摘要(英) |
In order to actively expand their business, strengthen the scope of service users, and cooperate with various construction and implementation of pipeline underground engineering, each pipeline unit often applies to the road management unit to excavate roads and handle various pipeline embedding projects, resulting in frequent road excavation and road traffic. Interference, which in turn reduces the service life of the road. Moreover, the location of road excavation is everywhere, and it is difficult to supervise the manpower of the control, making the maintenance of road quality difficult.
In the past, the repair of backfilled blocks, square milling, and road sections for road maintenance pipelines was not actively managed and there is no clear completion specification for reference. This study uses the new-type walking profiler to obtain the IRI value of the flatness index and the single point height and lowness, and analyzes the difference between the data and utilizes the data of the flatness of the road maintenance pipeline in the urban area of Taipei and Taoyuan. Classification of administrative areas and lengths, construction companies, etc., to analyze the effectiveness of walking profiler for road maintenance, and then analyze the difference between data and road types to discuss the relationship between construction methods and road types; The comprehensive survey of walking profiler has been effective in improving the quality and performance of overall road maintenance pipeline repair. |
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