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姓名 石衛恩(Wei-En Shih)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 網路學習科技研究所
論文名稱 由空間能力探討遊戲式英語學習如何影響學習者之遊戲行為和遊戲表現
(The Effects of Spatial Abilities on Gaming Behavior and Game Performance in the Context of Game-based English Learning)
★ 探討認知風格於數位遊戲式英語學習環境對遊戲行為與學習成效之影響★ 從全面性的角度探討先備知識對同儕互評中受評與 評分之影響
★ 從認知風格的角度探討同儕互評分組對遊戲製作與評量之影響★ 從認知風格的角度探討同儕互評對遊戲式學習系統製作與評量之影響
★ 在數位遊戲式學習環境中先備能力對兩種學習內容整合方式之影響:緊密結合 vs. 鬆散結合
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摘要(中) 第二語言的重要性日益提升,英語已經成為世界上的官方語言,因此英語學習已成為在教育上相當重要的課題之一。為了要提升英語能力,在學習過程需要仰賴反覆的練習,然而這種反覆練習的做法,會使學習者越來越沒有耐心,也會讓他們失去學習動機。因此,本研究開發一款數位遊戲英語學習系統,建立一個遊戲環境來進行英語學習,進而提升學習者的學習動機。




摘要(英) With the increasing importance of the Second language, English has become a official language in the world. Thus, English learning is one of the most important subjects in education. In order to improve English abilities, there is a need to do repeated practice during students’ learning process. However, such repeated practice not only makes learners feel impatient, but also let them lose learning motivation Therefore, this research develops a digital game-based learning system, where game elements were used to improve the learner′s learning motivation.

Although digital game-based learning has many advantages, it might not be suitable for all learners. This is because digital game-based learning may cause cognitive overload of learners. Many factors affect learners ′ cognitive overload in game-based learning. Among such factors, learner′s spatial abilities were associated with cognitive overload. In addition to cognitive load, the gaming behavior and game performance in game-based learning may be related to learners ′ spatial abilities. Therefore, this research aimed to examine the influences of learners’ spatial abilities on their gaming behavior and game performance in the context of digital game-based learning.

53 students who enrolled in the 4th grade of an elementary school in Taoyuan participated in this study. Based on the results of space proficiency test, they were divided into the high spatial ability group and low spatial ability group. After they interacted with a digital game-based learning system for 80 minutes, the influences of learner′s spatial ability on gaming behavior and game performance were analyzed, and correlations between gaming behavior and game performance were also discussed. Gaming behavior pertained to the frequencies and time of using various assistive tools. Game performance included game scores and task performance. Two approaches were applied to conduct data analysis, including descriptive statistics, t-test, Pearson correlations and one-way ANOVA.

The results of this study that spatial abilities had great impacts on the learner′s gaming behavior and game performance. Learners with a high spatial ability was superior to those with a low spatial ability learners, in terms of game performance. Learners with a low spatial ability more frequently used different types of hints than those with a high spatial ability, in terms of screen description, small maps, the location of enemies and role description. Furthermore, significant differences were found for the time used for small maps and the location of enemies. More specifically, learners with a low spatial ability spent more times for using the small maps and the location of enemies than those with a high spatial ability. In addition, the study found that the effect of spatial ability has no significant differences on learning performance. On correlation, a positive correlation existed between the frequencies of using the small maps and role description. The frequencies of using image resolution, Chinese interpretation and speech recognition were positively correlated to each other. This study found that the abovementioned correlations found for these two groups were similar. The frequencies of using image resolution, Chinese interpretation and speech recognition were positively correlated to each other. This study found that the abovementioned correlations found for these two groups were similar.

The aforesaid findings demonstrated that this thesis will make contributions to digital game-based learning. Firstly, the findings were useful to understand the influences of spatial ability on learner′s gaming behavior and game performance. Secondly, such findings can be applied to support researchers, learners, designers and teachers to develop game learning system which can adapt to the needs of learners with different spatial abilities.
關鍵字(中) ★ 遊戲式英語學習
★ 空間能力
★ 遊戲行為
★ 遊戲表現
關鍵字(英) ★ game-based English learning
★ spatial ability
★ gaming behavior
★ game performance
論文目次 摘要 v
Abstract vii
致謝 x
目錄 xi
圖目錄 xiii
表目錄 xiv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究問題 4
1.4 名詞解釋 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 數位遊戲式學習 6
2.2 英語融入遊戲式學習 8
2.3 遊戲式學習的問題 9
2.4 空間能力 11
2.4.1 空間能力的的定義 11
2.4.2 空間能力的的影響 12
第三章 系統實作 14
3.1 系統架構 14
3.2 系統特色 14
3.3 系統學習內容 22
3.4 系統操作流程 22
第四章 研究方法 28
4.1 實驗工具 28
4.2 研究對象 32
4.3 實驗流程 32
4.4 資料分析 34
第五章 研究結果與討論 37
5.1 遊戲行為 37
5.1.1 畫面說明使用情形 37
5.1.2 顯示地圖使用情形 39
5.1.3 查看角色位置情形 40
5.1.4 敵人方位使用情形 42
5.2 遊戲表現 44
5.2.1 挑戰關卡答題表現 44
5.2.2 遊戲分數 46
5.3 學習成效 47
5.4 各關卡間遊戲行為與遊戲表現相關性分析 48
5.4.1 各關卡間遊戲行為和遊戲表現的差異之比較 48
5.4.2 遊戲行為與遊戲表現的相關性分析 53
第六章 結論與建議 57
6.1 研究結論 57
6.2 研究貢獻 58
6.3 未來工作 59
參考文獻 61
附錄一 英語能力測驗卷 68
參考文獻 中文部分
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指導教授 楊接期 陳攸華(Jie-Chi Yang Sherry Y. Chen) 審核日期 2017-11-14
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