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(Improving Novice Teachers’ Instructional Practice Through Online Multilevel Reflection: The Role of Novice Teachers’ Beliefs)
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★ The Effect s of Video-based Reflection on Preservice Teachers′ Micro Teaching Focusing on Meaningful Learning with ICT★ Examining Teachers’ Online Video-Based Reflective Practice for Professional Development Regarding Guided-Discovery Learning Instruction
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摘要(中) 使用科技輔助基於視頻的反思系統已經成為教師教育的重要工具。本研究試圖探討新手老師的教學實習的成效,透過他們的教學信念的觀念,然後去探索和描述多層次反思的益處是否有助於ICRT去增進新手老師的教學實習。特別是,這項研究採用定性方法和案例研究方法。通過有目的的抽樣,有五十位化學教育3年經驗的學生選擇了註冊微格教學課程。本研究採用混合型數據分析方法,收集的數據為定量和定性數據。主要研究結果表明,新手教師積極改變他們的教學觀念。數據分析的結果是與新手教師通過iCRT系統提供的評論性質相關的六個主要主題;課堂管理,教師反饋,師生互動,教學任務,教學設計,教學技巧。此外,有四個性質顯示新手教師受益於視頻反思的多層次反思有助於改善其教學表現;採用同儕的教學視頻進行未來教學和規劃改進,並且認識到他們在教學和技術上的問題。
摘要(英) The use of technology supported video-based reflection has become an essential tool for teacher education. This present study seeks to investigate the effect of novice teachers’ instructional practice through their conception of teaching belief then to explore and describe the benefited of multilevel reflection towards i-Critical reflection on teaching system (iCRT) for improving their instructional practice. Particularly, this research employed qualitative method with a case study approach. By using purposive sampling, there are fifty-third years of chemistry education students who have registered for microteaching course were selected. A mixed-type data analysis approach used in this present study, the data collected is quantitative and qualitative data. The main findings indicated that novice teachers positively changed their conception of teaching belief. The results of data analysis were six major themes related to the nature of comments provided by novice teachers through the iCRT system; classroom management, teacher feedback, teacher Student Interaction, teaching assignment, teaching design, teaching skill. Additionally, there were four themes related to novice teachers’ benefited of multilevel reflection toward video-based reflection for improving their performance; adopting peers’ teaching video for future teaching, planning for improve, recognizing the lack of their teaching and technical problem issues.
關鍵字(中) ★ 教師教育
★ 教學實踐
★ 基於視頻的反思
關鍵字(英) ★ Teacher education
★ video-based reflection
★ instructional practice
論文目次 中文摘要 ii
1-1 Background of the Research1
1-2 Purpose of the Research3
1-3 Limitation of the Research.4
1-4 Significant of the research .4
2-1 Teacher Reflection in Teacher Education 6
2-1-1 Implication of Teacher reflection for teacher education .6
2-1-1 Professional Development through Reflection in and on action .7
2-1-2 Nature of Professional Development through Multilevel Reflection 9
2-2 Assessing Conception of Teachers’ Beliefs13
2-3 Technology Supported Video-Based Reflection 15
3-1 Research Design.17
3-2 Research Subjects and Site 18
3-2-1 Subjects of the Research 18
3-2-2 Research Place and Time of Study19
3-3 Technique of Data Collection.20
3-4 Data Analysis26
3-5 Validity .30
3-6 Reliability32
3-7 Researcher’s Bias.33
3-8 System Design and Implementation33
3-8-1 i-Critical Reflection on Teaching (iCRT) Systems33
3-8-2 System Implementation .36
4-1 The effects of online video-based reflection in novice teachers’ conception of
teaching belief 37
4-2 Novice teachers’ comments on their teaching video40
4-3 Novice teachers’ comments on peer’s teaching video46
4-4 The comparison between self-reflection and accepted comments from peer’s
4-5 The comparison between self-reflection and mentor feedback.58
4-6 Learning about teaching through multilevel reflection.65
5-1 Conclusion69
5-2 Suggestion70
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指導教授 吳穎沺、Herman Dwi Surjono(Ying-Tien Wu Herman Dwi Surjono) 審核日期 2018-7-9
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