摘要(英) |
In the past, people mainly focused on the manufacturing cost, luminous efficiency and color performance of lighting and did not pay special attention to the harm or impact of light sources on the human body. It was not until the research on the effect of lighting on physiological feedback was proposed that people began to pay attention to the color temperature, illuminance and color rendering of the lighting spectrum. Therefore, the manipulation of different lighting factors for the user’s physiological performance and physical condition has become a very important topic in human factors engineering.
This study uses a simulated office environment as an experimental space to evaluate the effects of different lighting spectra on user’s attention level. Lightingscenarios with different correlated color temperature (CCT) or different circadianstimulus (CS) were designed by using the spectrum adjustable light sources. Participants were recruited to perform the static paperwork in the office, while their brainwaves were measured as an objective evaluation. A questionnaire was used as a subjective evaluation tool, and codes written in the MATLAB environment were used for subsequent subjective and objective data analysis.
Nine lighting spectra were designed with 3 levels of CCT and 3 levels of CS, while the task illuminance was fixed at 500 lx. Then, we chose five spectra to conduct two experiments. The first experiment is to investigate the influence of circadian stimulus, and tested three lighting scenarios with a fixed CCT at 5000 K and different CS values at 0.25, 0.35, and 0.45. The second experiment is to compare the effects of different color temperatures, and tested three lighting scenarios with the same CS at 0.45 and different CCT at 3000, 4000, and 5000 K.The collected brainwave signals underwent several processes, including Fast Fourier transform (FFT), empirical mode decomposition, Hilbert transform, probability density function and receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC curve). Finally, the areas under the curves (AUCs) were calculated to be the objective indicators of binary classifications. On the other hand, the scores of the questionnaires were arranged in the order of the lighting environments, and then became the subjective indicators. Both of them were collected into SPSS for the analysis of variance (ANOVA) to check if there was any significance among the three lighting environments, so as to further explore if there were any correlationsbetween the subjective and objective indicators.
The results show that the first experiment (with the same CCT and different CS values) has similarities between the subjective and objective indicators, and scenario one (CCT at 5000 K and CS at 0.25) relates to better alertness level. In the second experiment (with the same CS and different CCTs), the light-source brightness in the questionnaire assessment has significant differences between thelighting environments, though the analysis of brainwaves in several frequency bands shows no significance. The current experimental design and data analysis method shall be applicable to test other lighting scenarios in the future. |
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