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劉闊融(Kuo-Jung Liu)
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土木工程學系在職專班 |
論文名稱 |
地區災害物資調度管理之研究-以桃園市為例 (Research on the Regional Disaster Relief Materials Distribution Management—A Case Study of Taoyuan City)
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摘要(中) |
本研究希能了解物資調度之問題所在,並希望導入物流管理的概念,利用建置管理平台機制,及透過資訊共享整合策略等模式,讓地區於面臨災害時,地方政府能夠做好相關物資調度管理工作。 |
摘要(英) |
This paper aims to examine the difficulties in distributing manifold relief materials in mass disasters such as earthquakes and floods and further to develop the regional disaster relief materials distribution management system. With the system, relief materials could be effectively distributed, delivered, purchased, collected, and donated. The system would allow those disaster victims in need to receive the proper relief materials they urgently need and prevent relief materials from being excessively collected and wasted. In addition, this study would investigate the techniques and strengths of the relevant foreign and domestic materials distribution management systems to enhance the regional disaster relief materials distribution management system developed by this study and further apply the designed system to the case study of Taoyuan City.
The study will not merely diagnose the problems with relief materials distribution by introducing the ideas of logistics management, but also enable the local authorities to better facilitate the relief materials distribution management through the establishment of the management platform mechanism and strategies in information sharing and integration. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 救災物資 ★ 物資調度 ★ 捐贈物資 ★ 配送 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Relief materials ★ Materials Distribution ★ Donations、Delivery |
論文目次 |
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目 錄 iii
表目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 研究範圍 5
1.3 研究方法與流程 7
第2章 文獻回顧 9
2.1 SUMA(SUpply MAnagement system)系統 9
2.2 NIMS(National Incident Management System)系統 14
2.3 國內相關救濟物資調度管理系統及文獻 17
第3章 國內災害物資調度機制之研究 32
3.1 相關法規 32
3.2 國內重大災例物資調度管理情形之現況分析 46
3.3 災時物資調度管理基本架構及原則 59
第4章 建立災害物資調度管理機制-以桃園市為例 71
4.1 建立管理平台機制 71
4.2 資訊共享整合策略 76
4.3 災害物資調度管理策略 80
第5章 結論與建議 88
5.1 結論 88
5.2 建議 89
參考文獻 90
附錄一 94
附錄二 113 |
參考文獻 |
﹝14﹞黃俊能、簡賢文、施邦築、游家懿、李育嫺、郭素蕙、謝蕙如、 謝孟芯、黃裘恩,「我國因應重大災難物力動員機制之研究」, 行政院研究發展考核委員會委
﹝15﹞U.S. Department of Homeland Security,Target Capabilities List: A companion to the National Preparedness Guidelines. D.C Washington: U.S. Department of Homeland Security,2007
﹝16﹞U.S.Department of Homeland Security,National Incident Management System,2008
﹝17﹞Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division,Michigan Department of State Police,LOCAL DISASTER LOGISTICS AND DONATIONS MANAGEMENT PLANNING HANDBOOK,2012
﹝18﹞Panamerican Health Organization,Manual Logistical Management of Humanitarian Supply,2000
﹝19﹞Mid-Atlantic Universities Transportation Center,Supply Chain Management in Disaster Response,2009
﹝21﹞哈多吉、張晴翔、張菊惠,「以NEHK2003及SUMA系統設計救災物資管理系統之經驗」,中華緊急救護技術員協會醫誌,1, 1,第63-69頁,2011。
﹝23﹞韓世寧、陳國東,「九二一集集大地震南投縣台中縣死亡情形調查報告」,疫情報導,衛生署疾病管制局, 2000。
﹝24﹞中華民國災難醫學會、新光醫院急診醫學科王宗倫、李宜恭、陳國智、陳建智、陳輝財、盧冠澈、韓和益、翁健瑞、洪世文、蕭蔚全、鄭伯良、黃琪絜,「亞太緊急災難醫療衛生套組及物資管理系統之建立」,衛生署科技研究計畫,2007 。
﹝26﹞勞動署勞動力發展署桃竹苗分署,「104 年度就業市場專刊桃竹苗地區產業特色分析報告」,2015。
﹝32﹞臺北市政府,「臺北市防災作業手冊」,2016。 |
指導教授 |
審核日期 |
2016-8-25 |
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