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姓名 張立揚(Li-Yang Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 能源工程研究所
論文名稱 移動式顆粒床過濾器應用於去除PM2.5之研究
★ 二維儲槽濾材顆粒流場之研究★ 粗細顆粒混合之流動性質分析
★ MOCVD腔體熱流場與新式進氣檔板之設計模擬分析研究★ 稻殼於流體化床進行快速裂解產製生質燃油之研究
★ 利用CFD 模擬催化生質能在快速熱裂解中碳沉積對於催化劑去活化反應影響★ 反向氣流對微小粉末於儲槽排放行為影響之研究
★ 積層製造自動化粉末回收系統-系統設計及其混合器之優化★ 雙床氣化爐冷模型中CFB入口速度、BFB床高和顆粒尺寸對矽砂之壓力分佈和質量流率的影響
★ 以實驗方式探討崩塌流場對可侵蝕底床侵蝕與堆積現象之影響★ 超臨界顆粒流場中雙圓柱阻礙物震波交互影響之研究
★ 添加微量液體對振動床中顆粒體分離現象的影響★ 不同表面粗糙度的大顆粒在垂直式振動床中動態行為之研究
★ 二維剪力槽中顆粒體群聚現象之研究探討★ 直渠道顆粒流之顆粒密度分離效應
★ 粉粒體於儲槽排放行為及氣泡現象之研究★ 初始體積占有率影響顆粒崩塌行為之研究
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摘要(中) 自兩次工業革命以來,各國的能源使用早年幾乎均以燃煤發電為主,此發電方式對
濾機制實驗結果顯示常溫下系統能以99.85%之過濾效率將氣體處理至平均粒徑1.15 μm,
600°C 下能以95.47%之過濾效率將氣體處理至平均粒徑2.43 μm;經過綜合比對可得出
此複合式過濾系統對含塵氣體之處理效能為:將濃度為12000 ppmw 且平均粒徑53.52
μm 的含塵氣體,以大於95.47%之過濾效率處理至PM2.5 等級。
摘要(英) The demand in energy consumption has grown significantly since the Industrial
Revolution. The major source for power generation has mainly based on coal, and will likely
to remain the domination in the foreseeable future because of its economical attractiveness.
However, the environmental impact of the product in flue gas has attracted more and more
attention. Power companies are starting to apply pollution-controlling subsystems in order to
reach environment requirements.
Regarding some research studying a different kind of granular bed filter, combined with
electrostatic enhancement to improve collection efficiency of fine particles, this research
considers a similar approach. By introducing a second-stage filter (Candle Filter) connecting
with the current granular bed filter, a compound filtration system is developed. The system is
aimed to improve the collection efficiency of PM2.5 particulates under various conditions, which
is considered as a shortage of granular bed filters.
By experiment approach, this research studies the filtration results of the compound system
under different parameters, such as experiment temperature, mass flow rate of the filter media,
etc. The mechanism by which the particulates be removed has also been discussed. The
experiment results show a 95.47% collection efficiency for a dust flow with a concentration of
12000 ppmw, lowering the mean diameter of the particulate from 53.52 μm to PM2.5.
關鍵字(中) ★ 顆粒床過濾器
★ 陶瓷過濾器
★ 中高溫除塵
★ 潔淨技術
★ PM2.5
關鍵字(英) ★ Granular Bed Filter
★ Candle Filter
★ Hot gas clean up
★ clean technology
★ PM2.5
論文目次 摘要 ............................................................................................................................................ I
Abstract ....................................................................................................................................II
目錄......................................................................................................................................... III
符號說明.............................................................................................................................. VIII
第一章緒論 ..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 前言.........................................................................................................................1
1.2 研究動機與目的.....................................................................................................3
1.3 文獻回顧.................................................................................................................4
1.4 論文章節架構.........................................................................................................8
2.1 實驗設備.................................................................................................................9
2.1.1 第一段過濾程序..........................................................................................9
2.1.2 第二段過濾程序........................................................................................10
2.1.3 周邊子系統................................................................................................10
2.1.4 量測設備....................................................................................................14
2.2 實驗方法...............................................................................................................15
2.2.1 過濾機制....................................................................................................15
2.2.2 過濾行為....................................................................................................17
2.2.3 過濾器性能指標........................................................................................19
2.2.4 實驗參數....................................................................................................21
2.2.5 實驗步驟....................................................................................................23
3.1 過濾器各參數之變化...........................................................................................31
3.1.1 進出口溫度及溫度差................................................................................31
3.1.2 顆粒床進出口壓力及壓力差....................................................................32
3.2 顆粒去除效能之討論...........................................................................................34
3.2.1 受濾材質量流率變化之影響....................................................................34
3.2.2 受實驗溫度變化之影響............................................................................35
3.2.3 小結............................................................................................................36
3.3 小粒徑顆粒去除效能之討論...............................................................................38
3.3.1 重要過濾機制及理論介紹........................................................................38
3.3.2 分級過濾效率結果....................................................................................39
3.3.3 小結............................................................................................................41
第四章結論 ............................................................................................................................53
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指導教授 蕭述三 審核日期 2021-10-25
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