摘要(英) |
The study is to investigate the impact of amending laws targeting drunk driving accidents and compare the effects between motorcyclist and car drivers by using the A1 and A2 road traffic accident investigation report of National Policy Agency from 2003 to 2013. The laws for driving under the influence (DUI) include Article 114 of Road Traffic Safety Regulations, Article 185-3 of Criminal Code of the Republic of China, and Article 37 of Road Traffic Regulations on Administrative Penalties.
The empirical analysis used panel data and negative binomial regression model, fixing the regional effects respectively. As the results shown on township-level, lowering the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit and harsher penalties reduced the daily accident rates of drunk driving, but had little effects on six metropolitan cities. It might indicate the DUI policies should be formulated and executed upon local conditions. As for drunk driving casualties, amending DUI laws had a little effects, but reducing the numbers of traffic casualties could save lots of social costs each year. As the results shown on individual-level, age increased, male and motorcyclists were more easily committing drunk driving. Lowering the BAC limit and harsher penalties could reduce drunk driving accident rates in driver’s samples. In general, the deterrence of strict laws was more effective in car drivers than motorcyclists. |
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