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姓名 劉德緯(De-Wei Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 開發山苦瓜啤酒製程與苦瓜胜肽對糖尿病降血糖之探討
★ 探討菌體形態對於裂褶菌多醣體之影響★ 探討不同培養方式對猴頭菇抗氧化與抗腫瘤性質的影響
★ 探討不同培養溫度Aspergillus niger 對丹參之機能性影響★ 光合菌在光生物反應器產氫之研究
★ 探討培養溫度對巴西蘑菇液態醱酵之影響★ 利用批式液態培養來探討檸檬酸對裂褶菌生長及其多醣體生成影響之研究
★ 探討不同培養基組成對光合菌Rhodobacter sphaeroides生產Coenzyme Q10之研究★ 利用混合特定菌種生產氫氣之研究
★ 探討氧化還原電位作為Clostridium butyricum連續產氫之研究★ 探討培養基之pH值與Xanthan gum的添加對巴西蘑菇多醣體生產之影響
★ 探討麩胺酸的添加和供氧量對液態發酵生產裂褶菌多醣體之研究★ 探討以兩水相系統提昇Clostridium butyricum產氫之研究
★ 探討通氣量對於樟芝醱酵生產生物鹼之影響★ 探討深層發酵中環境因子對巴西洋菇生產多醣之影響
★ 探討通氣量對於樟芝發酵生產與純化脂解酵素之研究★ 探討以活性碳吸附酸來提昇Clostridium butyricum產氫之研究
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摘要(中) 糖尿病一直是人類的文明病,糖尿病患者的人口也逐年上升。糖尿病已被證實與飲食習慣有關,超過九成以上的糖尿病患者為第二型糖尿病(非胰島素依賴型),糖尿病目前無法被治癒,藥物只能控制病情。透過飲食控制、運動、服藥,是目前主流治療及預防糖尿病的方式。
因此,此篇論文將山苦瓜結合啤酒發酵,並用豚胰臟的澱粉酶(α-Amylase from porcine pancreas)進行澱粉酶抑制體外實驗,作為功能性表現,探討其有效成分。
摘要(英) Diabetes has always been a civilized disease of human beings, and the population of people with diabetes has also increased year by year.
Diabetes has been confirmed to be related to eating habits. More than 90% of diabetics are typeⅡ diabetes (non-insulin-dependent). Diabetes cannot be cured at present, and drugs can only control the condition. Through diet control, exercise, and medication, it is currently the mainstream therapy to treat and prevent diabetes.
Many literatures have confirmed that Mormodica charantia (bitter gourds) has the function of hypoglycaemic, but because bitter gourds′ obvious bitterness and astringent taste are not acceptable to the public, meanwhile, the short expiration date of bitter gourds and the surface tumor-like protrusions make it more difficult to be sold. Therefore, in this thesis, bitter gourd is combined with beer fermentation process. α-Amylase inhibition in vitro experiments using α-amylase from porcine pancreas is applied to show its functional performance and study its effective ingredients.
It was found in this experiment that the protein derived from malt also has an amylase inhibitory effect, but it will be metabolized by yeast as a nitrogen source during the fermentation, resulting in a decrease in the inhibitory effect finally. Hence, when bitter gourd powder is added near the end of fermentation, the effective components of bitter gourd are prevented from being consumed, and the functional performance of α-Amylase inhibition is successfully improved.
In this study, it was further confirmed that the inhibitory effect of α-amylase was positively correlated with the concentration of bitter gourd peptide, and the total amount of peptide increased and the performance of α-amylase inhibition increased. The bitter gourd itself contains a hydrolyzing enzyme that can decompose proteins to produce bitter gourd peptides, improve the α-amylase inhibition rate, and further added to the fermentation broth to increase the peptide concentration beside that also show the functional performance of α-amylase inhibition much better. Consequently, bitter gourd can indeed be added to the beer manufacturing process to obtain better results and improve the problem of the original wort′s reduction in α-amylase inhibition due to biological metabolism.
The developed Bitter Gourd Beer has significantly improved the effect of inhibiting α-amylase, and at the same time reduced the bitter taste of bitter gourds. In addition to improving the flavor, it can also extend the shelf life and retain its effective ingredients. In order to delay the absorption of sugar and lose weight.
關鍵字(中) ★ 糖尿病
★ 降血糖
★ 苦瓜胜肽
★ 啤酒
★ 山苦瓜
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
總目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1糖尿病 3
2.1.1糖尿病的發現 3
2.1.2胰島素的發現 4
2.2胰島素運作機制 5
2.2.1 Beta-cell分泌胰島素 5
2.2.2 胰島素的作用機制 6
2.3糖尿病病理機制和治療方式 6
2.3.1糖尿病所引發之併發症 7
2.3.2糖尿病成因和類別 8
2.3.3第二型糖尿病治療方式 9
2.3.4酒精飲料與糖尿病 11
2.4山苦瓜 12
2.4.1植物固醇(Phytosterols) 12
2.4.2蠶豆嘧啶葡糖苷(vicine) 17
2.4.3多酚(polyphenol)與類黃酮(Flavonoids) 17
2.4.4苦瓜胜肽(poly-peptide,peptide) 20
2.5山苦瓜發酵提升有效成分 22
2.6啤酒與釀酒酵母 24
2.6.1應用在啤酒工業的釀酒酵母 25
2.6.2釀酒酵母生長與代謝 27
2.7啤酒 33
2.7.1啤酒的起源與文化 33
2.7.2啤酒釀製方式 34
2.7.3啤酒製作的釀造水 36
2.7.4麥子(wheat) 36
2.7.5澱粉酶的作用和機制 39
2.7.5啤酒花 40
2.7.6啤酒種類 44
第三章 實驗方法 47
3.1實驗規劃 47
3.1.2實驗流程說明 48
3.2實驗材料與設備 49
3.2.1實驗菌株 49
3.2.2實驗藥品 50
3.2.3實驗儀器與設備 51
3.2.4符號表示 52
3.2.5實驗製作與裝置 53
3.3實驗方法 55
3.3.1市售啤酒酵母勾選 55
3.3.2菌種保存 55
3.3.3培養基組成與培養方式 55
3.3.4啤酒釀製與麥汁製作 58
3.3.5乙醇濃度分析 59
3.3.6還原糖分析 61
3.3.7折射糖度計 63
3.3.8菌重分析-乾重法 64
3.3.10苦瓜素分析 66
3.3.11磷酸鹽緩衝液 68
3.3.12澱粉酶抑制 68
3.3.13蛋白質BCA測定 70
3.3.14胜肽OPA測定 71
第四章 實驗數據 72
4.1 不同釀酒酵母分析比較 72
4.1.1 控制組培養基對釀酒酵母動力曲線 72
4.1.2 麥汁組培養基對釀酒酵母動力曲線 76
4.2 不同釀酒酵母抑制澱粉酶功能性表現 81
4.2.1 控制組培養基對釀酒酵母抑制澱粉酶功能性表現 81
4.2.2 麥汁組培養基對釀酒酵母抑制澱粉酶功能性表現 84
4.2.3 麥汁蛋白抑制澱粉酶功能性表現 88
4.3 苦瓜成分分析 89
4.3.1 苦瓜含水量分析 89
4.3.2 苦瓜素 89
4.3.3 滅菌對於山苦瓜汁影響 91
4.3.4 苦瓜汁對於時間變化 92
4.3.5 苦瓜胜肽溫度、時間與澱粉酶抑制變化 93
4.3.6 不同濃度苦瓜粉與澱粉酶抑制 99
4.3.7 移除/未移除酵母對於苦瓜胜肽與澱粉酶抑制影響 100
4.4 添加苦瓜粉發酵 101
4.4.1 苦瓜粉添加時機 101
4.4.2 添加珍珠(M)山苦瓜粉發酵 102
4.4.3 添加花蓮六號(M-6)山苦瓜粉發酵 104
4.5 添加苦瓜粉發酵胜肽變化 106
第五章 結果與討論 110
5.1 結論 110
5.2 建議 111
第六章 參考文獻 112
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指導教授 徐敬衡 審核日期 2020-1-13
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