博碩士論文 102521062 詳細資訊

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姓名 白家豪(Jia-hao Bai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 基於超寬頻雷達之非接觸式心跳率及呼吸率監護系統
(Non-contact Heartbeat Rate and Respiration Rate Monitoring system Based on UWB Radar)
★ 感光式觸控面板設計★ 單級式直流無刷馬達系統之研製
★ 單級高功因LLC諧振電源轉換器之研製★ 多頻相位編碼於穩態視覺誘發電位之大腦人機介面系統設計
★ 類神經網路於切換式磁阻馬達轉矩漣波控制之應用★ 感應馬達無速度感測之直接轉矩向量控制
★ 具自我調適導通角度功能之切換式磁阻馬達驅動系統---DSP實現★ 感應馬達之低轉速直接轉矩控制策略
★ 加強型數位濾波器設計於主動式噪音控制之應用★ 非匹配不確定可變結構系統之分析與設計
★ 無刷直流馬達直接轉矩控制方法之轉矩漣波改善★ 無轉軸偵測元件之無刷直流馬達驅動器研製
★ 無轉軸偵測元件之開關磁阻馬達驅動系統研製★ 感應馬達之新型直接轉矩控制研究
★ 同步磁阻馬達之性能分析及運動控制研究★ 改良比例積分與模糊控制器於線性壓電陶瓷馬達位置控制
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摘要(中) 傳統監護心跳率與呼吸率皆需使用接觸式方式進行量測,其線路連接
本論文將以UWB 雷達進行開發非接觸式心跳率與呼吸率監護介面。
先前的研究顯示UWB 雷達系統可被使用於遠程生命象徵監護,且主要
應用於救災和健康監護。在本篇論文中所使用之UWB 雷達回波訊號包含多
個深度資訊,因此開發自動目標深度收尋機制,再對該深度UWB 雷達回波
摘要(英) Traditionally, heart rate and respiratory measurement require contacting
directly to skin, which will let the patient feel uncomfortable and inconvenient
due to the attachment of electrode and the wires. Therefore, this paper develops a
contactless measurement of heart rate and respiratory rate monitoring system,
which provides the user a comfortable way for measuring the heartbeat and
breathing signal. The interface of the system is developed based on the UWB radar.
Previous studies have shown that the UWB radar and be used for remote vitalsigns
monitoring, mainly applied in health monitoring and rescue scenarios. The
UWB radar echo signal used in this paper contains many depths information. In
order to find the depth of the target, this paper develops an automatic method.
After having the target depth, we analyze the physiology signal from the echo
signal to develop a method for calculating the heartbeat and breathing number by
measuring the displacement of chest.
The method is verified by the experimental results from serval subjects, and the
results show that the proposed system can achieve more than 95% accuracy rate
of heartbeat and breathing number.
關鍵字(中) ★ 超寬頻雷達
★ 非接觸式量測
★ 心跳率與呼吸率監護系統
關鍵字(英) ★ Ultra Wide Band Radar
★ Contactless Measurement
★ Heartbeat Rate and Respiration Rate Monitoring system
論文目次 摘要 ........................................................................................................................ I
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ II
誌謝 .................................................................................................................... III
目錄 ..................................................................................................................... IV
圖目錄 ............................................................................................................... VII
表目錄 .................................................................................................................. X
第一章 緒論 ....................................................................................................... 1
1.1 研究動機 ................................................................................................... 1
1.2 文獻探討 ................................................................................................... 1
1.3 研究目的與方法 ....................................................................................... 3
第二章 人體心臟與呼吸系統原理 ................................................................... 4
2.1 心動週期的機械效應 ............................................................................... 4
2.1.1 舒張中期到舒張末期(Mid-Diastole to Late Diastole) ............ 7
2.1.2 收縮期(systole) ......................................................................... 7
2.1.3 舒張初期(Early Diastole) ......................................................... 9
2.2.1 吸氣(Inspiration) ..................................................................... 10
2.2.2 呼氣(Expiration) ..................................................................... 12
第三章 超寬頻雷達(ULTRA-WIDEBAND RADAR) ................................. 15
3.1 超寬頻技術 (ULTRA-WIDEBAND TECHNOLOGY).................................... 15
3.2 UWB 系統模組....................................................................................... 18
3.2.1 發送訊號(Transmitted Signal)................................................ 18
3.2.2 目標模型(Target Model)......................................................... 19
3.2.3 通道模型(Channel Model) ..................................................... 20
3.2.4 接收訊號(Received Signal) .................................................... 21
第四章 UWB 雷達目標深度搜尋機制 ...................................................... 22
4.1 設計動機 ................................................................................................. 22
4.2 數位濾波器 ............................................................................................. 24
4.3 快速傅立葉轉換(FFT) ........................................................................... 26
4.4 目標深度搜尋機制流程 ......................................................................... 28
第五章 UWB 雷達非接觸式呼吸率及心跳率分析機制 .......................... 29
5.1 設計動機 ................................................................................................. 29
5.2 分析方法 ................................................................................................. 32
5.2.1 斜率偵測 ................................................................................. 32
5.2.2 定義閥值 ................................................................................. 34
5.3 呼吸率及心跳率分析機制流程 ............................................................. 35
5.4 初步成果展示 ......................................................................................... 36
第六章 實驗與討論 ......................................................................................... 38
6.1 環境介紹 ................................................................................................. 38
6.1.1 UWB 雷達............................................................................... 39
6.1.2 生醫放大器(Bio Amp)............................................................ 43
6.1.3 呼吸帶(Respiratory Belt Transducer) ..................................... 45
6.1.4 資料擷取(DAQ) ..................................................................... 46
6.2 實驗步驟介紹 ......................................................................................... 47
6.2.1 參數設定 ................................................................................. 47
6.2.2 實驗結果 ................................................................................. 50 心跳率量測實驗 ......................................................................... 52 呼吸率量測實驗 ......................................................................... 58 即時監護界面 ............................................................................. 62
第七章 結論與未來展望 ................................................................................. 63
7.1 結論 ......................................................................................................... 63
7.2 未來展望 ................................................................................................. 64
參考文獻 ............................................................................................................. 65
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指導教授 徐國鎧(Kuo-Kai Shyu) 審核日期 2015-7-28
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