摘要(英) |
This study firstly conducted a discussion on the method of the tendering
for the road inspection in Taiwan. At present, according to the different methods
of tendering, it can be divided into the lowest standard, Procurement of Different
Quality in Construction, and The Most Advantageous Tender. After exploring
the effects of the three types of tendering methods, The final evaluation is to
improve the tendering method for the quality maintenance of road. The
evaluation results suggest that The Most Advantageous Tender should be
conducted in the most favorable way, and the above-mentioned analysis of
various tendering methods is used to determine the selection of The Most
Advantageous Tender scoring items for road inspection.
After selecting The Most Advantageous Tender scoring items for road
inspection, this study will use Analytic Hierarchy Process (ANP) questionnaire
to analyze and evaluate the scores of each scoring project, and divide the most
favorable landmarks of road inspection into seven main facets. It is divided into
several indicators to analyze the ANP questionnaire. After conducting interviews
with experts and scholars, the questionnaire will be analyzed and evaluated. The
road survey will be the most favorable index for the scores. It is recommended
that follow-up road inspections can be based on this criterion. Carry out The
Most Advantageous Tender to achieve the purpose of improving road quality. |
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