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姓名 李芸(Yun Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 網路學習科技研究所
論文名稱 產出式閱讀與興趣式引導閱讀對學生閱讀態度及投入之影響
(The Influence of Production-based Reading and Interest-based Reading on Students’ Reading Attitude and Engagement)
★ 以視覺為主的遊戲空間輔助全身性學習★ 以數位教室環境增進同步遠距教學之臨場感
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摘要(中) 現今全球往來頻繁,人與人之間的交流都需要透過英語,英語也成為了一項必備的能力,但對於學生來說,閱讀僅被視為跟語言科目學習有關的能力,認為閱讀只是為了課業或是擁有好成績,過去大多研究著重探討學生閱讀之學習成效等外在影響,較少探討學生情感方面對英語閱讀的影響,因此本研究透過兩階段不同的英語閱讀活動,探討學生在不同閱讀活動下的閱讀書籍狀況、閱讀投入的變化以及兩階段活動後英語閱讀態度之差異。
摘要(英) Nowadays people worldwide contact frequently. English has become an indispensable language and the main language for people to communicate. But for students, reading is considered as an ability related to language subjects, only for homework or getting good grades. Most of the past researches focused on students’ learning effectiveness, but few of them explored students’ feelings on English reading. Therefore, through two different stages of English reading activities, this study explores the changes of students’ reading engagement and the difference of English reading attitude after two different English reading activities.
The English books prepared for the activities are divided into six levels. 21 students in 6th grade in an elementary school in Taiwan who use English as a second language participated in this study. This study conducted “production-based reading” activity in the first semester, and
“interest-based reading” activity in the second semester. In production-based reading activity, students are divided into groups, and they can choose the English books they want to read and draw the story they read. In the end of this activity, students shared their works on stage. In interest-based reading activity, students are free to choose English books, and tell the researcher what they choose so that the researcher can record. After students finish reading the books, they are asked some questions related to the books what they read by the researcher. If students clearly understand the story, the researcher will give students stickers as a reward. After that, students can continue to choose books to read.
According to the results of this research, in production-based activity, the books selected by students are affected by the activity task. In interest-based activity, male students borrow more books than female students. For students with different prior knowledge, the level of the books what they choose are also different. After two different reading activities, the results show that students’ dislike of English can effectively be reduced. In terms of gender, for male students, English activities can effectively enhance their intrinsic interest and reduce their dislike of English. For female students, English reading activities not only can help them understand more vocabulary, but also reduce their anxiety when they cannot understand the meaning of English words and sentences. In terms of prior knowledge, for low-achievement students, although English reading activities can reduce their dislike of English, but they need someone help them to read. For middle-achievement students, English reading activities can effectively enhance their reading interest, and think that reading English books is less difficult to them. For high-achievement students, they are more concentrate on reading during interest-based reading activity than production-based reading activity.
關鍵字(中) ★ 英語閱讀
★ 閱讀態度
★ 閱讀投入
★ 心流
關鍵字(英) ★ English reading
★ reading attitude
★ reading engagement
★ flow
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的與問題 3
1.3 名詞解釋 4
1.3.1產出式閱讀 (Production-based Reading) 4
1.3.2興趣式引導閱讀 (Interest-based Reading) 4
1.3.3 心流 (Flow) 4
1.3.4 閱讀態度 (Reading Attitude) 4
1.4 研究範圍與限制 5
1.5 論文架構 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1 第二語言閱讀 7
2.2 趣創者理論 (Interest-Driven Creator Theory) 9
2.3 閱讀態度 11
2.4 心流 13
第三章 研究方法 15
3.1 研究對象 15
3.2 研究流程 16
3.3 系統設計 18
3.3.1 iPad繪本館 19
3.4 學習活動設計 24
3.4.1 英語書籍 24
3.4.2 第一階段—產出式閱讀活動 26
3.4.3 第二階段--興趣式引導閱讀活動 29
3.4 實驗設計 33
3.5 研究工具 35
3.5.1 心流量表 35
3.5.2 英語閱讀態度量表 36
3.6 資料收集與分析 38
3.6.1 先備知識分組分析 38
3.6.2 閱讀書籍分析 38
3.6.3 學生狀況分析 38
3.6.4 產出式閱讀活動事後訪談分析 39
3.6.5 心流變化分析 39
3.6.6 英語閱讀態度量表分析 39
第四章 研究結果與討論 41
4.1 產出式閱讀活動及興趣式引導閱讀活動之影響 41
4.1.1 全班學生在產出式閱讀活動閱讀書籍狀況 42
4.1.2 全班學生在興趣式引導閱讀活動閱讀書籍狀況 49
4.1.3 全班學生在兩階段閱讀活動之閱讀投入及閱讀態度變化分析 51
4.1.4 男女生在興趣式引導閱讀活動閱讀書籍狀況 58
4.1.5 男女生在兩階段閱讀活動之閱讀投入及閱讀態度變化分析 63
4.1.6 不同先備知識學生在興趣式引導閱讀活動閱讀書籍狀況 73
4.1.7 不同先備知識學生在兩階段閱讀活動之閱讀投入及閱讀態度變化分析 78
4.1.8 事後訪談與總結 90
4.2 興趣式引導閱讀活動狀況 96
4.2.1 B (M, Middle) 96
4.2.2 F (M, Low) 96
4.2.3 G (M, High) 97
4.2.4 H (M, Middle) 97
4.2.5 O (F, Middle) 98
4.2.6 U (F, High) 98
第五章 結論與建議 101
5.1 結論 101
5.1.1 在「產出式閱讀活動」及「興趣式引導閱讀活動」中學生借閱英語書籍情況為何? 101 產出式閱讀活動 101 興趣式引導閱讀活動 101
5.1.2 在「產出式閱讀活動」及「興趣式引導閱讀活動」中各類學生的閱讀投入及英語閱讀態度變化為何? 102
5.1.3 在「興趣式引導閱讀活動」中全班學生之閱讀狀況如何? 102
5.2 未來發展與建議 104
參考文獻 105
中文文獻 105
英文文獻 107
附錄A 書籍列表 111
附錄B 心流量表問卷 119
B-1 第一階段使用之心流量表問卷 119
B-2 第二階段第二次活動後使用之心流量表問卷 119
附錄C 英語閱讀態度量表問卷 120
附錄D 第一階段產出式閱讀活動個別學生觀察狀況 122
G1 122
G2 124
G3 126
G4 128
G5 130
G6 132
G7 134
附錄E 第一階段產出式閱讀活動後訪談 136
選書的時候我不是有貼顏色嗎,分難易度的,是看那個顏色選書的,還是看書內容或封面選書的? 136
一開始拿到英語書籍的時候,是怎麼開始讀的? 143
在整個閱讀活動當中,最大的成就感是什麼? (繪本創作方面/閱讀方面) 154
在整個閱讀活動當中,遇到最大的困難是什麼? (繪本創作方面/閱讀方面) 160
附錄F 第二階段興趣式引導閱讀活動個別學生觀察狀況 165
A (M, Middle) 165
B (M, Middle) 167
C (M, High) 170
D (M, Middle) 172
E (M, Low) 174
F (M, Low) 176
G (M, High) 179
H (M, Middle) 182
I (M, Middle) 185
J (M, Low) 187
K (M, Middle) 189
L (F, High) 191
M (F, High) 193
N (F, High) 195
O (F, Middle) 197
P (F, High) 199
Q (F, Low) 201
R (F, Middle) 203
S (F, Middle) 205
T (F, Middle) 207
U (F, High) 209
參考文獻 中文文獻
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李杰駿(2005)。Web2.0 英文學習環境之學習成效及心流研究:男女生的比較。國立中央大學網路學習科技研究所碩士論文,桃園縣。
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指導教授 劉晨鐘(Chen-Chung Liu) 審核日期 2020-7-29
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