摘要(英) |
Low bidding is the most commonly used method in Taiwan for the government procurement of public construction projects. However, due to the fierce and irrational market competition, in the past few years the low bid prices frequently were as low as less than 65% of the budget price. Consequently, more than often the contractor bankrupted in the middle of the project and the public owner had to find a new contractor, or the project was finished with unsatisfactory quality. Although an alternative method, the Most Beneficiary method, is used for public procurement as well, so far the low bidding method is still the most dominate one.
The Qualified Low Bidding (QLD) method was developed by Huang et. al. in 2001. The method employs a rating mechanism for the rating of tenders’ bids. Only contractors rated in the first 50% are qualified for entering the low bid. This research is a continuous study of the previous one. It examines the effectiveness of the developed QLD method and attempts to improve its mechanism. The two measures for the effectiveness of the QLD method are (1) the capability to prevent the low bidder always being the winner without any examination and (2) the capability to prevent manipulation of the winner by coalition of a group of contractors. Pseudo cases are employed for testing of the QLD method. Conclusions and findings are reported. |
參考文獻 |
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