博碩士論文 103322093 詳細資訊

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姓名 呂欣倫(Shin-Luen Leu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 結合BIM與Unity技術互動式呈現住家節電樣式與教育
★ 路權取得資料探勘與決策輔助工具設計之研究★ 以時空資料庫管理管線單位道路申挖許可之雛形系統研究
★ 關鍵基礎設施相依性模型設計與應用★ 應用RFID技術於室內空間防救災時的疏散指引系統之研究
★ 考量列車迴轉與擾動因子情況下高速鐵路系統最佳化排班設計之研究★ 應用資料探勘分群分類演算法與空間資料庫技術在鋪面裂縫影像辨識之初探
★ 以本體論建構工程程式設計課程之線上考試平台研究★ 結合遙測影像與GIS資料以資料挖掘 技術進行崩塌地辨識-以石門水庫集水區為例
★ 設計整合型手持式行動裝置平台於災害設施損毀資料收集研究★ 考量擾動因子情況下傳統鐵路時刻表建置合併於高速鐵路時刻表模型之回顧與探討
★ 關鍵基礎設施相依性分析:以竹科某晶圓廠區為例★ 建築資訊模型於火災原因調查流程的應用
★ Hadoop雲端平台在工程應用之探討研究★ 關鍵基礎設施投入產出停轉模型之回顧與應用
★ 擴展建築資訊模型於防救災應用:使用Revit平台★ 應用交通資料蒐集與發佈設備及資料探勘法協助觀光地區交通管理策略之研究:以桃園大溪老街為例
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摘要(中) 世界各地面臨全球暖化,以及能量需求與價格的增加,因此該如何增加能源的使用效率以及能源節約的議題備受矚目,對於一般家庭而言,要進行節能的第一步是要暸解目前能源的使用狀況,在過去的用電表達方式往往可能只是紙面上的數據或是與社區之對比,這些並不一定能夠增加用戶的節電意識。
摘要(英) The world is facing global warming, increased energy demands and limited resources. Therefore, how to increase the efficiency of energy use is of high importance. For a typical household, this research assumes that understanding household power usage patterns is the first step and the only way to achieve energy savings. Previously, power consumption data are often aggregated and displayed on utility bills, which hardly increases the residents’ awareness regarding energy savings. In this research, Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Unity technologies were utilized to implement an interactive platform in order to show power consumption data sets and selected energy saving patterns. Two types of potential energy-saving patterns were realized in the proposed platform. One is about a group of passive appliances, which users can specify which appliance be incorporated into which group. This group of appliances should be turned on or off all together, and if any of the appliances in the group do not obey the rule, the platform will identify them and display the energy-saving tip in the 3D environment. The other is about a spatial group of appliances that their locations are inside the same room or zone. The platform will monitor the power consumption data set and once the given appliance is turned on (such as a security alarm), all the other appliances should be turned off. The platform can remind the residents of when and which appliance should be turned off, thus having the potential of saving energy for the household.
關鍵字(中) ★ Unity
★ 節電樣式
★ 互動式教育
★ 建築資訊模型
關鍵字(英) ★ Building Information Modeling
★ Unity game engine
★ Energy-saving education
論文目次 誌謝 iv
中文摘要 v
目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
圖目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究問題與目的 2
1-3 研究範圍 3
1-4 研究流程與方法 3
1-5 論文架構 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2-1 UNITY遊戲引擎 5
2-2 圖表式用電資訊 6
2-3 使用工具回顧 7
2-3-1 資料倉儲 7
2-3-2 PostgreSQL 8
2-3-3 Npgsql 9
2-4 開發環境回顧 9
2-4-1 C# 9
2-4-2 網頁程式 9
第三章 研究方法 10
3-1 BIM材質標準化 10
3-2 情境資料整合平台 12
3-2-1 網頁伺服器端 13
3-2-2 資料庫存取 16
3-2-3 遊戲引擎平台 17
3-3 程式設計思維 18
3-3-1 資料庫 19
3-3-2 遊戲物件 23
3-3-3 群組型電器 24
3-3-4 時空型電器 25
3-4 開發與執行環境 26
3-4-1 Unity開發環境 27
3-4-2 程式執行環境 28
第四章 系統測試 30
4-1 群組型電器 30
4-1-1 群組設定 30
4-1-2 情境模擬 33
4-2 時空型電器 35
4-3 網頁界面 36
第五章 結論與建議 39
5-1 結論 39
5-2 建議 39
5-3 貢獻 40
參考文獻 41
參考文獻 Chen, H.M., Lin, C.W., Hsieh, S.H., Chao, H.F., Chen, C.S., Shiu, R.S., & Deng, Y.C. (2012). Persuasive feedback model for inducing energy conservation behaviors of building users based on interaction with a virtual object. Energy and Buildings, 45, 106-115.
Erickson, V. L., Lin, Y., Kamthe, A., Brahme, R., Surana, A., Cerpa, A. E., & Narayanan, S. (2009). Energy efficient building environment control strategies using real-time occupancy measurements. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the First ACM Workshop on Embedded Sensing Systems for Energy-Efficiency in Buildings.
Guerassimoff, G., & Thomas, J. (2015). Enhancing energy efficiency and technical and marketing tools to change people′s habits in the long-term. Energy and Buildings, 104, 14-24.
Gupta, H. (1997). Selection of views to materialize in a data warehouse. Paper presented at the International Conference on Database Theory.
Kumar, S., Hedrick, M., Wiacek, C., & Messner, J. I. (2011). Developing an experienced-based design review Application for healthcare facilities using a 3d game Engine. Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 16, 85-104.
Lin, K.Y., Son, J. W., & Rojas, E. M. (2011). A pilot study of a 3D game environment for construction safety education. Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 16(5), 69-83.
Norton, T. (2013). Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity 3D: Packt Publishing Ltd.
江正鼎 (2015) 。結合建築資訊模型與感測技術應用於基礎設施情境互動式呈現研究(博士論文)。國立中央大學,桃園市。
邱勇標(2013)。Unity 3D遊戲設計實戰。新北市:碁峰資訊股份有限公司。
指導教授 周建成(Chien-Cheng Chou) 審核日期 2016-7-27
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