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姓名 陳育峻(Yu-Chun Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 結合譜減法與差分麥克風陣列之波束成形系統設計與實現
(Design and Implementation of Differential Microphone Arrays Beamforming System Combining Spectral Subtraction)
★ 感光式觸控面板設計★ 單級式直流無刷馬達系統之研製
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★ 類神經網路於切換式磁阻馬達轉矩漣波控制之應用★ 感應馬達無速度感測之直接轉矩向量控制
★ 具自我調適導通角度功能之切換式磁阻馬達驅動系統---DSP實現★ 感應馬達之低轉速直接轉矩控制策略
★ 加強型數位濾波器設計於主動式噪音控制之應用★ 非匹配不確定可變結構系統之分析與設計
★ 無刷直流馬達直接轉矩控制方法之轉矩漣波改善★ 無轉軸偵測元件之無刷直流馬達驅動器研製
★ 無轉軸偵測元件之開關磁阻馬達驅動系統研製★ 感應馬達之新型直接轉矩控制研究
★ 同步磁阻馬達之性能分析及運動控制研究★ 改良比例積分與模糊控制器於線性壓電陶瓷馬達位置控制
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摘要(中) 本論文研究一個麥克風陣列之波束成形系統,差分麥克風陣列擁有體積小、高指向性及與頻率無關的波束圖形等優點,在語音增強的應用中很有潛力,但是差分麥克風陣列有放大白雜訊的問題,抵銷語音增強上的優勢,造成輸出結果不如預期,尤其在高階的差分麥克風陣列越容易發生。
摘要(英) This thesis studies a differential microphone array beamforming system. The differential microphone array has the advantages of small size, high directivity, and frequency-independent beampattern. It has great potential in speech enhancement applications. However, the differential microphone array suffers from a white noise amplification problem, which caused the output not as expected, especially in higher order differential microphone arrays.
In this thesis, a differential microphone array with spectral subtraction is proposed. The spectral subtraction method is used in the signal end to eliminate the white noise generated by the mutual interference of electronic components and increase the signal-to-noise ratio of the input signal. The time domain differential microphone array algorithm has low design flexibility and low white noise gain problem. Therefore, the time-frequency domain differential microphone array architecture is often used by many people. The feature of this architecture transforms the time domain signal to the time-frequency domain through the short-time Fourier transform and uses the designed filter coefficient to preserve the sound of a specific direction, eliminate the surrounding ambient sound, and increase the white noise gain. Based on the time-frequency domain differential microphone, a robust time-frequency domain differential microphone array is designed to increase the white noise gain more effectively.
關鍵字(中) ★ 麥克風陣列
★ 差分麥克風陣列
★ 波束成形
★ 白雜訊增益
★ 譜減法
關鍵字(英) ★ Microphone arrays
★ Differential Microphone Arrays
★ Beamforming
★ White Noise Gain
★ Spectral Subtraction
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目標 1
1.2文獻探討 3
1.3論文架構 4
第二章 麥克風陣列之波束成形演算法 5
2.1麥克風陣列介紹 5
2.2波束成形介紹 6
2.2.1自適應波束成形 7
2.2.2固定波束成形 8
2.3 差分麥克風陣列介紹 10
2.4差分麥克風陣列原理 12
2.4.1時域差分麥克風陣列 12
2.4.2時頻域差分麥克風陣列 16
2.4.3短時距傅立葉轉換(STFT) 18
2.5波束圖形(Beampattern) 20
2.6評估指標 22
2.6.1白雜訊增益(White Noise Gain) 22
2.6.2指向性因子(Directivity Factors, DF) 24
2.6.3前後比(Front-to-Back Ratios, FBR) 24
2.7譜減法 25
2.7.1傳統譜減法 25
2.7.2改良式譜減法 26
第三章 譜減法之差分麥克風陣列演算法設計 27
3.1波束圖形設計 30
3.2時頻域濾波器係數設計 32
3.2.1二階差分麥克風陣列濾波器係數設計: 33
3.2.2強健性二階差分麥克風陣列濾波器係數設計: 34
3.3譜減法 36
第四章 實驗設計與結果討論 37
4.1實驗設計 37
4.1.1硬體架構 37
4.1.2實驗配置 42
4.2實驗結果與討論 44
第五章 結論與未來展望 60
參考文獻 61
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指導教授 徐國鎧 審核日期 2019-8-21
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