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姓名 樹瑪雅(Siti Any Maya Shulhah)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 網路學習科技研究所
論文名稱 Examining Teachers’ Online Video-Based Reflective Practice for Professional Development Regarding Guided-Discovery Learning Instruction
(Examining Teachers’ Online Video-Based Reflective Practice for Professional Development Regarding Guided-Discovery Learning Instruction)
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摘要(中) 在職教師必須掌握在教學中使用各種策略和方法的教學知識和技能,並通過持續的反思性練習來專業地提高他們的表現。
這個多案例研究的目的是描述印度尼西亞的在職教師在針對其專業發展進行指導,發現學習指導的反思實踐中的本質。 iCRT在線視頻系統被用來支持三個階段的反思活動,包括自我反思,協作反思和後設反思。
從印度尼西亞的三所不同職業高中中挑選了六名學員,並將他們配對為三組不同主題課程。通過分析選擇性注意力與基於知識的推理之間的動態相互作用,檢驗了他們進行反思活動的本質(framework adapted from Sherin, 2007)。
摘要(英) It is important for in-service teachers to master pedagogical knowledge and skills of using various strategies and methods in teaching as well as professionally improving performance through continuous reflective practice. The purpose of this multiple-case study was to describe Indonesian in-service teachers’ nature in performing reflective practice regarding guided-discovery learning instruction for professional development. The iCRT online video-based system was employed to support three stages of reflection activities consisting of self-reflection, collaborative reflection, and meta reflection.
Six participants were selected from three different vocational high schools in Indonesia and they were paired into three groups of subject lessons. Their nature in performing reflection activities was examined by analyzing the dynamic interaction between selective attention and knowledge-based reasoning (framework adapted from Sherin, 2007).
The finding identified that in reflection activities, teachers were more focused on their self and their actions in teaching as the object of attention. While in providing guided discovery instruction, the brainstorming process has taken the most noticed in view of the fact that the process involved most of teachers′ intervention in guiding students and lead them to discover the right concept of knowledge as the learning outcomes. However, the improvement of teaching practice can be seen from how teachers reasoned on the selective part of the teaching scene which needed to be improved.
Another result was that collaborative reflection is important to support the objectivity of reflection and serves as a reference point. It also strengthens teachers on their professional development and leads teachers to recognize their shortcomings in practice.
In addition, the meta-reflection process has been able to infer the extent to which improvements in teaching performance have been achieved.
關鍵字(中) ★ 反思實踐
★ 引導式發現教學
★ 基於視頻的反思
★ 專業發展
★ 反思
關鍵字(英) ★ reflective practice
★ guided-discovery instruction
★ video-based reflection
★ professional development
★ reflection
論文目次 中文摘要 ii
1-1 Background 1
1-2 Identification of the Problem 5
1-3 Focus and Research Questions 6
1-4 Objectives of the Study 6
1-5 Benefits of the Study 6
2-1 Guided Discovery 8
2-1-1 Definition of Guided Discovery 8
2-1-2 Instructional Features of Guided Discovery 11
2-2 Reflective Practice for Teachers’ Professional Development 13
2-2-1 Definition of Reflection 14
2-2-2 Reflection Viewed from the Perspective of Process 15
2-2-3 Reflection Viewed from the Perspective of Critical Analysis 18
2-2-4 Reflective practice for teachers’ professional development in Indonesia 19
2-3 Technology Supported Reflective Practice 20
2-3-1 Video Annotation Tool for Reflective Practice 22
2-3-2 The Effect of Video Viewing on Teachers’ Professional Vision 28
3-1 Type of the Research 31
3-2 Participants of the Research 32
3-3 Research Design 34
3-3-1 Study Questions 34
3-3-2 Study Propositions 34
3-3-3 Units of analysis 35
3-3-4 Linking data to propositions 37
3-3-5 Criteria for interpreting a study’s findings 38
3-4 The Data Collection Technique 38
3-4-1 Observations 39
3-4-2 Interviews 39
3-4-3 Documentation 39
3-5 The Credibility of the Research 39
3-6 The iCRT Online Video-Based Reflective Practice System 40
3-6-1 iCRT System Features 40
3-6-2 Reflection Process supported by iCRT System 44
4-1 Teachers’ nature in performing self-reflection regarding guided-discovery approach 48
4-1-1 Teachers more focus on their actions in providing guided-discovery instruction 49
4-1-2 In provision of guided-discovery instruction, teachers put the attention more on brainstorming activity 51
4-1-3 The teachers’ changes can be found in the interaction between selective attention and knowledge-based reasoning 53
4-1-4 Teachers also noticed to other aspects of learning events outside of guided-discovery 57
4-2 Teachers’ Engagement in Collaborative Reflection 58
4-2-1 Collaborative reflection reinforces teachers′ belief in the positive aspects of their pedagogical practices 60
4-2-2 Collaborative reflection leads teachers to more critically recognize weaknesses in their teaching practices 66
4-3 The role of meta-reflection in the iCRT System 72
4-3-1 Meta-reflection supported teachers to give an overall insight regarding their professional practice performance 72
4-3-2 Meta reflection as a promising feature in the iCRT System 75
5-1 Conclusions 77
5-2 Suggestions 78
APPENDIX 1. Letter of Permission 86
APPENDIX 2. Research Proposal for Teachers 87
APPENDIX 3. Research Schedule 91
APPENDIX 4. Interview Questions 1 93
APPENDIX 5. Interview Questions 2 94
APPENDIX 6. List of Research Activity 95
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指導教授 吳穎沺 Sugito(Ying-Tien Wu Sugito) 審核日期 2018-7-9
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