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姓名 詹竣丞(Jun-Cheng Zhan)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學學系
論文名稱 觸媒式非甲烷總碳氫分析儀開發與驗證
(Design and Validation of a Catalytic-type Non-methane Hydrocarbon Analyzer)
★ 有機薄膜電晶體材料三併環及四併環噻吩衍生物之開發★ 以逆吹式氣相層析法分析氣體成份
★ 氣相層析法應用於工業排放連續監測★ 煙道氣揮發性有機化合物連續監測方法開發
★ 自製新型除水及熱脫附濃縮裝置用於GC/MS線上分析揮發性有機汙染物★ 自製除水器及熱脫附儀用於線上GC/MS/FID揮發性有機污染物之分析
★ 大氣及水樣中揮發性有機氣體自動化分析技術之建立及應用★ VOC前濃縮與預警系統之建構
★ 建立自動化甲烷連續量測系統與其在指示大氣輻射冷卻之應用★ 臭氧前趨物連續監測與臭氧生成之光化學探討
★ 以近連續方式量測空氣中甲烷與異戊二烯及其生成之季節性探討★ 自行架設光化學測站與商業化儀器平行比對及所得資料初步分析
★ 近地表臭氧前驅物分析之前濃縮技術改良★ 自動化噴霧捕捉分析系統之建立與研究
★ 大體積固相微萃取水中揮發性有機污染物★ 空氣中有機污染物自動分析技術之開發研究 壹﹑碳沸石多重床與中孔徑矽沸石之氣體吸附特性研究 貳﹑有機污染物垂直探空光化研究
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摘要(中) 本研究主要針對周界環境中的非甲烷總碳氫化合物 (Non-methane Hydrocarbons, NMHC) 進行分析儀的開發,以及測試在線式熱脫附GC/MS連續監測方法 (簡稱TD-GC/MS) 於監測工業區所排放之有害空氣污染物 (Hazardous Air Pollutants, HAPs)。
依照我國EPA公告之標準方法NIEA A740.10C,現今監測周界NMHC以觸媒法為主要方式,其原理為觸媒於高溫下可轉化除甲烷外之VOCs,因此僅有甲烷會通過觸媒管並流至FID得到甲烷訊號。此外,藉由改變樣品流道,即可使樣品通過空管並獲得總碳氫化合物訊號,隨後由總碳氫化合物濃度扣除甲烷濃度後便可計算出非甲烷總碳氫化合物數值。
此外本研究也將開發出之觸媒法分析儀,與本實驗室先前開發出之流動注射法 (Flow Injection),以及適用於煙道NMHC監測標準方法–層析管柱逆吹法 (NIEA A723.74B) 等三種不同方式之分析儀於實驗室內進行十日平行比對,並抽引鄰近實驗室之空氣作為分析樣品。實驗結果顯示,三者皆具有相似的濃度變化趨勢,相較於流動注射法與層析管逆吹法透過程式對峰面積積分而使變異度大,以訊號差做為定量方式的連續進樣法於總碳氫化合物與甲烷的連續監測濃度圖譜上,具有較為良好的精密度。
摘要(英) In this study, a non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) analyzer has been designed and validated. An online thermal desorption GC/MS method (denoted as TD-GC/MS) was tested in the field to measure hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) from an industrial complex.
According to the Taiwan EPA NIEA A740.10C method, the analytical method based on catalytic reaction is mainly used to measure ambient NMHC. By exploiting the selectivity of a catalyst, ambient NMHC can be measured with minute resolution. In principle, all NMHC except methane can be oxidized by a selected catalyst at high temperatures. The catalyst is chosen in a way that only NMHC can be oxidized and methane is allowed to pass through the catalyst without oxidation and be detected by a flame ionization detector (FID). Subsequently, the total hydrocarbons including methane is measured by FID. Thus, the NMHC signal can be obtained by subtracting methane from the total hydrocarbons reading.
The first part of the research is to develop the catalytic-type NMHC analyzer. At the early stage, Pd catalysts were tested to oxidize NMHC, and the results indicated that Pd catalysts have sufficient selectivity and efficiency in that only 40 mg Pd catalysts were needed to completely oxidize NMHC; thus Pd catalysts was used in our self-assembled NMHC analyzer. However, Pd catalysts were susceptible to being poisoned by halogen-containing species and the catalytic efficiency decreased over time. Alternatively, Hopcalite as the catalyst was used to replace the Pd catalyst in the NMHC analyzer for further testing. The requirement of long-term stability was achieved in the subsequent numerous tests.
In addition, this study also compared three different types of NMHC analyzers of different working principles, including the catalyst-continuous flow type, the catalyst-flow injection type, and the back-flush GC method (NIEA 723.74B) which is designed to withstand high concentrations of NMHC in the flue gas. To test the stability and performance of the three analyzers, they were placed in the laboratory for 10 days measuring air from neighboring laboratories laden with organic compounds. The results showed that the three analyzers displayed similar variation trends. However, the catalyst-continuous flow NMHC analyzer showed higher precision than the other two since the other two methods calculate NMHC concentrations based on peak integration resulting in a poorer S/N ratio.
The second part is to test an online TD-GC/MS method developed by our laboratory near the sixth Naphtha Cracking Complex. The purpose of this study is to test the long-term stability and applicability of the online TD-GC/MS method. In the first monitoring period, a medium polar DB-624 column was used for the analysis. A PLOT column was used to focus on lighter compounds such as vinyl chloride and 1,3-butadiene in the second monitoring period. Similar results were obtained by the neighboring Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS) to effectively validate the robustness of the self-developed TD-GC/MS method.
關鍵字(中) ★ 揮發性有機化合物
★ 非甲烷總碳氫化合物
★ 觸媒式非甲烷總碳氫分析儀
★ 連續自動監測設施
★ 有害空氣汙染物
關鍵字(英) ★ Volatile organic compounds
★ Non-methane hydrocarbons
★ Catalytic-type Non-methane Hydrocarbon Analyzer
★ Continuous Emission Monitoring System
★ Hazardous Air Pollutants
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
謝誌 v
目錄 vii
圖目錄 xi
表目錄 xv
一、前言 1
1-1研究緣起 1
1-2排放情況與法規 5
1-3 VOCs分析方法 9
1-4標準方法回顧 10
1-5研究動機 14
二、連續進樣觸媒法 15
2-1觸媒應用 15
2-1-1觸媒法處理VOCs 15
2-1-2觸媒法偵測NMHC 16
2-2觸媒選擇 17
2-3鈀觸媒催化測試 19
2-3-1測試系統 19
2-3-2測試結果 25
2-4鈀金屬觸媒方法 28
2-4-1連續進樣測試 28
2-4-2觸媒填充優化 32
2-4-3分析系統建置 37
2-5自組裝NMHC分析儀 40
2-5-1儀器開發 40
2-5-2組件控制 41
2-5-3自動化監測軟體 42
2-5-4儀器穩定性 44
2-5-5觸媒耐受性 48
2-6 Hopcalite觸媒方法 51
2-6-1觸媒測試 52
2-6-2實機測試 58
2-6-3儀器穩定性 61
2-7小結 64
三、分析方法平行比對 65
3-1研究目標 65
3-2相關分析方法 66
3-2-1流動注射觸媒法 66
3-2-2層析管柱逆吹法 69
3-3系統數據 72
3-3-1系統線性與精密度 72
3-3-2方法偵測極限 75
3-3-3水氣模擬測試 76
3-4真實樣品連續監測 79
3-5小結 86
四、在線式連續監測系統 87
4-1研究背景 87
4-2研究方法 89
4-3儀器介紹 90
4-4系統數據 95
4-4-1檢量線與相關係數 95
4-4-2方法偵測極限 97
4-5研究成果 98
4-5-1實場監測 98
4-5-2監測結果 101
4-6小結 109
五、總結 111
六、參考文獻 113
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指導教授 王家麟(Jia-Lin Wang) 審核日期 2020-7-9
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