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林雅玲(Ya-Ling Lin)
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土木工程學系在職專班 |
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[相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] 至系統瀏覽論文 (2025-1-31以後開放)
摘要(中) |
否位處於地調所公布的活動斷層500 公尺內,如能有更細緻的地震評
為範圍,利用地震衝擊資訊平臺(TERIA),使用500 公尺*500 公尺網格
基礎資料,設定新城斷層發生規模6.8 地震為情境,運用其中的道路衝
關對策及建議。 |
摘要(英) |
Taiwan is located at the subduction zone between the Eurasian plate and
the Philippine Sea plate, prone to frequently having earthquakes occur. Ever
destructive earthquakes such as the Mino-earthquake and the Hualienearthquake
had caused collapses of buildings and interruptions to traffic.
With the economic development, people are tend to seek better job
opportunities and eduction in metropolitan areas. Taking Hsin-Chu city for
example, the establishment of the Hsin-Chu Science Park creates many highsalary
employments and attracts lots of young people to settle down nearby
districts. It causes Hsin-Chu city owns the highest fertility rate in Taiwan
compared with other metropolis which are suffering from aging population.
However, in case of earthquakes, citizens need plans for emergency
evacuation. If the designated shelters could fall short of actual demand or be
unreachable reached due to damages of roads and buildings, people might be
directly exposed in danger during evacutaion. Therefore, how to evaluate
whether the shelters are qualified to accommodate affected citizens is an
essential topic for Hsinchu City Government to take actions in advance, if a
large-scale earthquake would hit in the future.
In general, the appropriate location of a shelter should be the distance,
usually a criteria of 500m, to active fault which is recognized by the Central
Geological Survey, MOEA. In order to determine the shelter safe or not after
strong ground shaking, it could still remain operational under the damage of
roads and buildings nearby. This study utilized the Taiwan Earthquake
Impact Research and Information Application platform (TERIA) with a
nation-wide digitized mesh at grid-size of 500m×500m to simulate and
evaluate the 6.8-scale earthquake triggered by Hsin-Cheng fault. Herein,
both moduls of the road impact and the building impact were applied to
analyze the corresponding damages, as well as subsequent evaluation of the
evacuation problems. According to the aforementioned analysis, the
feasibility and capacity for installing shelters are accordingly suggested. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 避難處所 ★ 地震衝擊資訊平台 ★ 道路衝擊評估 |
關鍵字(英) |
論文目次 |
摘 要 . I
誌謝 .... IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 .... VII
表目錄 . X
第1 章 緒論 .... 1
1-1 研究目的及範圍 1
1-2 研究方法 .. 2
第2 章 文獻回顧 . 4
2-1 臺灣現有地震模擬評估系統 4
2-2 防災空間相關文獻彙整 ... 8
2-3 綜合評述 11
第3 章 地震衝擊資訊平臺(TERIA)簡介 13
3-1 地震衝擊資訊平臺發展背景 ... 13
3-2 地震衝擊資訊平臺(TERIA)特色與應用 .... 13
第4 章 避難處所地震適宜性評估 34
4-1 利用地震衝擊資訊平臺(TERIA)分析受阻道路 .. 36
4-2 避難處所開設適宜性 45
4-3 避難處所收容能量評估 . 51
第5 章 結論與建議 53
5-1 結論 ... 53
5-2 建議 ... 58
參考文獻 . 60
附錄 .... 63
附錄 1 新竹市受坡地崩塌潛勢影響的行政區域 .... 63
附錄 2 建物衝擊模組資訊平台各式建物類別損壞表 . 64
附錄 3 新竹市60 處避難處所基本資料 .... 65
附錄 4 新竹市避難處所適合開設判別圖.. 70
附錄 5 新竹市避難處所不適合開設判別圖... 79
附錄 6 避難處所是否可開設名單及室內外收容人數 . 88 |
參考文獻 |
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審核日期 |
2020-1-16 |
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