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姓名 陳靖惠(Ching-Hui Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 產學研研發聯盟價值共創之研究
(Value Co-creation on Industry-Academia-Research Consortium-Ecosystem Perspective)
★ 台灣LCD監視器產業廠商經營策略之研究★ 智慧資本對新產品發展績效影響之研究
★ 市場導向對新產品開發速度影響之研究★ 創業家失敗復原歷程之研究
★ 組織間協同合作與科技能力的因果模糊對新產品研發績效相關之研究★ 購併後跨部門整合與新產品開發績效之研究
★ 資源承諾與彈性對新產品發展績效影響之研究-關係學習與吸收能力之中介效果★ 顧客參與、產品創新程度與組織間關係對新產品開發績效之影響
★ 運動贊助有效性之探討-以洛杉磯市場推廣臺灣觀光為例★ 區塊鏈技術應用於冷鏈農產品之研究:以台灣蘭花出口為例
★ 專案團隊控制制度與新產品開發績效關係之研究★ 研發專案管理制度之探討-以參與「業界科專」廠商為例
★ 漸進式和急遽式專案主持人管理角色與新產品開發績效關係之研究★ 供應商選擇標準與供應商發展活動對製造績效影響之研究
★ 供應商涉入角色與新產品開發專案績效關係之研究★ 技術知識特性、知識整合機制與知識移轉關係之研究
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摘要(中) 在全球化競爭趨勢下,組織競爭力已從掌握有形的勞力與資本,轉變成掌握知識創新為主。不管是從產業層級或是國家層級來看,組織在資源與能力的建構上,除了注重資源的投資與配置之外,也積極推動跨組織、跨領域的合作(如:產學研合作),期望透過利害關係人的互動、不同資源的交換,強化組織能力與整體產業升級,並利用彼此之間的優勢互補,共同創造價值,此一作法乃策略新典範中「價值共創」所強調的論述。「價值共創」觀點係由Prahalad & Ramaswamy等策略學者,以及Vargo & Lusch等服務主導邏輯(Service Dominant Logic, SDL)行銷學者所提出。概略言之,「價值共創」旨在探討生態系統成員間在既定共同目標下,透過資源共享、整合的活動,進行集體的協作,以擴大集體價值(Shared/Collective Value)與個的價值,並實現各自所需之利益(McColl-Kennedy et al., 2012; Tantalo & Priem, 2016)。換言之,「價值共創」新典範所倡議的是是一種跨領域合作的新管理方式,而管理的核心議題即為如何連結各領域的利害關係人進行資源共享與整合。

上述所提及跨領域合作共創中,產學研研發聯盟乃一價值共創之典型場域,也是公私部門夥伴關係的一種樣態,更是價值共創實務的展現,為多方利害關係人的互動合作模式(Gulti, Wohlgezogen, & Zhelyazkov, 2012)。因此本研究嘗試透過宏觀角度,結合生態系統的觀點,探討產學研聯盟這樣一個具有公私部門夥伴關係性質的混合式結構,主導者如何藉由提出價值主張的機制,來吸引並邀請利害關係人挾帶各自的資源參與及投入共創活動,及如何透過共享制度與規範的建立,使利害關係人得以順利進行資源交換與整合,讓各自所擁有之資源密度與結構產生變化,最終形成一個互相連結並能循環發展的「產學研研發聯盟-價值共創生態系統」。

本研究透過質性個案研究方法,深入分析與探討產學研研發聯盟價值共創形塑生態系統的過程,進而提出產學研研發聯盟價值共創活動的過程是建立在對話(dialogue)、整合(integration)、風險承擔(risk acceptance)、交換(exchange)及信任(trust)等五個重要基石上,同時價值主張(value proposition)、制度(institution)與資源(resource)等三大要素則支撐並貫穿整個價值共創的過程。

摘要(英) Under the trend of globalization, the competition between organizations has changed from mastering tangible labor and capital to mastering knowledge innovation. Therefore, from the perspective of industry level or national level, in addition to focusing on choice and focus on resource allocation, we also actively promote cross-organizational and cross-disciplinary cooperation (such as: Industry-academic-research cooperation). We hope that through the interaction of stakeholders and the exchange of different resources, the industry will be upgraded, and the advantages of each other will be complemented to create value together. This approach coincides with the concept of "value co-creation." The “value co-creation” perspective was proposed by Prahalad & Ramaswamy strategist and Service Dominant Logic (SDL) marketing scholars such as Vargo & Lusch. "Value Co-creation" aims to explore the collective collaboration of ecosystem members with each other under the established common goal. Through resources sharing and integration activities, to increase the shared value (Shared/Collective Value), also increase their respective values, and to achieve the desired benefits (McColl-Kennedy et al., 2012; Tantalo & Priem, 2016). In other words, "value co-creation" also represents a new management approach that works across disciplines, linking stakeholders in all areas for resource sharing and integration.

R&D consortia is the most frequently used form of cooperation between industry, academic and research. It is also a form of partnership between the public and private sectors. It is also a demonstration of value co-creation practice, is an interactive and cooperative mode for multi-stakeholders (Gulti, Wohlgezogen, & Zhelyazkov, 2012). This study adopts the concept of ecosystem and value co-creation to explore in a macro perspective the ways value co-creation activities have shaped a ecosystem in a hybrid organizational structure of industry-university-research R&D consortia that has a rather complex organizational structure. How do the leaders attract and invite the stakeholders by mechanism of value proposition, who bring their own resources to participate in value co-creating activities? And through the establishment of shared norms and rules, enable stakeholders to interact smoothly and let their resources flow (like resource exchange and integrate), so stakeholders’ resource density will be improve. In the end, it will form a “value co-creation ecosystem” that is interconnected and can be developed cyclically.

Base on analyses of the qualitative case study and the comparison of multiple cases, this study shows the five important foundations: dialogue, integration, risk acceptance, exchange, and trust as cornerstone through activity of value co-creation. At the same time, value proposition, institution and resource are the three major elements, support and permeate the process of creating value across the entire industry. From the thinking of value creation, this study presents conclusions and contributions from a macro perspective. I hope that the research results can in-depth understanding of the process of value co-creation and response the questions above, finally can provide reference for the establishment of strategies in related fields.
關鍵字(中) ★ 價值共創
★ 價值主張
★ 公私部門夥伴關係
★ 研發聯盟
★ 生態系統
關鍵字(英) ★ Value Co-creation
★ Value Proposition
★ Public-Private Pernerships
★ R&D Consortia
★ Ecosystem
論文目次 中文摘要 iv
Abstract vi
誌謝辭 viii
目錄 ix
圖目錄 xii
表目錄 xiv
一、緒論 1
1-1研究背景與動機 1
1-2研究目的與問題 7
1-3研究內容與流程 8
二、文獻回顧 10
2-1價值共創之理論本質 10
2-1-1價值的定義 11
2-1-2價值共創 14
2-2價值主張 19
2-3產學研研發聯盟之理論本質 21
2-3-1 公私部門夥伴關係(PPPs)的特質 22
2-3-2 產學研研發聯盟 26
2-4 生態系統 32
2-4-1生態系統的緣由 32
2-4-2服務生態系統 36
2-5小結:生態系統觀點下之產學研研發聯盟價值共創 40
三、研究方法 42
3.1研究方法的適切性 42
3.2個案選取與分析單位 47
3.3 研究方法之進行程序 50
3.4 本研究重要名詞定義 52
四、個案研究與分析 54
4.1 個案背景說明:金屬材料計畫之成立背景 54
4.2 個案介紹與訪談 60
4.2.1 個案一: 中鋼ERC產學研研發聯盟 60
4.2.2 個案二: 鎳鈦合金研發聯盟 75
4.2.3 個案三: 3DP鈦合金研發聯盟 92
4.2.4個案四: 高熵合金研發聯盟 104
4.3 個案研究與分析小結 119
五、分析與討論 121
5-1價值共創活動形塑生態系統的過程 124
5-1-1 價值共創萌芽階段 125
5-1-2 價值共創活動階段 127
5-1-3 創造價值及生態系統形成階段 132
5-2資源密度變化與生態系統結構優化 135
5-3小結 147
六、研究結論與建議 158
6-1研究結論 158
6-2學術貢獻 164
6-2-1 建構產學研價值共創運作模型-五大基石與三大支柱 164
6-2-2 擴充價值主張在產學研價值共創形塑生態系統中的角色與意涵 168
6-3 實務貢獻 169
6-3-1 政策意涵 169
6-3-2 產業意涵 171
6-4 研究限制與未來研究建議 172
參考文獻 174
附錄一 191
附錄二 194
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指導教授 林明杰(Ming-Ji James Lin) 審核日期 2019-6-20
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