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姓名 陳婕寧(Chieh-Ning Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 網路學習科技研究所
論文名稱 運用差異化教學於國小低年級英語單字複習之嘗試
(An Attempt to Differentiate Instruction on English Vocabulary Review in Elementary School)
★ 探索電玩遊戲頻率對於視覺注意力表現能力的效應★ 代理表現學習模式—以動物同伴為例
★ 常用邏輯句型重組之學習★ 電腦支援國小數學文字題擬題活動初探
★ 解釋數學:透過科技支援創作與討論以增強小學生的數學溝通能力★ 提問式鷹架教學結合數位閱讀寫作系統對國小低年級學生語文能力的影響
★ 數學島:興趣驅動之國小數學線上平台設計與初步評估★ 以「猜擬題」活動增進學生數學文字題解題能力
★ 基於學生練習使用回饋之學習成效預測模型與動態題數練習機制★ 透過主題地圖與寵物同伴促進閱讀更深更廣的書籍
★ 具推薦書籍功能之閱讀島系統架構設計★ 透過學生影片創作進行國小數學學習:趣創者理論之應用
★ 英文單字樂園:學生自創字卡搭配複習機制強化英文字彙學習之系統設計及學習成效初探★ 設計與實作明日寫作系統增進國小學生寫作表現
★ 設計與實踐「提升式寫作」活動以提升國小學生寫作品質與寫作興趣★ TTPR:設計科技強化型全肢體反應為了小學生和國中生在印尼學習英語詞彙
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摘要(中) 國小英語課堂中學生程度差異大是長期存在的問題,在台灣,許多學生於就讀小學前便在私人機構接受英語教育,導致入學後班級中形成極大落差。過去教師常以異質分組方式來縮減學習成就落差。然而,不少研究發現分組的改善效果有限。針對學生準備度設計相對應的教學方式很可能才是改善此現象的根本方法。因此,差異化教學被視為兼容班級程度落差最有效教學方法之一。過去許多研究指出施行差異化教學加重了教師備課負擔,導致教師在教學現場施行差異化教學並不普遍。如何協助教師在較少額外備課負擔下施行差異化教學成為一個重要的議題。
摘要(英) Multilevel classroom is one of the main problems of the English class in public elementary school in Taiwan. This is due to the fact that a number of students have learned English in private institutes before entering elementary schools. Hence, the traditional “teaching to the middle” way may no longer meets students’ needs.
Differentiated instruction (DI) is an approach that aims to design a course to adapt the diversity of students. However, the increased DI teaching preparation burden can cause drawbacks for teachers’ willingness on implementing DI in their classes. Therefore, assisting teachers to conduct DI gains great attention.
In this vein, this research is an aim to design a teaching model of technology-enhanced DI along with the traditional DI strategy on English vocabulary review, which is a picture flashcard CALL system and the traditional DI strategy refers to “tiered activity” and “flexible grouping” in this study. In order to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency, an experiment was conducted. The results of this study addressed that not only students’ learning performance have significantly improved, it may also affect students’ self-efficacy on English learning. Moreover, the response from the teacher indicated that implementing DI strategy benefits the teaching both before and during the class.
關鍵字(中) ★ 差異化教學
★ 科技輔助差異化教學
★ 電腦輔助語言學習
★ 班級程度差異
★ 以英語為外語的學習
關鍵字(英) ★ Differentiated Instruction
★ Technology-enhanced DI
★ Multilevel Class
★ EFL Learning
論文目次 Table of Contents iii
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation and Background 1
1.2 Purpose of the Study 8
1.3 Research Question 9
1.4 Organization of the Thesis 10
2. Literature Review 12
2.1 Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) on Vocabulary Learning 12
2.1.1 Flashcards in CALL 14
2.2 Adaptive Teaching and Differentiated Instruction 16
2.3 Differentiated Instruction (DI) 18
2.3.1 Knowledge and Theory Foundation of DI 20
2.3.2 Components and Features of DI 24
2.4 Implementing Differentiated Instruction in EFL/ESL Teaching 31
2.5 Technology-enhanced Differentiated Instruction 37
2.6 Self-efficacy 39
2.7 Summary 42
3. The System and Course Design 44
3.1 i-Drawing 45
3.2 Tiered Activity-Vocabulary Worksheet 50
3.3 Tiered Activity-Review Worksheet 53
4. Methodology 58
4.1 Experimental Design 58
4.2 Participants 59
4.3 Procedure 59
4.3.1 The Preparatory Stage 60
4.3.2 The Implementation Stage 61
4.3.3 The Evaluation Stage 67
4.4 Instruments 69
4.4.1 Course Material 69
4.4.2 Pre-test and Post-test 70
4.4.3 Self-efficacy Questionnaire 72
4.4.4 Interview 73
5. Results and Discussion 74
5.1 Students’ Vocabulary Performance 75
5.2 Students’ Self-efficacy on English Learning 78
5.3 Interview 80
5.4 Researcher’s Perception on Implementing DI 88
6. Conclusion, Limitations and Future Works 90
6.1 Conclusion 90
6.1.1 Implementing Differentiated Instruction 90
6.1.2 Student’s Vocabulary Performance 92
6.1.3 Student’s Self-efficacy 92
6.2 Limitations and Future Works 93
References 95
Chinese References 95
English References 98
Appendix 1: Performance Test 117
Appendix 2: Self-efficacy Questionnaire 119
Appendix 3: Vocabulary Worksheet (Level one) 121
Appendix 4: Vocabulary Worksheet (Level two) 122
Appendix 5: Review Worksheet-1 (Level one) 123
Appendix 6: Review Worksheet-1 (Level two) 124
Appendix 7: Review Worksheet-2 (Level one) 125
Appendix 8: Review Worksheet-2 (Level two) 126
Appendix 9: Review Worksheet-3 (Level one) 127
Appendix 10: Review Worksheet-3 (Level two) 128
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指導教授 陳德懷(Tak-Wai Chan) 審核日期 2020-7-23
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