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姓名 蔡予中(Yu-Chung Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 數學系
論文名稱 次模深度壓縮感知用於空間搜尋
(Spatial Search using Submodular Deep Compressed Sensing)
★ 3D Map Exploration and Search using Topological Fourier Sparse Set★ Evasion and Pursuit Games via Adaptive Submodularity
★ Learning Spatial Search and Map Exploration using Adaptive Submodular Inverse Reinforcement Learning★ Maximal Coverage Problems with Routing Constraints using Cross-Entropy Monte Carlo Tree Search
★ Localizing Complex Terrain for Quadruped Robots using Adaptive Submodularity★ 使用成本效益生成樹的資訊軌跡規劃
★ Map Explorations via Dynamic Tree-Structured Graph★ Multi-robot Search in 3D Environments using Submodularity with Matroid Intersection Constraints
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摘要(中) 因次模函數的各式各樣應用(如物件搜尋、三維地圖重建),其已經引起人工智慧社群的注意,
摘要(英) The AI community has been paying attention to submodular functions due to their various applications (e.g., target search and 3D mapping).
Searching for the victim is the key to search and rescue operations but finding an optimal search path is an NP-hard problem.
Since the objective function of the spatial search is submodular, greedy algorithms can generate near-optimal solutions.
However, learning submodular functions is a challenge since the number of a function′s outcomes of N sets is $2^N$.
The state-of-the-art approach is based on compressed sensing techniques, which are to learn submodular functions in the Fourier domain and then recover the submodular functions in the spatial domain.
However, the number of Fourier bases is relevant to the number of sets′ sensing overlapping.
To overcome this issue, this research proposed a submodular deep compressed sensing (SDCS) approach to learning submodular functions.
The algorithm consists of learning autoencoder networks and Fourier coefficients.
The learned networks can be applied to predict
$2^N$ values of submodular functions.
Experiments conducted with this approach demonstrate that the algorithm is more efficient than the benchmark approach.
關鍵字(中) ★ 次模性
★ 搜尋
★ 壓縮感知
★ 自動編碼
★ 深度學習
關鍵字(英) ★ Submodularity
★ Search
★ Compressed Sensing
★ Autoencoder
★ Deep Learning
論文目次 摘要. i
Abstract. ii
Acknowledgments . iii
Contents iv
Figures vi
Tables . x
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Publication Note 4
2 Relevant Work.. 5
2.1 Probabilistic search 5
2.2 Sparse Regression . 6
2.3 Submodularity . 6
2.4 Learning Submodular Functions 7
2.5 Deep Compressed Sensing . 7
2.6 Multi-layer Convolutional Sparse Coding . 8
3 Problem Reformulation 9
3.1 Learning Submodular Functions via Compressed Sensing. 10
3.2 Learning Submodular Functions via Deep Compressed Sensing . 11
3.3 Learning Submodular Function via Multi-Layer Convolutional
Sparse Coding . 14
4 The proposed algorithms . 16
4.1 SDCS Algorithm 16
4.2 ML-CSC Algorithm 17
4.3 Search Algorithm . 19
4.4 Theoretical Guarantees 20
5 Experiments 21
5.1 Reconstruction experiments 21
5.1.1 Experimental Setup 21
5.1.2 Reconstruction Results vs. Sparsity 26
5.1.3 Greedy Results vs. Sparsity 27
5.1.4 Computational Time 30
5.2 Search experiments . 31
5.2.1 Experimental Setup 34
5.2.2 ETTD and successful rate . 34
References. 38
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指導教授 曾國師(Kuo-Shih Tseng) 審核日期 2020-7-20
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