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姓名 范海金(Vando Gusti Al Hakim)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 實體機器人於數位學習劇場框架下的設計與實作以及其對情境學習中的學習動機與成效的影響
(Design and Implement a Tangible Robot with a Digital Theater for Situational Learning to Improve Learning Motivation and Performance)
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摘要(中) 在教育戲劇中,學生必須嘗試解決現實世界的問題。然而,在演出過程中,常常沒人注意到演員有犯錯。因此,演員們可能學習到不正確的知識。而且,學生通常不是專業演員,他們的表演,尤其是沒有情緒互動的部分,通常也不會吸引觀眾的眼光。另一方面,因為機器人可以促進好奇心,參與動機與即時性的回饋,它可以做為一個有趣的演員使得教育戲劇更有吸引力。另外,實體的互動可以使得學生以沉浸式互動方式學習,使得學生覺得表演更有趣。因此,本研究提出一個實體機器人作為演員,於數位學習劇場提供的虛擬舞台下的情境學習方法,機器人在劇本中可能擔當導師或守門員的角色,使得學生必須隨時專注於戲劇流程。此外,本研究也提出一個學習方式探討機器人在劇場環境中不同互動模式下對學習動機與學習效果的影響。
摘要(英) When learning in a drama for situational learning, students need to solve the simulated problems are encountered in the real world. However, during drama performing, no one would notice the mistakes made by the actors. Consequently, they might not learn the correct knowledge or learning materials in drama scripts. Also, since students generally are not professional performers, the engagement of student actors on drama performing and audience’s interest on watching may be decreased if the drama activities are not engaging in situational interaction. On the other hand, due to the curiosity, engagement, and instant feedback that a robot can brings, it can become an interesting actor companion to make drama performance more attractive. Besides, physical interaction offered by the robot can make students learn through embodied interactions according to the situation and time, thus making them have fun in performing. Therefore, this study aims to design and implement a tangible robot as an actor performing situational learning with students in the scenario provided by a designed digital theater. The robot acts as a mentor or a gate-keeping guard in learning script, so that students need to focus on learning materials embedded in the drama. Additionally, this study proposes a learning approach to explore learning motivation and performance of students learn with different interaction modes of robot actor within a digital situational learning environment.
In this study, 64 ninth graders in an English as second language course of junior high school Taiwan were employed to learn with a robot actor in a digital situational learning environment. The experimental group consists of 33 students used the digital theater with tangible robot touch interaction, gesture interaction, and dialog conversation. While the control group used the digital theater with robot non-touch interaction, non-gesture interaction, only context-related oral interaction. The experiment results showed a robot with more tangible actions had significant impact on the enhancement of learning performance than one without tangible interaction. Questionnaire results revealed that students’ learning motivation and authenticity were improved when a robot actor with tangible interactive modes was employed inside the digital theater. Also, based on the observations, we conclude that dynamic scenario, robot’s unexpected and randomness feedbacks, evaluation from system, and audience participation may play a vital role to maintain students’ engagement and motivation for long-term use of robot actor with tangible interaction inside digital situational learning environment.
關鍵字(中) ★ 社交機器人
★ 實體互動
★ 數位學習劇場
★ 情境式學習
關鍵字(英) ★ Social Robot
★ Tangible Interaction
★ Digital Theater
★ Situational Learning
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iii
List of Figures v
List of Tables vi
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Motivation 3
1.3 Research Objectives 4
1.4 Research Hypothesis 4
1.5 Research Problems and Countermeasure 5
2.1 Situational Learning 7
2.2 Robots for Learning 8
2.3 Robot Actor in Theater 12
2.4 Tangible Interaction with Robots 14
3.1 Development of Learning Approach 16
3.2 Proposed Learning Model 20
4.1 System Design 22
4.1.1 Extended Digital Theater Design 22
4.1.2 Robot Actor Design 25
4.1.3 Tablet Control Design 26
4.2 System Implementation 27
4.2.1 Environmental Setting in the Classroom 28
4.2.2 Digital Theater App 30
4.2.3 Robot App 32
4.2.4 Tablet Control App 43
5.1 Participants 50
5.2 Experimental Procedure 50
5.3 Measurement Tools 54
6.1 Pre-test and Post-test Sheets Result 55
6.2 Questionnaires Independent Sample t-test Result 58
6.3 Observation 61
6.4 Discussion 62
7.1 Conclusion 65
7.2 Future Work 65
References 67
Appendix I. Drama Scripts 73
Appendix II. Pre-test and Post-test Sheets 77
Appendix III. Questionnaire Sheet 78
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指導教授 蔡宗漢 陳國棟(Tsung-Han Tsai Gwo-Dong Chen) 審核日期 2021-3-18
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