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姓名 尤貞琪(Chen-Chi Yu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 財務金融學系
論文名稱 經理人文化認同形成對公司現金持有比率之影響 - 以S&P500指數上市公司為例
(The Impact of Chief Executive Officer′s (CEO’s) Cultural Identity on Corporate Cash Holdings Level: A Case Study of S&P 500 Index Listed Companies)
★ 半導體產業購併對股東財富效果之影響-以聯發科公司為例★ 區塊鏈技術應用於金融科技公司企業資金電子調撥系統實作與驗證
★ 金融科技浪潮下銀行分行經營績效之探討-以個案銀行為例★ 收購案後,主併公司與目標公司財務顧問之間開始合作原因之探討
★ 併購交易完成後,主併公司與目標公司財務顧問延續合作之因素探討★ 產品組成變動與公司投資決策
★ CEO年齡與選擇併購目標公司之偏好★ 外部董事產業經驗對於併購的影響
★ 目標公司執行長年齡與併購決策★ 企業生命週期轉變對股利變化的影響
★ 經理人文化認同形成對風險承擔行為之影響 -以S&P500指數上市公司為例★ 併購如何創造綜效──以台灣與韓國為例
★ CEO文化認同與債務期限選擇★ 台灣上市櫃公司撰寫CSR報告書與公司價值之相關性探討
★ 經理人文化認同與公司CSR政策執行之關聯性-以S&P500指數上市公司為例★ COVID-19疫情對全球航空產業營運之影響–以中華航空為例
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摘要(中) 本研究主要探討當公司所在國家文化與經理人文化背景存在差異時,究竟何者對於公司決策的影響較深?透過控制公司所處環境的國家文化之後,觀察經理人文化背景是否仍對公司現金持有政策有顯著的影響。將經理人文化分為經理人生涯三階段逐一探討,並試圖找出經理人出生地(幼年時期)、就讀大學(後青少年時期)、前一份工作(工作時期)三階段中,影響經理人行為之文化認同形成於哪一階段,藉此研究文化認同是否存在不變性。
摘要(英) In this paper, I investigate whether CEO’s cultural identity has impact on firm’s cash holdings level after controlling for firm’s cultural identity. By using three different stages of CEO’s lifetime: the country of the birthplace (childhood period), the university (late adolescent period) and the last job working place (working period), we wonder that when the CEO’s cultural background differs from the national culture, which one will be more powerful and which stage of the CEO’s cultural identity affects the CEO′s behavior most.
Utilizing cultural dimensions proposed by Hofstede and Schwartz to identify the CEO and the firm’s cultural identity, I confirm that CEO’s cultural identity does affect firm’s cash holdings level after controlling for firm’s cultural identity. I also find that all the cultural identity formed in three stages of CEO’s lifetime have significant impact on firm’s cash holdings level: individualism, indulgence and harmony are negatively related to firm’s cash holdings level decisions at all three stages, uncertainty avoidance and harmony reveal a positive relation, while embeddedness are all insignificant in three stages.
To check the robustness of our results, we employing instrumental variables, redefining the cash holdings level and adjusting our sample for our robustness tests. The results show that the cultural identity formed in the childhood period and late adolescent period, but not in working period, affects the CEO’s decision of firm’s cash holdings level, which means the culture identity will be changed due to the change of the environment. Thus, I conclude that the effect of CEO’s cultural identity on firm’s cash holding is not time-invariant.
關鍵字(中) ★ 文化認同
★ 現金持有比率
關鍵字(英) ★ Cultural Identity
★ Cash Holdings
論文目次 摘要........................I
ABSTRACT .....................II
1-1 前言....................................1
1-2 研究架構.......................................4
2-1 文化與公司決策......................................5
2-1-1 經理人特徵與公司現金持有率...........................5
2-1-2 公司所在環境的國家文化與公司決策..................................6
2-2 三個生涯階段.....................................7
2-3 九種文化價值與公司現金持有比率的關係..................................10
2-3-1 權力距離(PDI) – 負相關......................................................10
2-3-2 不確定性規避(UAI) – 正相關.............................................10
2-3-3 個人/集體主義(IDV) – 負相關............................................11
2-3-4 陽剛/陰柔主義(MAS) – 負相關...........................................11
2-3-5 長期/短期觀點(LTO) – 正相關............................................11
2-3-6 縱容/抑制主義(IVR)– 負相關.............................................12
2-3-7 階級/平等主義(HIE) –負相關..............................................12
2-3-8 保守/自主主義(EMB) – 負相關...........................................12
2-3-9 和諧/主宰主義(HAR) – 正相關...........................................13
2-4 經理人權力與其文化背景的影響效果.......................14
3-1 變數.....................................14
3-1-1 自變數......................................14
3-1-2 應變數......................................20
3-1-3 控制變數.........................................20
4-1 多元迴歸分析結果.......................................30
4-2 經理人權力較強.......................................37
5-1 工具變數 .................................40
5-1-2不確定性規避(UAI)- 5-HTTPLR gene .....................................44
5-1-3個人/集體主義(IDV)- 流行性傳染病史...................................46
5-1-4陽剛/陰柔主義(MAS)- 創業家精神.........................................48
5-1-5 階級/平等主義(HIE)- English language ..................................49
5-1-6 保守/自主主義(EMB)-技術創新............................................51
5-1-7 和諧/主宰主義(HAR)-英國殖民地..........................................52
5-2 重新計算現金持有比率.................................54
5-3 三階段皆有數值與刪除三階段皆為美國者..................56
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指導教授 李韋憲 審核日期 2019-7-9
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