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姓名 吳芷昀(Tzu-Yun Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系
論文名稱 股價崩盤風險與銀行貸款契約條件
(Stock Price Crash Risk and Bank Loan Contracting)
★ 本國壽險業內部管理制度與經營績效之探討★ 企業購併宣告對股東財富效果之影響-以台灣金融業為例
★ 金融科技對台灣金融業之影響-以線上貸款為例★ 銀行授信違約風險-財務比率評分之預警效果
★ 所得稅制優化修正與兩稅合一廢除之影響★ 區塊鏈技術應用於金融科技公司企業資金電子調撥系統實作與驗證
★ 房屋貸款者風險特性與個人星座關係之研析-以個案銀行分行房貸業務為例★ 金融科技浪潮下銀行分行經營績效之探討-以個案銀行為例
★ 中國A股正式納入MSCI指數之異常報酬探討★ 企業信用管理政策之個案研究
★ 生技公司與醫美診所聯合經營商業模式探討與財務分析-以某公開發行公司為例★ 公司併購之經營績效分析-以某併購案為例
★ 結構型商品投資個案探討-股價(權)連結型/基金連結型★ 越南台商融資模式之研究
★ 低利環境利差縮減下銀行分行經營效率之探討-以個案銀行為例★ 經濟供需模型評價死亡率債券
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摘要(中) 本研究探討公司的股價崩盤風險與銀行貸款契約條件的關係。過去文獻提及,公司內部經理人偏好藏匿壞消息以避免股價下跌,一旦壞消息無法藏匿且消息暴露在市場中,公司股價會出現較大的下跌幅度,稱之為股價崩盤風險。此外,過去亦有文獻研究公司的融資狀況、營運能力及資產多寡與銀行借貸的關係,卻尚未考量公司股價的大幅度滑落與銀行借貸的條件關係。故本論文有別於過去僅考量公司財務資料與銀行借貸關係,我們搜集1994-2013 年間在Compustat, DealScan 及CRSP 三個資料庫的樣本資料,以三種方法衡量公司的股價崩盤風險與所有的銀行貸款契約條件。本研究發現 (1)公司的股價崩盤風險越高時,借貸契約的到期時間越短,借貸利率、擔保品的有無及限制條件數量並不會顯著地被受影響 (2)當公司為往來銀行的長久貸款對象,並不會對於上述公司股價崩盤風險對於銀行借貸契約條件產生額外影響 (3)相較於高產業集中度的公司,當公司所處產業集中度低時,股價崩盤風險越高,銀行貸契約的到期時間越短。
摘要(英) This paper intends to examine the association between company’s stock price crash risk and bank loan contracting. Precedent research discusses the relationship between company’s financial data, such as company’s size and profitability, and bank loan contracting. However,
there is no discussion about the relationship between firms’ stock price crash risk and loan conditions. Thus, by collecting data from Compustat, DealScan and CRSP from 1994 to 2013, we use three measures capturing company’s stock price crash risk and four features capturing all aspects of loan contracting. We find out (1) company with higher stock price crash risk only make bank loan with shorter maturity. (2) the effect of company’s stock price crash risk on the contractual terms of loans does not significantly be affected when this company has prior lending relationships with the lead banks than when it has no such prior lending relationship. (3) the effect of company’s stock price crash risk on the loan maturity is more pronounced when the company is from low concentrated industry.
關鍵字(中) ★ 股價崩盤風險
★ 銀行借貸條件
★ 資訊不對稱
★ 產業集中度
★ 借貸關係
關鍵字(英) ★ Stock price crash risk
★ Bank loan contracting
★ Information asymmetry
★ Industry concentration
★ Loan relationship
論文目次 中文摘要 .................................................................................. I
ABSTRACT ............................................................................. II
誌謝 ....................................................................................... III
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................... IV
LIST OF TABLE........................................................................ V
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................. 1
MEASUREMENT ..................................................................... 3
2.1. RELATED LITERATURES ................................................... 3
3. HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENT ............................................ 7
4. SAMPLE AND DATA SOURCES ........................................... 10
4.1. SAMPLE AND DATA SOURCES ........................................ 10
4.2 EMPIRICAL MODEL .......................................................... 11
4.3 DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS ............................................... 13
4.4 CORRELATION MATRIX ................................................... 17
5 REGRESSION RESULTS ...................................................... 19
5.2 EMPIRICAL RESULTS FOR H1 .......................................... 19
5.3 EMPIRICAL RESULTS FOR H2 ......................................... 23
5.4 EMPIRICAL RESULTS FOR H3 ......................................... 27
6 ADDITIONAL TESTS .......................................................... 29
7 CONCLUSION .................................................................... 41
REFERENCES ........................................................................ 42
APPENDIX A. VARIABLE DEFINITION .................................... 48
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指導教授 黃泓人(Hong-Ren Huang) 審核日期 2019-1-15
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