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姓名 陳安俊(An-chun Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 數學系
論文名稱 數學信心與學習策略對學業成就的影響 -以中央大學微積分聯合教學為例
(Effects of Mathematics confidence and Learning Strategies on Academic Achievement -A Study of The United Classes of Calculus at NCU)
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摘要(中) 本次研究是以中央大學101學年度微積分聯合教學的751位學生為對象,使用了問卷調查,回收有效問卷623份,先做資料整理、項目分析,接著用探索式因素分析跑出四個面向再加以命名,分別為數學信心和學習策略(分為自我規劃、自我調整、非訊息資源管理)兩個部分,接著用相關分析、迴歸分析及多重對應分析去探討與學習成效的關聯性。而問卷是參考MSLQ 的學習動機與策略問卷,採用李克特5點量表(Likert scale )(非常不同意、不同意、普通、同意、非常同意)。
經過施測之後,本次研究的問卷具有中高等的信度(Cronbach′s α=0.841),而問卷各面向均達到可信的信度(Cronbach′s α ≥0.7)。本研究結果發現數學信心與學習策略對微積分上下學期皆有顯著正相關,接著探討是否在其他科目也有顯著相關,這裡採用大ㄧ英文成績,發現與數學信心與英文上學期呈現負相關,而英文二與數學信心並無達到顯著相關,但學習策略與英文上下學習皆有達到顯著正相關,再用相同的方式探討累計排名,發現數學信心與學習策略皆與累計排名有顯著正相關,最後探討微積分與英文對累計排名的相關性,雖然皆有正相關,但微積分的相關性高於英文,由此可見微積分對理工科系的重要性。
摘要(英) The study is based on 751 students who was taking United Class of Calculus course in 2011. After applying the questionnaire, there are 623 valid data. Then, After applying data organization, item analysis and factor analysis, two parts with four factors (in total) are found and named it as: Mathematics Confidence and Learning Strategies (with Self-planning, Self-regulation, and non-information resource management). Moreover, correlation analysis, regression analysis and multiple correspondence analysis were used to discuss the relationship between factors and learning result. The questionnaire was using MSLQ Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire as a reference with 5-point Likert scale (strongly disagree, disagree, general, agree, strongly agree).
The questionnaire in this study have high reliability (Cronbach′s α = 0.841), and every factor had met the reliability standard (Cronbach′s α ≥0.7). The results of this study found that the mathematical confidence and Learning Strategies for both semesters′ Calculus have significantly positive correlation. Then, the study also discussed if this result could apply on other related subjects and found that mathematics confidence and first semester English had negative correlation, but there is no significant correlation in mathematics confidence and English second semester. However, the first and second semester English and learning strategies both had positive and significant correlation. By using the same idea to find the relationship with the cumulative ranking, the study found mathematics confidence and learning strategies both had significant and positive relationship with cumulative ranking. Finally, we discussed relationship between Subjects (English and Calculus) and cumulative rank correlation. Both Calculus and English have positive correlation with cumulative ranking, and with the Calculus has higher correlation than English, this shows how important Calculus is for Science and Technology department students.
Comparing each semester cumulative ranking and cumulative ranking, the study found that the third-semester grades and cumulative ranking were the closest. This results that the third semester had more important courses for Science and Technology department students. Also, academic performance between men and women were found that women performed better than men. These two results were worth to have further and deeper discussion.
關鍵字(中) ★ 數學信心
★ 學習策略
★ 後設認知策略
★ 學業成就
★ 多重對應分析
★ 相關分析
關鍵字(英) ★ Mathematics confidence
★ Learning Strategies
★ Meta-cognitive strategies
★ Academic Achievement
★ Correlation Analysis
論文目次 目錄
第一章 緒論..............................................1
第二章 文獻探討..........................................4
2.1 數學信心...........................................4
2.2 學習策略...........................................6
2.3 自我調整學習策略....................................9
2.4 學習策略與學習成效相關研究..........................10
第三章 研究方法.........................................11
3.1 研究流程與架構....................................11
3.2 研究對象..........................................12
3.3 研究工具..........................................12
3.4 資料分析..........................................13
3.4.1 項目分析......................................14
3.4.2 探索式因素分析................................15
3.4.3 Pearson相關分析...............................16
3.4.4 複迴歸分析....................................17
3.4.5 多重對應分析..................................18
第四章 研究結果與討論....................................27
4.1 資料整理..........................................27
4.2 探索式因素分析....................................30
4.2.1 項目分析.....................................30
4.2.2 因素分析......................................38
4.3 信度分析..........................................42
4.4 相關分析與複迴歸分析...............................43
4.5 多重對應分析......................................50
4.6 性別與成績表現....................................70
第五章 結論與建議.......................................72
5.1 結論.............................................72
5.2 建議.............................................73

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指導教授 蕭嘉璋(Chia-Chang Hsiao) 審核日期 2015-7-27
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