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姓名 許胡蔚(XU HUWEI)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 智慧城市結合人工智能研究之書目資料探勘
★ 區塊鏈技術應用於冷鏈農產品之研究:以台灣蘭花出口為例
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摘要(中) 近年來智慧城市議題逐漸成爲研究的新熱點,而人工智能技術的突飛猛進發展也不斷推動著智慧城市研究的不斷深入,越來越多研究人員將兩者相結合。本研究基於Scopus數據庫收集相關文獻,以書目計量分析、網絡分析和文字探勘等書目資料探勘方法,從時間、國家、期刊、作者和關鍵議題角度入手,瞭解智慧城市結合人工智能議題研究狀況。根據探勘的結果,智慧城市結合人工智能議題相關研究產出從2011年後呈現明顯的快速增長,尤其2013年後呈現倍增的現象,其中中國大陸的貢獻尤爲突出。從作者角度來看,平均每篇期刊論文約有4.002位作者參與研究,同時每位作者參與1.605篇期刊論文的發表。該議題呈現明顯的跨學科的特點。在網絡引用分析中,高被引主要可以分為分爲2大類,對於智慧城市概念類描述性文獻以及案例分析和物聯網技術方面的相關研究。從國家來看,2016年至2019年該議題研究中心沿著「西歐——北美及澳洲——中國、印度及韓國」路徑發展,這恰好與城市化發展的軌跡類似。從數據庫索引詞共現來看智慧城市結合人工智能議題大致可以分爲6群,包括智慧交通詞群、能源詞群、演算法詞群、通訊技術詞群、信息技術詞群和以物聯網、大數據、決策分析爲代表的其他詞群。此外本研究依據文字探勘找到智慧城市結合人工智能研究議題下智慧城市概念連結以city、urbanization、intelligence、governance、human life、development、concept、technology為第一層,並依次展開做出第二次概念連結網絡進行探討和找到相關參考文獻。本研究整合多種方法以便於今後的研究者在接觸該議題之時能有所瞭解和聚焦,從而更快速把握該議題整體研究方向及趨勢。
摘要(英) In recent years, the smart city has gradually become a new popular option in research. The rapid development of artificial intelligence technology has also continuously promoted the deepening of research in smart cities and more researchers have combined these two disciplines. This thesis aims to understand the research development of smart cities and artificial intelligence by the approaches of bibliographic analysis, network analysis and text mining on the Scopus database. According to the results of the exploration, the research output of smart cities and artificial intelligence has shown rapid growth since 2011, especially after 2013, and the contribution of mainland China is particularly prominent. From the view of authors, each article has an average of 4 authors and each author has 1.605 journal articles on average. The topics also demonstrate the characteristics of interdisciplinary. From the network citation analysis, highly cited paper can be divided into two major categories, one is the descriptive literatures of the smart cities concept and the other is related to the research on case analysis and IoT technology. From the research perspective of the country, topics developed along the path of ‘Western Europe – North America and Australia – China, India and South Korea’, which is similar to the path of urbanization development. From the perspective of database index words, the smart cities and artificial intelligence can be roughly divided into six groups, including intelligent traffic, energy, algorithm, communication technology, information technologies and other terms like IoT, big data and decision analysis. In addition, this study uses text mining to find concepts linking with smart cities and artificial intelligence, showing urbanization, intelligence, governance, human life, development, concept, technology as the first layer concepts, and then expand to make the second concepts linking network to explore and to find relevant references. This study integrates a variety of methods to analyze the relevant research of smart cities and artificial intelligence from a macro perspective so that future researchers can understand the development and focus on the topic easier.
關鍵字(中) ★ 智慧城市
★ 人工智能
★ 書目計量分析
★ 網絡分析
★ 文字探勘
關鍵字(英) ★ Smart city
★ Artificial intelligence
★ Bibliometric analysis
★ Network analysis
★ Text mining
論文目次 目錄
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2-1智慧城市的書目資料分析 4
2-2人工智能的書目資料分析 6
2-3 智慧城市結合人工智能研究 9
第三章 研究方法 11
3-1 資料來源 11
3-2 變數說明 11
3-3 書目計量分析 13
3-4 網絡分析法 13
3-5文字探勘 15
第四章 研究結果 17
4-1 書目計量分析 17
4-2 網路分析 27
4-3 文字探勘 38
第五章 結論 47
參考文獻 49
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指導教授 沈建文 林明杰(Chien-wen Shen Ming-ji Lin) 審核日期 2019-7-15
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