博碩士論文 105322020 詳細資訊

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姓名 康家榮(Chia-Lung Kang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 鋼筋混凝土梁剪力滑移之研究
★ 變厚度X形消能裝置初步研究★ FRP筋對混凝土柱圍束效應之研究
★ 高強度鋼筋混凝土剪力牆連接梁耐震配筋之研究★ 高拉力SD690鋼筋截斷設計之研究
★ 高強度鋼筋混凝土梁構件耐震設計參數之研究★ 鋼筋混凝土梁疲勞行為之初步研究
★ 高拉力鋼筋混凝土滑移剪力設計之研究★ 鋼筋混凝土梁有斜向鋼筋配置之耐震性能提升研究
★ 非韌性鋼筋混凝土梁柱外接頭補強之研究★ 新澆置鋼筋混凝土梁受反覆荷重之影響
★ 非韌性鋼筋混凝土梁柱內接頭補強之研究★ 鋼筋混凝土擴柱補強工法對非韌性梁柱接頭耐震能力提升之探討
★ 雙層兩跨鋼筋混凝土抗彎構架耐震測試★ 受損RC梁柱接頭補強之耐震成效評估
★ 現有鋼筋混凝土建築物之耐震能力評估 ―以紐西蘭評估方法為基礎★ 桁架軟化模式應用於無水平箍筋梁柱接頭剪力及變形曲線預測之研究
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摘要(中) 本研究繼先前計畫[6],乃增加T頭鋼筋作塑性鉸外移設計,因提高臨界斷面彎矩強度同時,其剪力也會隨之增加而導致塑性鉸區產生明顯之斜向剪力裂縫破壞可能,且在塑性鉸區亦會有剪力滑移破壞產生。故本研究參考紐西蘭規範NZS 3101-2006塑性鉸區剪力滑移設計,以增加斜向彎起鋼筋方式防止梁剪力滑移破壞。其中,亦利用實驗製作兩支2.4m懸臂梁試體,主筋皆使用SD420W #8與#10號竹節鋼筋,梁箍筋使用SD420W #3鋼筋,混凝土強度為30MPa。第一支NB-K1為原型梁,而第二支NB-K2於上下側各增設一根於一倍梁深(hb),斜度為45度之彎起鋼筋,用以抑制垂直剪力滑移之發生。
摘要(英) The thesis follows the previous study[6], on which the hinge relocation design of Zew RC beams using additional T-head bars was discussed. This is because the shear strength increases as the moment strength was enhanced by the additional T-head bars, thus resulted in obvious diagonal shear crack and may cause sliding shear failure occur at the potential weak plane in the plastic hinge zone. Therefore, the purpose of the thesis is to study the design of RC beam sliding shear referring to the design code of NZS3101-2006. In the thesis, totally two 200 mm wide and 650 mm deep RC beams are tested and the length of beams is 2.4 meters. The longitudinal bars are arranged with two SD420 #8 in the top and two SD420 #10 in the bottom. The first tested beam NB-K1 is the prototype beam, and the second NB-K2 is the tested beam designed with a bent-up steel bar having 45 degree inclination in order to resist the occurrence of vertical sliding shear failure.
The test results show that beam NB-K1 produces sliding shear cracks when DR=2% is reached, whereas NB-K2 sliding shear cracks occur when DR=4% is started. This is because the bent-up bar breaks at DR=3%. It is expected that sliding shear may not occur if bent-up bar is not breaking. Therefore, according to the analysis on the failure possibility, it is recommended that addional vertical shear stirrups at the bend-up point could prevent the failure. It is also found that the capacity of sliding shear stipulated in NZS3101 for checking the occurance of beam sliding shear failure may not be conservative. It is suggested to revise the sliding shear capacity for the future study.
關鍵字(中) ★ 塑鉸外移
★ 剪力滑移
★ 斜向彎起鋼筋
★ 剪力滑移容量
論文目次 摘要 i
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 xi
符號說明 xiv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的與方法 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 ACI 318-14剪力設計[4] 3
2.1.1 基本剪力設計 3
2.2.2 耐震設計篇之剪力設計 4
2.2 台灣New RC相關設計[20] 4
2.2.1 混凝土彈性模數Ec 4
2.2.2 梁撓曲強度設計 5
2.2.3 梁剪力強度設計 6
2.2.4 鋼筋之伸展長度 7
2.2.5 鋼筋之超額強度因子 7
2.3 側向變位和曲率?與塑鉸區長度lp之關係 8
2.4塑鉸外移設計 9
2.4.1 增設T頭鋼筋之設計 9
2.4.2 紐西蘭規範設計 10
2.5 剪力滑移檢核方法 10
2.5.1 Paulay剪力滑移設計 10
2.5.2 NZS3101-2006剪力滑移規範 12
2.5.3 ACI 318-14剪力摩擦設計 13
2.5.4 CAN/CSA-A23.3-04剪力摩擦設計 14
2.5.5 NZS 3101-2006摩擦剪力設計 15
第三章 試體規劃與實驗步驟 16
3.1 試體規劃 16
3.2 材料試驗 17
3.2.1 鋼筋拉伸試驗 17
3.2.2 混凝土抗壓試驗 17
3.2.3 鋼筋彎曲試驗 18
3.3 試體設計 18
3.3.1 NB-K1 (無增設彎起鋼筋之梁) 19
3.3.2 NB-K2 (有彎起鋼筋設計之梁) 19
3.4 試體製作 20
3.4.1 鋼筋應變計黏貼 20
3.4.2 鋼筋籠製作 21
3.4.3 應變計收線 22
3.4.4 錨定T-head安裝 22
3.4.5 模板製作與組立 22
3.4.6 試體澆置 23
3.4.7 試體拆模與養護 23
3.4.8 試體架設 24
3.5 試驗設備 24
3.5.1加載系統 24
3.5.2量測系統 25
3.6 試驗方法與步驟 26
3.7 試驗數據處理 27
3.7.1理論標稱載重Pn 27
3.7.2真實側位移? 27
3.7.3降伏位移與初始勁度 30
3.7.4斷面分析之實際慣性矩 31
3.7.5層間變位角DR與韌性位移比μ? 32
3.7.6相對消能比β 32
第四章 試驗結果 34
4.1 試體整體行為 34
4.1.1 試體NB-K1 36
4.1.2 試體NB-K2 36
4.2 塑性變形對位移之貢獻 37
4.3 剪力與剪力滑移現象之比較 38
第五章 結論 41
參考文獻 43
附錄一 New RC試體數據[6] 91
附錄二 試體標稱強度計算 101
附錄三 試體應變計數據 106
附錄四 彎起點垂直加強筋計算 115
參考文獻 [1] NZS 3101, Concrete Structural Standard, The Design of Concrete Structures & Commentary on the Design of Concrete Structures, New Zealand Standard, 2006.
[2] ACI Committee 374, Guide for Testing Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements under Slowly Applied Simulated Seismic Loads (ACI374.2R-13), American Concrete Institute, 2013.
[3] ACI Committee 374, Acceptance Criteria for Moment Frames Based on Structural Testing and Commentary (ACI 374.1-05), American Concrete Institute, 2005.
[4] ACI Committee 318, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete, ACI318-14 & Commentary, American Concrete Institute, 2014.
[5] Paulay, T.,& Priestley, M., J., N., Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Buildings, Wiley Interscience, New York, pp. 194-199,1992.
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[7] 內政部營建署,「混凝土工程設計規範與解說 (土木401-100)」,民國一百年。
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[10] Moehle, J., Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings , McGraw-Hill Education, United States of America, pp. 203-205, 2015.
[11] CSA Committee A23.3, Design of Concrete Structures for Building, Canadian Standards Association, Canada , 2004.
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[19] Moehle, J., Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings , McGraw-Hill Education, United States of America, pp. 203-205, 2015.
[20] 國家地震工程研究中心,「高強度鋼筋混凝土結構設計手冊」,民國一百零六年。
指導教授 王勇智 審核日期 2018-8-24
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