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姓名 狄伯宣(Sheikh Tijan Dibba)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 網上團購的發展及影響台商在線團購購買行為的因素。
(The Development of Online Group Buying and the Factors that Influence the Taiwanese Customers Online Group Buying Purchase Behavior.)
★ 全球供應鏈下專業代工夥伴的管理模組與績效評估模組之因果關係的研究-- 以A公司為例★ 以平衡計分卡的觀念及層級分析法所建立的 相連部件供應商篩選模式– 個案研究
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摘要(中) Purpose: 本文的目的是為台灣和全球在線團購的案例提供一些見解,並從計劃行為理論的角度研究台灣客戶在線團購行為的決定因素。
Design/Methodology/Approach: 本研究使用調查問卷收集數據進行分析,調查問捲髮佈在許多在線平台上,共收集了118名受訪者,其中15份回復被視為無效,103份是有效回复。 然後使用第一相關性進行進一步分析以確定研究中的構建體如何彼此相關,然後進行進一步分析以測試該研究的假設。
Findings: 這項研究的結果表明,對在線團購網站和供應商的信任非常有利於預測在線團購的態度,同時發現隱私問題在預測在線團購的態度上並不重要。 另一方面,未發現主觀規範和感知行為控制與行為預測顯著相關,但在線團購的態度對於預測在線團購的行為非常重要。 規範性結構也是主觀規範的重要預測指標,而自我效能感也與感知到的行為控制密切相關。
摘要(英) Purpose: This papers aim is to bring some insight in the case of online group buying in Taiwan and globally and also to investigate the determinants of the Taiwanese customers’ online group buying behavior using the perspective of the theory of planned behavior
Design/Methodology/Approach: This research used survey questionnaires to collect data for analysis, the questionnaire was posted in many online platforms and a total of 118 respondents were collected of which 15 responses were deemed invalid and 103 were valid responses. Then a further analysis was done using first correlation to determine how constructs in the study correlate with each other and then a further analysis was done to test the hypothesis of the study.
Findings: The findings of this research indicates that trust in online group buying websites and vendor are very good in predicting the attitude towards online group buying while privacy concerns were found to be not significant in predicting the attitude towards online group buying. on the other hand, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control were not found to be significantly associated with the prediction of the behavior, but the attitude towards online group buying was very significant in predicting the behavior in online group buying. normative structure was also a significant predictor of subjective norms, while self-efficacy was also strongly associated with perceived behavioral control.
關鍵字(中) ★ 網上團購行為
★ 計劃行為理論
★ 消費者行為
關鍵字(英) ★ online group buying behavior
★ theory of planned behavior
★ consumer behavior.
論文目次 Abstract...................................................................................................................................I
Acknowledgement............................................................................................................... III
List of contents....................................................................................................................IV
List of figures ................................................................................................................... VIII
List of tables........................................................................................................................IX
Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Online Group Buying Development in Taiwan............................................................... 1
1.2 Global Online Group Buying Development.................................................................... 4
1.3 Problem Statement........................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Research Purpose............................................................................................................. 7
1.5 Research Questions ......................................................................................................... 8
1.6 Thesis Organization......................................................................................................... 9
Chapter 2 Literature Review ..................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Online Group Buying .................................................................................................... 11
2.1.1 Online Group Buying Behavior.................................................................................. 12
2.2 Consumer Behavior....................................................................................................... 13
2.2.1 Cultural Factors: ......................................................................................................... 13
2.2.2 Sub Culture:................................................................................................................ 13
2.2.3 Social Class: ............................................................................................................... 14
2.2.4 Social Factors: ............................................................................................................ 14
2.2.5 Reference Groups:...................................................................................................... 14
2.2.6 Family:........................................................................................................................ 14
2.2.7 Roles and Status: ........................................................................................................ 15
2.2.8 Personal Characteristics.............................................................................................. 15
2.2.9 Psychological Characteristics..................................................................................... 16
2.3 Online Consumer Characteristics.................................................................................. 16
2.3.1 Cultural Online Characteristics .................................................................................. 17
2.3.2 Social Online Characteristics ..................................................................................... 17
2.3.3 Personal Online Characteristics.................................................................................. 17
2.3.4 Psychological Online Characteristics......................................................................... 18
2.3.5 Motivation .................................................................................................................. 18
2.3.6 Perception................................................................................................................... 18
2.3.7 Personality .................................................................................................................. 18
2.3.8 Attitude....................................................................................................................... 18
2.3.9 Emotions..................................................................................................................... 19
2.4 Social Exchange Theory (SET)..................................................................................... 19
2.5 Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA)............................................................................... 21
2.6 Theory of Planed Behavior............................................................................................ 22
2.7 Group Buying Business Model ..................................................................................... 24
2.8 General Business Model................................................................................................ 25
2.9 Specific Business Model ............................................................................................... 26
2.10 Meituan Business Model ............................................................................................. 26
2.11 Groupon Business Model ............................................................................................ 26
2.12 Ihergo Business Model (愛合購) ................................................................................ 27
Chapter 3 Research Methodology............................................................................................. 29
3.1 Theoretical Framework ................................................................................................. 29
3.2 The Theory of Planned Behavior Variables.................................................................. 30
3.2.1 Behavioral Intentions (BI).......................................................................................... 30
3.2.2 Perceived Behavioral Control (PBC) ......................................................................... 30
3.2.3 Subjective Norms ....................................................................................................... 31
3.2.4 Attitude Towards Behavior ........................................................................................ 31
3.2.5 Behavioral Believes.................................................................................................... 32
3.3 Why the Theory of Planned Behavior? ......................................................................... 32
3.5 Explanation of Research Model .................................................................................... 34
3.5.1 Trust............................................................................................................................ 35
3.5.2 Privacy........................................................................................................................ 36
3.5.3 Purchase Behavior...................................................................................................... 37
3.6 Research Questions and Hypothesis.............................................................................. 39
3.6.1 Trust:........................................................................................................................... 39
3.6.2 Privacy:....................................................................................................................... 39
3.6.3 Attitude:...................................................................................................................... 40
3.6.4 Subjective Norm and Normative structure ................................................................. 40
3.4.5 Self-efficacy and Perceived Behavioral Control ........................................................ 41
Chapter 4 Results ...................................................................................................................... 42
4.1 Data Collection.............................................................................................................. 42
4.1.1 Questionnaire Formulation......................................................................................... 42
4.1.2 Data Analysis.............................................................................................................. 42
4.2.2 Research Question and Hypothesis Test .................................................................... 44
4.3 Results summary ........................................................................................................... 60
Chapter 5 Discussion and Conclusion....................................................................................... 61
5.1 Antecedents of Attitude................................................................................................. 61
5.1.1 Antecedents of Behavior ............................................................................................ 62
5.2 Conclusions................................................................................................................... 64
5.3 Future research .............................................................................................................. 65
References.............. 66
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指導教授 何應欽(Prof. HO) 審核日期 2019-7-18
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