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姓名 嚴精明(Jordi Mahardika Puntu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球科學學系
論文名稱 運用地電阻影像法估算非受壓含水層之水頭及比出水率: 位於台灣中部,台中-南投地盆地沿烏溪河之研究案例
(Using Electrical Resistivity Imaging Method to Estimate the Water Table and the Specific Yield of the Unconfined Aquifer: A Case Study along the Wuxi River in the Taichung-Nantou Basin, Central Taiwan.)
★ 宜蘭三星清水地區現地應力與斷層再活動分析★ 地面-井下地電阻影像法之空間解析度與成像能力分析
★ 應用二維地電阻法推估名竹盆地淺層含水層水位變化及比出水率★ 運用二維地電阻影像法推估屏東平原扇頂地區非拘限含水層在乾濕季之地下水位變化及比出水率
★ 辨識大地地磁法現地施測之噪訊:以台灣花蓮地區為案例★ 運用大地電磁法探討北部屏東平原地下構造
★ 應用二維地電阻法推估蘭陽平原扇頂地區淺層地下水位面於乾溼季的變化量及比出水率★ 地電阻剖面影像法之不確定性評估
★ 時間域電磁波方法在雲林地區濁水溪沖積扇中下游水文地質結構測勘之應用★ 運用電阻率成像和透地雷達在極區調查永凍土:以挪威斯瓦爾巴群島為例
★ 運用機器學習進行地球物理數據分析:地電阻與透地雷達方法中的應用
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摘要(中) 台中 - 南投地區為地下水儲存良好的地區,同時也是台灣各縣市中具備良好的地下水補注地區之一,然而,在此地區用來觀測地下水量的觀測井數量卻很有限,為了為研究區域提供充足的量測資料,我們採用了地電阻影像法(ERI)來進行地下水位高程的時序監測,並估算該地區的水文參數。本研究於2018年在研究區域內進行五次的地電阻時序施测,每次至少佈設11條测線,並採用Wenner及Schlumberger 陣列法進行施测。根據 Archie’s Law,首先由地電阻影像法所得到的結果估算地區的相對飽水度,接著計算 VG 水文參數,藉由土壤水特性曲線(SWCC)來驗證水頭高度,最後根據VG水文模型來估算比出水率(Sy)的理論值。研究結果顯示,區域的地下水位高程的變化介於22.85公尺及51.44公尺間,另外,二月份及其他施测月份的地下水位高程差值範圍介於1.64公尺至6.52公尺,最高的地下水位高程值出現在七月份(溼季),而最低地下水位高程值則在二月份(乾季),此外,研究結果顯示該區域的比出水率(Sy)約介於0.20至0.26,並在测線WS02量測到最低的比出水率(Sy)。
摘要(英) The Taichung-Nantou Region is the area with savings of the groundwater, and also with good recharge sources among the groundwater provinces in Taiwan. However, there are only limited observation wells for monitoring the groundwater quantity and quality in the region. In order to provide supplementary measurements for the area, we conducted Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) surveys for time-lapse monitoring of the groundwater level, and also attempt to estimate the hydrogeological parameter. We deployed eleven ERI survey lines with both Wenner and Schlumberger array configurations and conducted the time-lapse measurements 5 times during the year of 2018. Based on the Archie’s Law, we first estimate the relative saturation with the ERI results, then calculate the VG parameters for identifying the water table using the Soil Water Characteristic Curve (SWCC). Lastly, we estimate the theoretical specific yield (Sy) based on the VG model. Our results show that the groundwater level varies between 22.85-m to 51.44-m in the area. In addition, the difference of groundwater level against that measured ones in February is ranging from 1.64-m to 6.52-m. The highest groundwater level took place in July (the wet season) and the lowest groundwater level appears to be in February (the dry season). Moreover, we found that the Sy values are about 0.20-0.26 in the study area, and the lowest Sy value is in the WS02 line.
關鍵字(中) ★ 地電阻影像法(ERI)
★ VG model
★ 水頭
★ 比出水率
★ 烏溪河
★ 台中-南投盆地
關鍵字(英) ★ Electrical Resistivity Imaging
★ VG model
★ water table
★ specific yield
★ Wuxi River
★ Taichung-Nantou Basin

摘要 ii
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Literature Review 4
2.1 Research Area 7
2.2 Geological Setting 7
2.2.1 Geological Formation 7
2.2.2 Borehole Data 10
2.3 Environmental Condition 13
2.3.1 Geomorphology 13
2.3.2 Climate 15
2.3.3 Wuxi River 20
3.1 Resistivity Method 23
3.1.1 Surface Resistivity Method 23
3.1.2 Wenner Array 24
3.1.3 Schlumberger Array 25
3.2 Survey Design 26
3.2.1 Equipment 26
3.2.2 ERI Site 27
3.2.3 Measurement Time 28
3.3 Processing Data 29
3.3.1 Inversion 29
3.3.2 Picking 1D data from the 2D Tomogram 35
3.3.3 Estimating the VG parameters from the resistivity data by Archie’s Law 35
3.3.4 VG Model for Soil-Water Characteristic Curve (SWCC) 40
3.4 Workflow 48
4.1 Overview of the research results 50
4.2 Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) and Soil Water Characteristic Curve (SWCC) Results 51
4.3 Groundwater level of the research area 82
4.4 Specific yield of the research area 98
5.1 Conclusions 104
5.2 Limitations 105
5.3 Future work 107
A1. Relative Saturation (Sr) and SWCC curve. 121
A.2 Van Genuchten Parameters of all the ERI site 143
A.3 Difference Groundwater Level Contour Map against dry season (February) 145
A.4 Difference Groundwater Level Contour Map against Previous Measurement 147
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指導教授 張竝瑜(Prof. Ping-Yu Chang) 審核日期 2019-7-15
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