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姓名 陳佑銘(You-Ming Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 數學系
(A Study On Kissing Number Problem)
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摘要(中) Kissing number problem 吻球數問題(又稱為牛頓數)是問說,在n維歐氏空間中可以同時接觸中心單位球體的非重疊單位球體的最大數量N? 到目前為止,僅當n = 1; 2; 3; 4; 8和24時才知道其確切的值。
這個問題陳說起來很簡單,但是經過數百年,已知的答案仍然很少。1694年,Newton與Gregory之間對3維的吻球數發生了一場著名的爭論。Newton認為12是3維時吻球數的正確答案,而Gregory認為答案是13。最後,在關於3維吻球數的結尾是由Schutte和van der Waerden這兩位數學家在1953年給了我們第一個完整證明,即當維度n = 3時吻球數N = 12。
摘要(英) The kissing number problem asks for the maximum number N of pairwise non-overlapping unit spheres that can simultaneously touch a central unit sphere in n-dimensional Euclidean space. The value is only known when n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, and 24.

This question seems simple. However, for hundreds of years, there are still few known answers. In 1694, there was a famous dispute occurred between Newton and Gregory. Newton believed that 12 was the correct answer to the kissing number in dimension 3. However, Gregory thought it was 13. In the end, Schütte and van der Waerden gave us the first proof of the kissing number in dimension 3, N = 12, in 1953.

During these hundreds of years, mathematicians had developed many ways to approximate the answer. There are some famous methods that are well known. For example, Odlyzko and Sloane′s linear programming solved the kissing number problem in dimension 8 and 24. Moreover, Musin′s extension of the linear programming solved the kissing number problem in dimension 4.

This study presents the linear programming method, and semidefinite programming method. We combine these methods to obtain a way to reproduce the result of the classical kissing number problem by a different method. We also offer the formula of four points semidefinite programming method to be the reference for latecomers.
關鍵字(中) ★ 吻球數 關鍵字(英)
論文目次 Chinese Abstract I
Abstract II
Contents III
1 Introduction 1
2 Linear programming bounds 4
2.1 Notation and definition 4
2.2 Linear programming bounds 4
3 Semide nite programming bounds (SDP bounds) 6
3.1 Notation and de nition 6
3.2 SDP bounds 6
3.3 Computation 8
3.4 Coding 8
3.4.1 Linear programming 8
3.4.2 SDP 9
4 Outlook 10
4.1 Notation and de nition 10
4.2 Four points semide nite programming 11
4.3 Prospect 11
Appendix 13
List of Figures
1 The perfect kissing arrangement for n = 1 [15] 1
2 The perfect kissing arrangement for n = 2 [15] 1
3 The perfect kissing arrangement for n = 3[15] 2
List of Tables
1 List of kissing number[15] and the stars mean the exact answers 3
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[12] Florian Pfender and G ̈unter M Ziegler. Kissing numbers, sphere packings, and some unexpected proofs. 2004.
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[14] Kurt Sch ̈utte and Bartel Leendert van der Waerden. Das problem der dreizehnkugeln.Mathematische Annalen, 125(1):325–334, 1952.
[15] Wikipedia.Kissingnumber—Wikipedia, the freee ncyclopedia.http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kissing%20numberoldid=959780572,2020. [Online; accessed 16-June-2020].
指導教授 俞韋亘(Wei-Hsuan Yu) 審核日期 2020-7-24
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