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姓名 李佳霓(Chia-ni Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 學習與教學研究所
論文名稱 探究師資生素養導向課程之設計能力與改變
(Investigating Pre-service Teachers′ Competence-based Curriculum Design Ability and Transformation)
★ 課室小組討論活動的口語參與-以六名大學師資生為例★ 地理素養教學在台灣中學的教學和挑戰 -以三位中學地理科教師為例
★ 探究課室小組討論觀點——以「課程發展與設計」的師資培育課程為例★ 探究高中生於論證遊戲中的協同論證模式與過程
★ 以設計研究法發展思考程序課程設計原則
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摘要(中) 探究師資生素養導向課程之設計能力與改變
Investigating Pre-Service Teachers’ Competence-based Curriculum Design Ability
and Transformation

摘要(英) Investigating Pre-Service Teachers’ Competence-based Curriculum Design Ability
and Transformation

21st century demands various competencies, such as communication, collaboration, and argumentation skills. This so-called ‘‘21st century competencies (literacies)’’ has become the educational aims of many developed countries. In 2019, the education in Taiwan also shifted its aim towards a competence-based education. However, the success of every educational reform depends heavily on the teachers’ ability. In this research, the researcher seeks to understand pre-service teachers’ competence-based curriculum design ability. Once we learn how pre-service teachers design such curriculum, we know how to train pre-service teachers’ into qualified teachers.
This qualitative case study investigates pre-service teachers’ competence-based curriculum design ability, the researcher chooses 67 pre-service teachers from two semesters of a pre-service class(‘‘Introduction to Principles of Teaching and Learning’’)as research participants. The participants are novice curriculum designers, they would design a competence-based curriculum plan early in the semester, and after weeks of training, they would read their curriculum plan again, and proposes adjustments later in the semester. The researcher specifically seeks to answer three research questions: (1) How would the pre-service teachers design the competence-based curriculum plan early in the semester? (2) How would the pre-service teachers adjust the curriculum plan later in the semester? (3) What are the reasons behind the design differences?
The results show that the pre-service teachers are unfamiliar with competence-based curriculum, and they design competence-based curriculum mostly from teacher’s perspective without considering learners’ learning experiences. Also, they don’t know how to assess competence-based learning. After a semester of training in ‘‘Introduction to Principles of Teaching and Learning’’, the pre-service teachers can do better at designing competence-based curriculum. The reasons behind their change are highly related to design of the class, the reasons include (1) authentic learning, (2) the role-playing practice, (3) the professor’s modeling and guidance, and (4) social interaction and narratives.
The results suggest that pre-service teachers need to have authentic understanding of competence-based learning, and that their competence-based curriculum design ability can be fostered in authentic learning pre-service courses. The researcher concludes with suggestions for future investigations.

Competence-based curriculum, Curriculum design ability, Pre-service teacher education, Qualitative case study
關鍵字(中) ★ 素養導向課程
★ 課程設計能力
★ 師資培育
★ 質性個案研究
關鍵字(英) ★ Competence-based curriculum
★ Curriculum design ability
★ Pre-service teacher education
★ Qualitative case study
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻探討 2
第一節 「課程」的意涵 2
第二節 二十一世紀教育趨勢:對當前教育體制的反省 3
第三節 二十一世紀人才培育方式:學習觀點的演進 4
第五節 重新定義好教師:教師角色與責任的轉變 8
第四節 師資生課程設計能力之相關文獻 9
第三章 研究方法 11
第一節 研究問題 11
第二節 田野描述 12
第三節 研究時間與對象 20
第四節 研究者與研究田野 25
第五節 研究工具 25
第六節 資料收集 26
第七節 資料分析 29
第八節 研究信效度 33
第四章 研究結果 35
第五章 討論 67
第六章 研究對於我的教學的影響 77
第七章 未來研究建議 82
參考文獻 84
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指導教授 詹明峰(Ming-fong Jan) 審核日期 2021-1-26
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