摘要(英) |
In recent years, Taiwanese companies’ efforts in corporate sustainability CSR have gradually increased; while companies are promoting various CSR, they have gradually incorporated their employees into the system to form corporate volunteers. Through the establishment of the volunteer system, the individual companies have participated in a large number of volunteer services and practiced the concept of sustainable operation. At the same time, they have also created learning and self-practice for employees that are different from the work environment. Therefore, this research hopes to explore how, in addition to helping companies achieve corporate sustainability goals, in the corporate culture where CSR sustainable development is the foundation, inviting internal colleagues to serve as corporate volunteers and participate in various volunteer activities Simultaneously improve employees’ organizational recognition of the company, thereby achieving a win-win situation and creating a positive environment for corporate volunteers to participate?
In this study, the regular employees of the individual companies who have participated in volunteer services were used as the survey objects to conduct a structured online survey of questionnaires. The research adopts convenient sampling. The online questionnaire survey period is from January 14, 2021 to February 5, 2021. The distribution targets are those who have participated in volunteer services from November 1, 2018 to December 31, 2020. Now 3,117 employees have filled in, and 662 copies have actually been collected.
The main findings of this study are as follows by controlling the sample’s three demographic variables. The main findings are as follows: Service information transparency helps improve organizational recognition, and there is no significant correlation between the number of service participations; when the service information transparency is sufficient, companies provide incentives for continued participation. And participation motivation satisfaction can help improve organizational identity. According to the findings of the above research, the recommended practical management measures include improving the enhancement and significance of volunteer service messages, designing activities and supporting facilities for the satisfaction of participating in volunteer activities, and designing factors that encourage continuous participation, which will create positive corporate volunteers. Participate in the environment. |
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