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摘要(中) |
摘 要
關鍵字:設計、模流分析、電腦輔助分析、翹曲。 |
摘要(英) |
This paper is the research of the expert system for mechanism design to introduction all process. It is more and more important in pre-simulation and analysis because the industry trends in the high accuracy and complex shape product. Depend on the design of operator‘s experience is not enough, need ensure design using by anticipation of mold flow analysis to reduce the times of injection molding, cost down effectivity, speed up the product development and shorten cycle time.
Mold flow analysis is mainly to see the fluid filling, cooling, shrinkage, warping deformation of the situation, that can anticipate the trends and change situation before the mold is made design, so that is equal of the mold testing on computer. The advantage is saving the time and cost of testing mold, and also shorting of schedule the mold project.
This research is using the software “Moldflow” in mold flow analysis, the visualization process of Computer-aided analysis (CAE), supply the crucial role on building the bridge between each department and also using the analysis result to evidence and avoid the bad design.
The characteristic of plastic materials, do initial analysis, “ABS+PC” material as the temperature changes is smaller viscosity changes and better fluidity by different temperature. Compare with ABS+PC and PC materials by simulation result, PC material is smaller deformation but it is difficult to padding so choosing the materials “ABS+PC”.
The analysis of gate location is using the flow method and path of plastic product that is most of important factor. So the padding balance and shorten path is best choice and the first priority is reducing the flow channel scraps. Notice to injection of preforming gate location feasibility. The optimization of the upper cover on both sides of the variant symmetry, mold adjustment less, according to the results of this model to open the mold, the actual shape of the top cover deformation in line with the expected results of the simulation.
Keywords: Design, Mold flow analysis, Computer-aided analysis, Warping. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 設計 ★ 模流分析 ★ 電腦輔助分析 ★ 翹曲 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Design ★ Mold flow analysis ★ Computer-aided analysis ★ Warping |
論文目次 |
目 錄
摘 要 I
誌 謝 III
目 錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 研究動機與目的 7
1.4 論文架構 8
第二章 傳統產品開發流程 9
2.1 可程式控制器開發流程介紹 9
2.2 傳統產品開發流程圖 10
2.3 新產品開發流程各階段 11
2.3.1 市場調查階段 11
2.3.2 可行性評估 12
2.3.3 電路板設計與堆疊 15
2.3.4 產品設計結構階段 18
2.3.5 設計驗證及檢討 21
2.3.6 模具製作 24
2.3.7 第一次試模檢討(T1) 32
2.3.8 承認樣板製作及檢討 33
2.3.9 試產前會議 33
第三章 新世代產品開發流程 34
3.1 產品規範RFQ文件 36
3.2 模具修模與改模 38
3.3 模流分析 38
3.4 模具製作 39
第四章 塑膠品翹曲之改善實驗 42
4.1 模流分析的應用實例 42
4.2 材料選擇 45
4.2.1 顯示材料屬性 45
4.2.2 材料基本屬性描述 45
4.2.3 成型工藝條件 46
4.2.4 流變屬性 47
4.2.5 材料比較與分析特性 48
4.2.6 加工條件設定 52
4.3 分析結果 53
4.4 澆口位置分析 56
4.5 初步充填分析與流動分佈 59
4.6 翹曲分析結果 63
4.7 優化後澆口位置分析結果 66
4.8 優化後充填分析與流動分佈 69
4.9 優化後翹曲分析結果 72
第五章 結果與討論 74
第六章 結論與未來展望 79
6.1結論 79
6.2未來展望 81 |
參考文獻 |
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指導教授 |
審核日期 |
2017-7-20 |
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