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姓名 拉克斯(Keith Francis Ratumbuisang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 網路學習科技研究所
(The Effect s of Video-based Reflection on Preservice Teachers′ Micro Teaching Focusing on Meaningful Learning with ICT)
★ 支援國小科展探究教與學之網路科展探究系統的開發與評估★ 教師科展專業知識分享社群平台系統開發與評估
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★ Improving Novice Teachers’ Instructional Practice Through Online Multilevel Reflection: The Role of Novice Teachers’ Beliefs★ Examining Teachers’ Online Video-Based Reflective Practice for Professional Development Regarding Guided-Discovery Learning Instruction
★ 數位教育遊戲之開發與評估:以「Mr.道耳頓的奇幻歷險」為例★ 應用自然語言處理技術開發基於知識翻新理論之線上非同步合作論證平台與平台初步評估
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摘要(中) 摘要
本研究試圖通過使用名稱為自我評估反思教學系統(iCRT),來分析基於視頻的反思和基於紙本的反思的傳統方式再加入教師教育計劃,分析職前教師在教學實踐中的表現。 本研究的對像是在美娜多州立大學(Manado State University),工程學院,信息通信與技術系的教育部門(Department Education of Information Communication and Technology) 中擔任教師教育計劃第三年的職前教師。 共有60名職前教師被分配到兩組,其中30人是基於視頻的反思組(VB),30人是基於紙本的反思組(PB)。 VB反思組使用了iCRT的反思系統,PB反思組使用傳統基於紙本的反思。
關鍵字 : 教學實踐,基於視頻的反思,基於紙本的反思,職前教師,使用ICT的有意義學習
摘要(英) Abstract
This study tried to analyze the preservice teacher performance in teaching practice while joining the teacher education program using developed system called i-Critical Reflection on Teaching (iCRT) video-based reflection and using traditional way which is paper-based reflection. The objects of this research are preservice teachers in Manado State University, Faculty of engineering, department education of information communication and technology who are in the third year of the teacher education program. Quasi-experiment method was used in this study. Totally, 60 preservice teachers were assign and they were divided into two groups, 30 preservice teachers in video-based (VB) reflection (experiment group) and 30 preservice teachers in paper-based (PB) reflection (control group). The VB-Reflection group was used iCRT reflection system and paper-based reflection used by PB-Reflection group.
The result show that, there were significant differences between these two group in terms of how they doing the reflection (Self-Reflection, Peer-Reflection and Meta-Reflection) from round one to round three using meaningful learning with ICT framework. This finding indicated that preservice teacher in video-based reflection group contribute more reflection than preservice teacher in paper-based reflection. In addition, the analysis result of preservice teacher teaching practice performance from self-reflection during round 1, round 2 and round 3, there were extremely positive changes showed in VB-Reflection group as well as those in paper-based reflection group with small changes. It also noticed that peer responses helped to encourage the growing awareness of teacher to change themselves in classroom teaching to be better. Therefore, it strongly recommends that the iCRT system use in teacher education program especially in micro teaching course to enhance the quantity and quality of reflection in order to produce qualified prospective teachers who are ready to face the real situation of teaching.
Keywords: Teaching Practice, Video-based Reflection, Paper-based Reflection, Preservice Teacher, Meaningful Learning with ICT.
關鍵字(中) ★ 教學實踐
★ 基於視頻的反思
★ 基於紙本的反思
★ 職前教師
★ 使用ICT的有意義學習
關鍵字(英) ★ Teaching Practice
★ Video-based Reflection
★ Paper-based Reflection
★ Preservice Teacher
★ Meaningful Learning with ICT
摘要 II
1-1 Research Background 1
1-2 Problem Identification 4
1-3 Problem Scope 4
1-4 Problem Statement 5
1-5 Research Purpose 5
1-6 Research Benefit 6
2-1 Theoretical Review 7
2-1-1 Meaningful Learning with ICT 7
2-1-2 Teacher Reflection and Teacher Education 11
2-1-3 Video-based in Teacher Education 19
2-2 Relevant Research 23
2-3 Conceptual Framework 24
2-4 Hypothesis 24
3-1 Type of Research 26
3-2 i-Critical Reflection on Teaching (iCRT) System 27
3-3 Place and Time of Study 29
3-4 Population and Sample 31
3-5 Research Variable 32
3-6 Operational Definition 33
3-7 Technique of Data Collection 33
3-8 Technique of Data Analyzing 35
4-1 First Round of Preservice Teachers’ Reflection 39
4-1-1 The Effect of Preservice Teacher Self-Reflection on Teaching Practice 40
4-1-2 The Effect of Preservice Teacher Comment Giving on Teaching Practice 41
4-1-3 The Effect of Preservice Teacher Meta-Reflection on Teaching Practice 42
4-2 Second Round of Preservice Teachers’ Reflection 43
4-2-1 The Effect of Preservice Teacher Self-Reflection on Teaching Practice 43
4-2-2 The Effect of Preservice Teacher Comment Giving on Teaching Practice 44
4-2-3 The Effect of Preservice Teacher Meta-Reflection on Teaching Practice 45
4-3 Third Round of Preservice Teachers’ Reflection 46
4-3-1 The Effect of Preservice Teacher Self-Reflection on Teaching Practice 46
4-3-2 The Effect of Preservice Teacher Comments Giving on Teaching Practice 47
4-3-3 The Effect of Preservice Teacher Meta-Reflection on Teaching Practice 48
4-4 Implication of Three Round of Preservice Teacher Reflections 48
4-5 Analysis of Preservice Teacher Performance in Teaching Practice with Professional Vision 51
5-1 Conclusions 55
5-2 Suggestions 56
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指導教授 吳穎沺、Herman Dwi Surjono(Ying-Tien Wu Herman Dwi Surjono) 審核日期 2018-7-9
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