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姓名 徐名賢(Ming-Hsien Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 網路學習科技研究所
論文名稱 探討背景音樂和認知風格對遊戲式學習的影響
(The Effects of Background Music and Cognitive Styles on Game-based Learning)
★ 將可用性整合融入遊戲式學習★ 探討認知風格對於行動學習與合作學習的影響
★ 學習型網站的可用性評估:從問題到解決方案★ 從人因的觀點評估遊戲式學習
★ 探討認知風格在遊戲式學習中對於客製化與個人化系統的影響★ 探討認知風格在行動學習中對於客製化與個人化系統的影響
★ 性別差異與認知風格對合作化遊戲式學習的影響★ 探討認知風格如何影響使用者在行動載具下使用電子期刊
★ 探討專家和新手對遊戲式學習進行可用性評估的觀感差異★ 毒品經驗與遊戲先備知識對客製化與個人化遊戲式反毒宣導系統的影響
★ 以多媒體科技和數位遊戲為小小人兒及患者家屬發展線上生活百科★ 先備知識對註記式多媒體電子書的影響研究:從個別環境到分享環境
★ 從認知風格的角度探討提示對學習英文片語與文法的影響★ 探討先備知識對學習者在使用鷹架英文學習系統的影響: 限制與扣分機制
★ 發展動畫電子書之研究:從性別差異到性別均等之歷程★ 探討認知風格於數位遊戲式英語學習環境對遊戲行為與學習成效之影響
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摘要(中) 適配與不適配在教學領域上一直是個重要的議題。許多研究指出當教學工具與學生適配時,可以對學習帶來正面效益。例如:提升學生的學習成效、增加學習觀感等。其中,亦有學者指出認知風格對於適配與否扮演著一個關鍵的角色,因為認知風格攸關學習者在學習歷程中偏好的訊息處理方式。因此近十幾年來,探討適配與認知風格影響的研究有日益增長的趨勢。然而,在該領域的研究卻鮮少探討其在遊戲式學習環境中的影響。另一方面,過去也少有研究探討遊戲式學習中背景音樂的影響。有鑑於此,本研究目的乃欲探討背景音樂與認知風格對遊戲式學習的影響,特別是在適配與不適配的情況下。為達成此目的,本研究進行兩個子研究。研究一探討背景音樂有無和認知風格如何影響學生在遊戲式學習中的反應;研究二則是探討適配與不適配背景音樂和認知風格如何影響學生在遊戲式學習中的反應。

摘要(英) The effects of matching/mismatching have been recognized as an important topic in education fields for a long while. A number of studies suggested that matching instruction has positive impacts on student learning. Among such studies, several works also indicated that the cognitive style was a key factor in determining the effects of matching/mismatching because it refers to an individual’s preferred and habitual approach to organizing and representing information. Therefore, research into the influences of matching/mismatching and cognitive styles on student learning mushroomed in the past decades. However, such research had not paid much attention to a game-based learning environment. On the other hand, there is a lack of research to investigate the effects of background music even though it is an indispensable element in a game-based learning environment. In this vein, this dissertation aims to examine how background music and cognitive styles affect learners’ reaction to a game-based learning system from a matching/mismatching aspect. To reach this aim, two empirical studies are conducted. Study One is to investigate whether learners react differently to a game-based learning system with background music and that without background music while Study Two is to compare the effects of matching background music and mismatching background music in a game-based learning system.

The results from Study One indicate that the use of background music in the game-based learning system may be not an important factor for reasoning ability, but it certainly changed learners’ behavior and perceptions. Additionally, it seems not to be an influential factor for Holists whereas it will influence Serialists’ learning behavior and negatively affects their learning perception. On the other hand, the findings from Study Two demonstrate that the matching/mismatching background music in the game-based learning system would affect learners’ reasoning ability and learning behavior but it may not significantly influence participants’ learning perception. Moreover, the matching background music would negatively influence Holists’ reasoning ability and learning behavior. In contrast, the matching/mismatching background music appears not to be an effective factor for Serialists. Finally, two frameworks are produced based on the results of each study. These frameworks can make designers, researchers, instructors and students have a better understanding of background music and can apply to improve developments of game-based learning systems.
關鍵字(中) ★ 適配
★ 不適配
★ 認知風格
★ 遊戲式學習
★ 背景音樂
關鍵字(英) ★ Matching
★ Mismatching
★ Cognitive styles
★ Game-based Learning
★ Background music
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figure viii
List of Tables xi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Research Objectives 3
1.3 Chapter outline 4
1.4 Summary 6
Chapter 2 Literature Review 8
2.1 Matching/Mismatching and Cognitive Styles (CS) 8
2.2 Game-based Learning (GBL) 18
2.3 Background music (BGM) 22
2.4 Summary 28
Chapter 3 Research Methodology 29
3.1 Introduction 29
3.2 Methodological Approaches 29
3.3 Conceptual Framework 30
3.4 Research Instruments 33
3.4.1 Study Preferences Questionnaire 33
3.4.2 Game-Based Learning system 34
3.4.3 BGM design 36 Study One 36 Main melody 37 Additional sound effects 38 Study Two 40 Main melody 40 Additional sound effects 43
3.4.4 Pre-test and Post-test 44
3.4.5 Questionnaire 45
3.5 Summary 46
Chapter 4: Study One 47
4.1 Overview 47
4.1.1 Participants 47
4.1.2 Research Instruments 47
4.1.3 Experimental Procedures 47
4.1.4 Data Analyses 50
4.2 Results & Discussion 52
4.2.1 Music Group vs. Non-music Group 52 Effects on reasoning ability 52 Effects on learning behavior 53 Effects on learning perception 58
4.2.2 Holists 60 Effects on reasoning ability 60 Effects on learning behavior 61 Effects on learning perception 66
4.2.3 Serialists 68 Effects on reasoning ability 68 Effects on learning behavior 69 Effects on learning perception 73
4.3 Summary 75
Chapter 5 Study Two 76
5.1 Overview 76
5.1.1 Participants 76
5.1.2 Research Instruments 76
5.1.3 Experimental Procedures 76
5.1.4 Data Analyses 79
5.2 Result & Discussion 79
5.2.1 Matching group vs. Mismatching group 79 Effects on reasoning ability 80 Effects on learning behavior 81 Effects on learning perception 85
5.2.2 Holists 87 Effects on reasoning ability 87 Effects on learning behavior 88 Effects on learning perceptions 93
5.2.3 Serialists 96 Effects on reasoning ability 96 Effects on learning behavior 97 Effects on learning perception 102
5.3 Summary 104
Chapter 6 Conclusions 105
6.1 Main Conclusions 105
6.2 Development of a Framework 109
6.3 Contributions 113
6.4 Limitations and Future Work 114
References 115
Appendix 132
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指導教授 陳攸華(Sherry Y. Chen) 審核日期 2015-7-29
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