博碩士論文 104122001 詳細資訊

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姓名 鄭桂蘭(Kuei-Lan Cheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 英美語文學系
論文名稱 新科技、商品化及女性:烏蘇拉.胡斯論消費勞動
(New Technology, Commodification, and Women: Ursula Huws on the Labor of Consumption)
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摘要(中) 中文摘要
此篇翻譯論文研究之目的,在於分析新科技商品化,女性家務勞動在社會化極權化之下之變革。在本翻譯論文的研究當中,同時分析資本主義如何擴張帝國版圖,而社會階級勞動分化,女性趨於相對弱勢。以及未來女性勞動可能的出路,是一種非商品交換的方式,此法除了強化人與人之間的社會關係,在非利益的專業技能像是勞動交換,並能帶來更大的生活效益。此外,我以我的成長五十年的家鄉—龜山,來看新科技商品化,及女性勞動因新科技全球化牽動所帶來的改變。研究隨著歷史脈絡背景,以殖民時期歐美為背景連結,並對照英國近代,以及台灣現代女性勞動價值及社會關係的轉換。此翻譯論文來自於英國女性獨立研究者烏蘇拉.胡斯於2003年的著作《真實世界所造的網路無產階級虛擬勞動》。此篇翻譯論文,我翻譯了第一章 「新科技與家務勞動」,第二章 「家庭科技:解放或奴役」以及第五章 「挑戰商品化-製造工廠外的有用商品」。選擇這三章翻譯在於他們之間的新科技商品化,性別勞動分工與新的消費勞動之間有著緊密的關連,女性在社會意識,新科技商品化勞動下,涉入最深,剝削最大,他們之間的關連性可以幫助我們,重新思考新科技商品化勞動,是否真能帶來生活的便利性?儘管女性勞動自殖民時期至新科技商品化及全球化勞動之下,被動的屈服於種種不平的打壓,但這並非意味著女性勞動僅受限於附屬地位或次級勞動階級而毫無機會跳出框架。
The purpose of this thesis research is to analyze new technological commodification, women’s domestic labor socialization and its affect in increasingly authoritarian transformations. Meanwhile, in the analysis of capitalists extending their exploitation, women’s labor is inferior under social labor hierarchy division. Also, the possibility of women’s future labor outlet is trading their labor in a non-commodity trading method. The method not only enforce interpersonal social relationship; labor trading is also likely to bring more effective living production. Additionally, this translation is inspired by the land I grew up within the last fifty years in my hometown Guishan, under new technological commodification, following upon my personal experiences to view its transformation under globalization. Along with European and American colonial historical contexts to connect and contrast modern England and Taiwan women’s labor value and social relationship transformations. This is a translation thesis from a Marxist feminist Ursula Huws in 2003. “I have translated Chapter 1 “New Technology and Domestic Labor”, Chapter 2 “Domestic Technology: Liberation or Enslavement?” and Chapter 5 “Challenging Commodification: Producing Usefulness Outside the Factory”. There are three reasons for me to choose these three chapters to translate: They have close connections among them in new technology commodification, gender labor division and new labor consumption. Women are involved and exploited in new technology commodification labor of social ideology, and make us rethink if new technology commodification labor actually brings us an effective life? Although women’s labor seems positioned in the passive position and given in various unequivalent oppressions from colonial period to new technological commodification and labor globalization. Nevertheless, it does not mean that women’s labor would be limited to be subordinated and inferior in the labor hierarchy.
關鍵字(中) ★ 女性勞動 關鍵字(英)
論文目次 目錄      

中文提要 ……………………………………………………………… i
英文提要 ……………………………………………………………… ii
致謝辭 ……………………………………………………………… iii
論文目錄 ……………………………………………………………… iv
一、 Introduction……………………………………………… 1
二、 翻譯章節
第二章「家庭科技:解放或奴役」………………………… 35
第五章「挑戰商品化-製造工廠外的有用性」 44
三、尾註 ……………………………………………………………… 63
參考文獻 各章原⽂尾註
1. 哈里·佈雷弗曼(1974):《勞動與壟斷資本主義》:二十世紀勞務的退化(紐約:評論
通訊月刊)。(Harry Braveman, Labor and Monopoly Capital: the Degradation of
Work in the Twentieth Century, New York: Monthly Review Press, 1974)
2. 愛麗絲·克拉克(1968), 《十七世紀的女性一生的工作》 (紐約:A.M. 凱莉,)
(Alice Clark, Working Life of Women in the Seventeenth Century, New York: A. M.
Kelly, 1968)
3. 安·奧克利,《女性的工作:家庭主婦的過去與未來》 (紐約:經典書刊,1976)
(Ann Oakley, Women’s Work: The Housewife, Past and Present (New York: Vintage
Books, 1976)
4. 柯林·塔奇, 《饑荒事業》(倫敦:費柏與費柏 1977)
(Colin Tudge, The Famine Business (London: Faber & Faber, 1977)
5. 芭芭拉·艾倫賴希及蓋爾狄德莉·英格里斯,《社會主義者改革》「家務勞動生
產」,1975 年十一月至十二月
(Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English, “The Manufacture of Housework,” Socialist
revolution, October-December 1975.
6. 國家官方數據,《社會潮流》(倫敦:國家官方數據,1977)
(Office for National Statistics, Social Trends)London: Office for National Statistics,
7. 國家官方數據,《家庭開銷調查》(倫敦:國家官方數據,1976)。參照網址
Http://www.statistics.gov.uk/ssd/Surveys_family_expenditure_survey.asp. (Office for
National Statistics, Family Expenditure Survey (London: Office for National
Statistics, 1976). See
8. 資料數據取自 1978 年十一月勞動部門公報
(Data from Department of Employment Gazette, November 1978.)

Cheng 64

9. 尹恩·巴倫及雷·克羅,《微電子商品的未來》(倫敦:法西斯品特,1979)。
(I[an]Ann Barron and Ray Currow, The Future with Microelectronics (London:
Frances Pinter, 1979)
10. 兩個引言皆出自瑞秋·葛羅斯曼, 1979 年六月十日《矽利康的醜陋秘密》, 歐洲的
資訊處理。(Both quotes are from Rachael Grossman, “Silicon’s Ugly Secrets,”
Computing Europe, 10 June 1979.
11. 芭芭拉·艾倫賴希及蓋爾狄德莉·英格里斯,《社會主義者改革》「家務勞動生
產」,1975 年十一月至十二月 (Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English, “The
Manufacture of Housework,” Socialist revolution”n, October-December 1975.
12. 芭塔雅·微營巴恩及艾咪·比吉斯,《工資的另一面向》月刊評論,1976 年七月至八
月(Batya Weinbaum and Amy Bridges, “The Other Side of the Paycheck,” Monthly
Review, July-August 1976.)
13. 強納森·傑西尼產業社會之後:自助服務的浮現(亞特蘭提斯·海斯, N.J.:人 道通訊
社, 1978 年)Jonathan Gershuny, After Industrial Society: The Emerging Self-Service
Economy (Atlantic Heights, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1978.)
14. 愛麗絲·克拉克, 《十七世紀的女性一生的工作》 (紐約:A.M. 凱莉, 1968)
(Alice Clark, Working Life of Women in the Seventeenth Century (New York: A. M.
Kelly, 1968)
15. 同上 (Ibid.)
16. 強納森·傑西尼產業社會之後:自助服務的浮現(亞特蘭提斯·海斯, N.J.:人 道通訊
社, 1978 年)Jonathan Gershuny, After Industrial Society: The Emerging Self-Service
Economy (Atlantic Heights, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1978.)
17. See 哈里·布雷弗曼:《勞動與壟斷資本主義》:二十世紀勞務的退化(紐約:評論通
訊月刊,1974)。(Harry Braveman, Labor and Monopoly Capital: the Degradation of
Cheng 65

Work in the Twentieth Century (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1974)
18. 辛西亞· 寇克班恩《兄弟(倫敦:布魯托通訊社, 1983)(Cynthia Cockburn,
Brothers (London: Pluto Press, 1983)
指導教授 丁乃非(Nai-Fei Ding) 審核日期 2019-7-29
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