摘要(英) |
Recently, public construction works have begun to implement Building Information Modeling (BIM) technique for better construction quality. Implementing BIM not only enables engineers to solve work conflicts at the early stage of a project, but also leads a revolution on analysis technique and workflows in the construction industry. However, BIM implementation in Taiwan is at a start-up stage due to an immature environment, it encounters a lot of problems including limited accumulated experience by practice, the ambiguity of BIM related specifications in contracts and lack of BIM standards. This makes the owner being incapable of defining clear BIM deliverables or producing BIM deliverables with vague scope of work. Consequently, unreasonable BIM contract clauses result in inconsistent understanding of BIM applications between the client and the contractor, being prone to contract disputes and being unable to achieve BIM implementation benefits. For making BIM implementation stakeholders performing works in a better way, this study analyzes the BIM related clauses and specifications from BIM guidelines and model contract templates to summarize common BIM objectives and particular conditions for Professional Construction Management (PCM) and Design-Build (DB) Contracts. Furthermore, this study also proposes a set of BIM deliverables and review methods for PCM and DB Contracts based on intensive reviews of collected cases. It is anticipated that the research outcomes can decrease contract disputes in BIM implementation, and increase the client’s willingness to implement BIM technique in the future. |
參考文獻 |
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