cost-benefit analysis approach is used to determine the financial feasibility of the resulting option of the proposed BAT.
From the investigation and analysis of this study, it found that manure and blood generated by the slaughterhouse into wastewater are the largest environmental concerns. The slaughterhouses in Nicaragua can generate manure with 667.54 tons per year and blood with 444.64 tons per year. However, blood actually has the biggest impact than manure on the environment because of its higher BOD production in the wastewater.
The proposed best available technology in this study is to recover the soluble and biodegradable composition of manure and blood in the slaughterhouse and produce biogas for electricity generation by co-digestion method. In the cost-benefit analysis, the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) of C$3.96 (Nicaraguan Cordoba currency) per kilowatt-hour was obtained.
關鍵字(中) ★ 屠宰場
★ 共消化
★ 成本效益分析
★ 能源均化成本
★ 生質氣體
關鍵字(英) ★ Slaughterhouse
★ Co-digestion
★ Benefit-cost analysis
★ Levelized cost of energy
★ Biogas
論文目次 Table of contents
中文摘要 .......................................................................................................................................... i
Abstract .......................................................................................................................................... ii Acknowledgment…………………………………………………………………………..…….iii
Table of contents ............................................................................................................................ iv
List of tables .................................................................................................................................. vi
List of figures ............................................................................................................................... vii
List of Acronyms ......................................................................................................................... viii
1 Chapter 1: Introduction .................................................................................................. 1
1.1.Study Background. ............................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1. Nicaragua: Electricity Sector in Nicaragua ..................................................... his 1
1.1.2. Biogas production in Nicaragua .............................................................................. 4
1.2. Slaughterhouse Waste Management ................................................................................. 5
1.2.1. Waste Generation ..................................................................................................... 5
1.2.2. Impact on the Environment ..................................................................................... 7
1.2.3. Slaughterhouse Waste Management in Nicaragua................................................ 8
1.2.4. Study Region: PROINCASA ................................................................................. 10
1.3. Study Motivation ............................................................................................................... 12
1.3.1. Problem Identification ........................................................................................... 12
1.4. Scope and Objectives of Study ......................................................................................... 14
1.4.1. Study Purpose and Scope. ...................................................................................... 14
1.4.2. Study Objectives ..................................................................................................... 15
1.5. Limitations ......................................................................................................................... 15
2 Chapter 2: Literature Review ....................................................................................... 17
2.1. Best Available Techniques for Slaughterhouses ............................................................ 17
2.1.1. Production Process of a Nicaraguan medium sized Slaughterhouse ...................... 20
2.2. Biogas production from Organic Wastes ........................................................................ 25
2.2.1. Biogas Production System on Slaughterhouses .......................................................... 26
2.3. Evaluation of Success cases of Biogas Production around the world........................... 30
2.4. Feasibility Study ................................................................................................................ 33
3 Chapter 3: Methodology................................................................................................ 36
3.1. Data Collection Method .................................................................................................... 36
3.1.2. Expected results ........................................................................................................... 38
3.2. Forecast Method Selection ............................................................................................... 38
3.3. Analysis of impact on Environment ................................................................................ 40
3.4. Best Available Technology Selection ............................................................................... 43
3.5 Analysis of Biogas Production .......................................................................................... 44
3.6. Determination of Biogas Digester Method and Sizing ................................................... 45
3.6.1. Biogas production method determination................................................................. 45
3.6.2. Sizing of the digester ................................................................................................... 46
3.7. Financial Feasibility Study ............................................................................................... 50
4 Chapter 4: Results.......................................................................................................... 60
4.1. Forecast Results ................................................................................................................. 60
4.2. Results on impact to the environment ............................................................................. 63
4.3. Best Available Technology Selection ............................................................................... 66
4.4 Biogas Production .............................................................................................................. 68
4.4.1. Production with manure ............................................................................................. 68
4.4.2. Production with a mixture of Manure and Blood .................................................... 69
4.5. Biogas Digester size ........................................................................................................... 70
4.6. Financial Feasibility study ................................................................................................ 71
Chapter 5: Conclusions and Recommendations ........................................................................ 82
5.1. Conclusions ........................................................................................................................ 82
5.2. Recommendations ............................................................................................................. 83
5.3. Limitations ...................................................................................................................... 85
References ..................................................................................................................................... 87
Appendix....................................................................................................................................... 87
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指導教授 廖萬里(Wan-Li Liao) 審核日期 2015-7-21
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