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姓名 珊蒂(Dianisa Khoirum Sandi)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 能源工程研究所
(The study of drying impacts on mixing in PDMS micromodel prepared using PMMA mold fabricated by CNC milling)
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摘要(中) 本篇論文著重於學習利用PMMA模具製造出PDMS微模型,分析蒸發後的微模型進行對混合物的影響。因此使用複製模塑法將PMMA模具成功地製作出PDMS微模型,模具是在PMMA板材上使用CNC銑削及重複使用製作出PDMS微模型,模具包含模型1以及模型2,分別為顆粒間距差異,各別尺寸為120µm及90µm。
皆進行了蒸發及混合的實驗,微模型在低濃度的染色乙醇(舊液體)中充分地佈滿內部,而微模型中須在穩定的排水情況下,使用舊液體將內部空氣排空。改變液體的注入率直到為0.2 µl/min而停止,當舊液體到達飽和程度(即為So)並使其在內部蒸發後,在微模型混合通過注射高濃度的染色甲醇(新液體)得到相同的注入率(Q)。此論文使用兩種實驗,第二種實驗是沒有經過排水過程。
摘要(英) The focuses are to study PMMA mold fabrication for preparing PDMS micromodel, drying in micromodel, and drying impacts on mixing behaviors in micromodel. PDMS micromodels were successfully prepared by replica molding using PMMA molds built by CNC milling. The molds included Model 1 and Model 2 with the average throat sizes are ~120 µm and ~90 µm, respectively.
The micromodel was fully imbibed by a low concentration of dyed ethanol (the old liquid). Drainage was done by invading gas air and stopped at steady condition. Drying was conducted by changing the injection rate of gas air to be 0.2 µl/min and stopped when the dried old liquid reached certain saturations (So). Then, mixing was conducted by injecting a high concentration of dyed ethanol (the new liquid) into the micromodel with the same injection rate (Q) as in the imbibition and the drainage. There were two kinds of experiments, the second was conducted without drainage.
The liquid injection rates (Q) were varied based on capillary numbers (Ca) of 3x10-6, 3x10-5, 3x10-4 which were responsible Q of 1.25µl/min and 1.55µl/min (Model 1 and Model 2); 12.5µl/min and 15.5µL/min; 125µl/min and 155µL/min; respectively. The desired So were varied around So=10%, So=20%, and So=30%.
The dried liquid of So=10% has the longest drying times and the highest concentration than So=20% and So=30% due to the more aqueous phase is evaporated. Model 2 has faster drying rates than Model 1 because much small liquid cluster spreads in the pore that eases and accelerates evaporation.
In Model 1, finger of the new liquid is formed and mixing happened by dispersion. In Model 2, at So=30%, mixing is dominated by diffusion while advection dominates in So=10% and So=20%. The increase of Ca during the new liquid injection limits the diffusion and advances the advection. The higher So induces longer diffusion.
In Model 1, the air bubble is completely displaced during the new liquid injection with Ca=3x10-5 and Ca=3x10-4. At Ca=3x10-6, it remains in the middle of micromodel. In Model 2, the air bubbles trapped in some areas prevent mixing by blocking the new liquid to pass. The decrease of Ca reduces the air bubble trapping in Model 2.
The mixing areas in Model 2 are higher than those are in Model 1 due to disorder liquid channel in Model 2 that upsurge the chance of mixing; the increase of Ca rises the mixing areas because it improves the advection process; the higher So has the more mixing areas due to the more significant concentration gradient.
Model 2 (no drainage) needed much longer drying times than Model 2 (with drainage). After drying, In Model 2 (with drainage) has many disconnect liquid clusters spreading in micromodel. In Model 2 (no drainage), it has fewer disconnect liquid clusters and several big bulks of liquid. It influences mixing behaviors in Model 2. The air area in Model 2 (no drainage) is lower than it is in Model 2 (with drainage), thus in Model 2 (no drainage) has higher mixing area.
關鍵字(中) ★ PMMA模具
★ PDMS微模型
★ 蒸發
★ 混合
關鍵字(英) ★ PMMA mold
★ PDMS micromodel
★ drying
★ mixing
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
Table of Contents v
List of Figures vii
List of Tables xi
Nomenclature xii

Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Background 1
Purposes of the study 4
Scopes of the study 5
Chapter 2. Experimental Method 5
Material and tools 5
Micromodel Fabrication 6
Mold Fabrication by CNC milling 6
PDMS Micromodel fabrication 8
Contact angel (θ) measurement 9
Experiment 10
Experimental setup 10
Instrumental setup 11
Drainage-drying-mixing experiment 12
Drying-mixing experiment 12
Analysis 13
Estimating the saturation of the dried old liquid (So) 13
Estimating the area fraction of the dried old liquid (low concentration), the new liquid (high concentration), the mixing liquid, and the air 16
Estimating the concentration of the liquid 18
Chapter 3. Results and discussions 19
Fabrication of PMMA mold and PDMS micromodel 19
Investigation of drying in micromodel 20
Investigation drainage in micromodel 21
Effects of pore sizes on drying geometry and drying times 22
Effects of dried old liquid saturation (So) on drying times and concentration 24
Investigation of mixing in micromodel 28
Effects of pore size on mixing behavior 28
Effects of air bubble trapping on mixing behavior 30
Effects of dried old liquid saturation (So) on mixing behavior 30
Effects of capillary number (Ca) on mixing caused by diffusion and advection, and air bubble trapping 32
Effects of pore size, capillary number (Ca), and dried old liquid saturation (So) on mixing area 34
Effect of drainage on Model 2 37
Effect of drainage on drying 37
Effect of drying in Model 2 (with drainage) and Model 2 (no drainage) on mixing 41
Chapter 4. Conclusions 46
References 48
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指導教授 曹嘉文(Chia Wen, Tsao) 審核日期 2019-9-26
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